The Google Site Search Operator


Often I get asked about how to check if your site has been indexed.

WA will tell you that the site has been indexed but sometimes it is nice to know what posts and pages have been indexed.

Did you know that Google will tell you all of the content that has been indexed on your site?

The technique is called the site Search operator and it is pretty simple.

In a Google Search window enter the word site followed by a colon and then the site you want to check. This works for your site or any site.

So a search for my site would look like this:

*Note: make sure there are no spaces after the colon and before your URL.

This will return all of the pages and posts that are indexed in the Google SERPS. It will not tell you the ranking but it will indicate if a page or post has been noticed by the Google Search Engine.

You can also check in Google Console to see the indexing status but frequently the number returned in the GC won't be accurate. So, the site search operator is a good way to get accurate results.

Hope this helps.

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Hi there
well done and thanks for posting
very interesting

Thanks! :)

thanks. That made me realize that I had not added CEO headlines and Description to all my posts...:-) Now I have set up my post-list to show SEO Title and SEO Description in screen options, so that I don't forget it again..:-)

Good to see for myself how much of my site has been indexed.

There is also some training on this. Here is one I wrote a while ago

just want to point out. In the tutorial you wrote. If people put the site search in the way you explain it won't work. You need to make sure there is no space before the URL and the http is not used.

Thanks for pointing that. Annoying typo lol.. fixed

I got indexed today so this is great to know!
Thank you for posting this at the perfect time :)

Yet, more great info to ad to the pot! Thank you.

Thanks for sharing

Excellent reminder... thank ya' so much, Craig!

Thanks for he inner workings on google Craig!

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