Is your site Mobile Friendly- Should you care?
It seems that Google is testing a new feature.
Mobile friendly websites may get a boost in the SERPS.
If you aren't using a responsive theme, now is the time to change over.
For those that don't know, responsive themes will adjust the layout of your site for the device that is viewing it. So your site will look one way on a desktop, another on a tablet and yet another on a phone.
Do you want to know if you are Mobile Friendly. Google has even provided a testing tool.
It pays to check. This could be a game changer.
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Definitely worth it to have a responsive theme. The number of people using their phones and tablets is only going to increase. You can choose to make it easy for people to view your site or have them squinting at a full desktop webpage on their 4" screen. I know which I'd buy from - the site i can read without going blind.
It is only going to become more important as time passes to have a mobile friendly site.
I implemented one for a client, they increased their traffic by 30% from their mobile customers.
Hi Labman, I have read that they will not only prioritize mobile friendly sites but will heavily weight sites that look exactly the same on any device. They want it to be a fluid user experience from one device to another. Mirror sites will not be given priority. A list of good and bad major company sites was given as examples but I don't quite remember now. Thanks for bringing this up!!
Interesting to note about the mirror sites. Google itself provides a mirror site for mobile compatibility.
Yeah, I thought that was a bit odd for mirror sites too. I am guessing it means they are moving towards that. If I can find the article again, I will pass on a link.
What a great tool! I wasn't sure if I would be mobile friendly or not, happy to know that I am. You have to be mobile friendly in this day and age. Thanks, Labman. :)
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Thanks Craig, for this info. As you rightly say, this is very important - appreciate the testing tool:)
Glad you found it helpful.