MAX OUT Your Productivity Using This SIMPLE Brain Hack!


Hey Everyone,

Kyle here, bringing you a fresh dose of Monday motivation. Today's topic is something that resonates with entrepreneurs —leveraging the natural ebb and flow of our mental energy to max out productivity (across every activity). It's about understanding and aligning with our brain's peak performance periods to make every hour count. Let's dive into how we can be productive, even on autopilot.

In this video, we'll cover:

  1. Understanding Your Brain's Peak Hours: Uncover how to identify the times of day when you're most intellectually and creatively charged.
  2. Task Alignment Strategy: Learn to match the complexity of tasks with your peak and off-peak brain performance hours for optimal productivity.
  3. Personal Insights: I'll share my personal schedule and how I pinpoint my prime hours for high-level tasks versus more routine or mundane activities.
  4. Creating Your Productivity Plan: Tips on documenting and analyzing your day to discover your own patterns of brain activity and energy levels.
  5. Enhancing Daily Output: Practical strategies for allocating tasks effectively throughout your day based on your mental energy cycles.

The concept isn't about working more hours; it's about working smarter by aligning our tasks with our natural cognitive rhythms. Whether you're creating content, brainstorming business strategies, or tackling routine support-side duties, knowing when to do what can significantly boost your efficiency and effectiveness.

Remember, not all hours are created equal. By tuning into our body's natural productivity cycles, we can achieve more with less strain, turning even our "brainless" moments into productive ones.

How do you manage your daily tasks in alignment with your energy levels? Have you noticed patterns in your productivity throughout the day?

Share your strategies, questions, or any tips you might have on maximizing productivity.

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Hi Kyle:

Thank you for another useful information on how to manage our time, especially with our business.

I was at home for several months and took the opportunity to work diligently on my business. It was easier to manage my time and be more productive. Now, I'm back at work spending 16 hours preparing for work and completing my shift (12-hour shift, 2-hour commute, etc).

If I'm off one or two days in the week, I'm catching up on household chores and sleeping before I have the energy to do my online business. In that case, my peak performance is after getting the rest I need to revitalize my brain and body.


Exactly!! I have been doing that for a few years. HOWEVER, I need to do better tracking.
I write what to do in my Daily Planner the night before in a list format. I am going to add the time and keep those appointment as close as I can. Thank You!

Yeah, you don't have to track every day, and just being conscious of the fact that during different days there are higher level productivity hours than others, then you are going to naturally make better use of your time. :)

You might be onto something; there could indeed be a peak time for everything. My peak time for writing is early in the morning, right after I wake up. The earlier, the better, my brain thrives in the quiet. Nevertheless, I take any opportunity I get to write during the day. Determining the optimal time for other activities, such as watching a training video, is still a puzzle that I need to solve - quickly. Thanks for bringing this concept to my attention.

Yes, absolutely Kundi. Utilize your highest brain power activities during the hours in which you are utilizing your brain the most. :)

Hello Kyle

Over the years I have experimented with writing my content at different times of the day, so what I found out is that between 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm are my best times.

I just seem to be more creative and alert during this time for writing, so I encourage everyone to experiment with their writing at different times until they find what works best for them


I do at times build experiences and stability in mind and welfare.


Nice, it seems like you have this strategy down Jeff. We all have our pockets of time where we have "full brain energy" and this can be dictated by our activities throughout the day.

One thing that I find is that no matter the time of day, I am always at my peak right after (and during exercise). So I can exercise at 10pm at night, or noon, and during and post that exercise I am going to have most of my brain power back...perhaps another hack.

Great to hear you are already implementing this strategy! :)

Good timing and advice for me,
The brains make pre plans and active in right timing, me by experience,



This is the same time frame that I have for my best work times for content output, Jeff.

Great minds?


I find this information interesting because my peak times have changed over the last five years. Before my accident, my peak time was early morning to early afternoon, and I started winding down later in the afternoon, and became less productive. Since I was displaced from the workforce because of my disability five years ago, my peak time has flipped. My least productive time is early morning and I find myself more productive late afternoon to late night. And, since then, I now stay up until 1-2 am while sleeping later and doing better, performance wise, later in the day.


Yeah, they will change and evolve based on your surroundings, your duties throughout the day, and they can even alter on a day to day basis.

So this is certainly something that will fluctuate, but you will know when you are at your peak and when you are at your lower brain power thresholds...and do the appropriate tasks during those hours.

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