About ClydeColes
Rank 2852
428 followers Joined February 2017
My name is Clyde and I am a retired firefighter from Corpus Christi, Texas.. Currently my wife and I are traveling the world as





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asked in
Getting Started

add a user to my web site

Hey Clyde,

Here's an easy to follow video tutorial: Hope this helps you.

Log in to your site, and then from your dashboard go to Users along the left side and click on Add New.

Thanks Eric!

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How do I add a user to my website?

How do I add a user to my website?

asked in
Getting Started

add a user to my web site

Hey Clyde,

Here's an easy to follow video tutorial: Hope this helps you.

Log in to your site, and then from your dashboard go to Users along the left side and click on Add New.

Thanks Eric!

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

My wife has a wonderful blog on blogspot.com that she has worked on for six years. She has some good numbers as far as hits and followers.

Can this blog be transferred

Good question

Hey Clyde,

Doing a quick Google search for "can i export my blogspot domain name to another host" (without the quotation marks, of course) I discovered several posts offering suggestions. You might benefit by running the same search and reading through a few of these to learn what your best options might be.

Hope this helps you.

Thank You so much for taking the time to do this for me


You can move her blog over to WA, but I honestly don't know how it would affect her following and her current traffic.

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How to move a blogspot blog to my blog on wa?

How to move a blogspot blog to my blog on wa?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

My wife has a wonderful blog on blogspot.com that she has worked on for six years. She has some good numbers as far as hits and followers.

Can this blog be transferred

Good question

Hey Clyde,

Doing a quick Google search for "can i export my blogspot domain name to another host" (without the quotation marks, of course) I discovered several posts offering suggestions. You might benefit by running the same search and reading through a few of these to learn what your best options might be.

Hope this helps you.

Thank You so much for taking the time to do this for me


You can move her blog over to WA, but I honestly don't know how it would affect her following and her current traffic.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I am doing some research on keywords Here are two research results

what's a keyword research tool avg=4106 traf=699 QSR=4 SEO=90

free seo keyword research tool

I'm thinking it's maybe because of the stop words "what's" & "a" in the one that looks better. I've read that stop words basically get dropped in a google search so google would pull up results for "keyword research tool", and with the second keyword being more specific with no stop words, I'm thinking that's where the higher grade comes from. Not for sure, just my first take.

OK, this is weird, we are being taught to use long tailed keyword phrases. But when we find something that looks good on the Jaaxy, they are not even using the full phrase?

OK I did this, I tried it WITHOUT the A and here are my results

what's keyword research tool avg=4106 traf=699 QSR=0 SEO=92

When you do the search minus both stop words and just do "keyword research tool" you get a completion of 333. That's probably why the lower grade. Both "what's" and "a" are stop words so it's getting a lower grade because "keyword research tool" by itself is much more competitive.

Well you'd want to find a long tail keyword that doesn't have that many stop words is all. "Free SEO keyword research tool" is a pretty decent long tail keyword and much less competitive than "keyword research tool".

So, what's the answer?

I thought I had a wonderful long tailed keyword phrase of "what's a keyword research tool" with hardly any competition. Now, when I drop the "stop words", The competition is astronomical1

Right. And you were wondering why it got the lower grade and it looks to me like that's why... I've found keywords that appear off the charts with 6 figure traffic and single digit competition, but it's misleading because of stop words so you have to factor that in. In this case, the better long tail keyword is actually "free SEO keyword research tool".

I guess, the way I will have to use Jaaxy, is to pay more attention to the SEO rating. Look at it first and then the others. I just pulled up a list of Stop words and it is humungous! I have to say it is all very misleading when you look at AVG, Traffic and QSR.

Check out this link, this is a frigging "Game Changer".


well, you don't need to worry it too much. it's really mainly for those keywords that have crazy amounts of traffic and almost no competition. That's when my red flags go up and I realize something's probably up. But for the majority of your keywords, as long as you stick to the root words like "free SEO keyword research tool" you're good. You can always add "best" or "top" or "in 2017" as qualifiers in your title that can help when people search with those qualifiers, but you're basing your keyword research on the root :)

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Question on using jaaxy how does the seo section work on?

Question on using jaaxy how does the seo section work on?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I am doing some research on keywords Here are two research results

what's a keyword research tool avg=4106 traf=699 QSR=4 SEO=90

free seo keyword research tool

I'm thinking it's maybe because of the stop words "what's" & "a" in the one that looks better. I've read that stop words basically get dropped in a google search so google would pull up results for "keyword research tool", and with the second keyword being more specific with no stop words, I'm thinking that's where the higher grade comes from. Not for sure, just my first take.

OK, this is weird, we are being taught to use long tailed keyword phrases. But when we find something that looks good on the Jaaxy, they are not even using the full phrase?

OK I did this, I tried it WITHOUT the A and here are my results

what's keyword research tool avg=4106 traf=699 QSR=0 SEO=92

When you do the search minus both stop words and just do "keyword research tool" you get a completion of 333. That's probably why the lower grade. Both "what's" and "a" are stop words so it's getting a lower grade because "keyword research tool" by itself is much more competitive.

Well you'd want to find a long tail keyword that doesn't have that many stop words is all. "Free SEO keyword research tool" is a pretty decent long tail keyword and much less competitive than "keyword research tool".

So, what's the answer?

I thought I had a wonderful long tailed keyword phrase of "what's a keyword research tool" with hardly any competition. Now, when I drop the "stop words", The competition is astronomical1

Right. And you were wondering why it got the lower grade and it looks to me like that's why... I've found keywords that appear off the charts with 6 figure traffic and single digit competition, but it's misleading because of stop words so you have to factor that in. In this case, the better long tail keyword is actually "free SEO keyword research tool".

I guess, the way I will have to use Jaaxy, is to pay more attention to the SEO rating. Look at it first and then the others. I just pulled up a list of Stop words and it is humungous! I have to say it is all very misleading when you look at AVG, Traffic and QSR.

Check out this link, this is a frigging "Game Changer".


well, you don't need to worry it too much. it's really mainly for those keywords that have crazy amounts of traffic and almost no competition. That's when my red flags go up and I realize something's probably up. But for the majority of your keywords, as long as you stick to the root words like "free SEO keyword research tool" you're good. You can always add "best" or "top" or "in 2017" as qualifiers in your title that can help when people search with those qualifiers, but you're basing your keyword research on the root :)

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