Content or SEO First


I was browsing my notifications this morning and came across a question in the SEO activation training. The question seem to be should you write content or should you do the SEO first.

The answer is yes.

I know, that's a bit ambiguous, but the answer is that both should happen at the same time.

So here's my process for creating a new post on my site.

I start at Jaaxy. I have an idea for something that I want to write about, so I do a bit of keyword research and I find a good keyword to target around that subject. I go into this in a bit more detail in the training that I did way back in the dark ages.

That post doesn't really look at SEO, but Jay has that covered in his 10 steps training: and provides a good checklist of things to take care of once you have completed your article.

What I will usually do is create a first draft, often I will do this inside the Google Drive/Google docs. Then before a copy and paste into my website, I'll take a look at the keyword and see how it fits into what I've written. Often by doing the research first. I have a good idea of my first paragraph and title so the keyword has already been included in those. Of course, choosing that keyword sets the context of my post so often there are additional keywords that have found their way into the content, but I don't focus on those, I just focus on one keyword.

So now I've done a first draft, and probably am a good way through the second draft. While I'm checking for keywords and content. I also fix any grammatical and spelling errors. Now I'm ready to publish.

So then I get out Jay's checklist, I publish the post to my website and then I go down through that list. Often I will create my own YouTube video of between two and five minutes, but if not I'll find something that someone else is done that doesn't seem to have too obvious a call to action in it (I don't want people to use his call to action instead of mine).

You can certainly just publish content and not be concerned with who will find your site but the whole point of this is to get traffic. I know when you're just starting out, you just want to get stuff up. Starting on the right foot and getting the process down early will pay off in the long run.

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Thank you. Very helpful.

great advice Labman all the best

Thanks Labman, I can always use help in all areas. Going to start using your ideas. Deanna

This really does make sense.

Very good article. It's kind of similar to my approach. First I get an idea for my article's topic. Then I head to, to make sure that not only does my article contain several keywords that will rank on the first page on Google, but even the article's name and title will rank among the top 5 or top 10 results on the first page on Google. Picking an article name/title that will have very little competition, is key in getting visitors. That's exactly how I have increased traffic to my website.

Thanks Labman for the inspiration.


I know we should guard against over use of the keywords (ie. keyword stuffing), but recently my posts have involved LPGA golfers whose names I have used in my title. The piece sounded very strange if I focused on not using the personal name (too many shes and hers) so I allowed it in order for the content to sound more natural.

Natural is better.

Very clear good advice! I will follow and learn as I go! Hope you don't mind! Chris

Why should I mind? Feel Free.

Wow that's a lot of good information I have just started this journey and there is so much to learn sometime it's mind boggling but I like reading every bodies blogs because I would want every one reading mine but finding a subject to write on is hard and I think I found mine . My dad has Alzheimer's and I think there are a lot of people out there that have parent's or loved ones who would like some information on this dreadful disease and I know a lot about it. I can't really give them medical advice but I can give them information and point them in the right direction. So what do you think comments appreciated. Thanks and good luck!

Many of us have or have had parents in that situation. Informing the other's is a good idea.

There is much research available and ongoing in this arena. Don't know how you would monetize it though. Perhaps a better pill dispenser. It is a sadly under developed niche in pill scheduling/dispensing.

Thank you for the input and good luck!

Funny, as soon as I saw the title of your blog in my email notifications, I headed over here to answer exactly that ... "YES" ... lol. And for the same reasons you give here in this well put post.

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