How to Create a New Category in Hubs


Hey Everyone!

In this quick tutorial, I'm going to show you how to add new categories within your hub, an essential step in organizing and scaling your niche website. Using my 'Skillful Basketball' hub as an example, I am going to show you just how easy it is to expand your website's content and structure.

This is something that you are going to be doing as you build out and expand your website.

Here’s What You’ll Learn in this Video:

  1. Understanding Initial Categories: Learn about the ten initial categories automatically set up in your hub and their purpose in providing content ideas.
  2. Adding New Categories: I’ll walk you through the simple process of adding additional categories to your hub, which can spark more content ideas and enhance your website's framework.
  3. Keyword Clusters: Understand the concept of keyword clusters or topic clusters that form when you create new categories, and how they contribute to better search rankings and showcase your expertise.
  4. Practical Example: Watch as I add a new category, 'Vertical Leap' in basketball, and instantly receive ten new content ideas relevant to this topic.
  5. Scaling Your Site: Insights into how adding categories helps in the continuous growth and development of your niche website.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand the content on your current niche site, this video will guide you through creating new categories efficiently. If you have questions or need more tips, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Happy category creating, and remember, I'm here to help if you need anything at all! :)

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Interesting video Kyle. I find it amazing that you can customize your categories to find new ideas for content. As I am fairly new, I have an abundance of ideas from my hub.
I do not understand the concept of categories and hashtags or tags. I know they help your pages and posts be found, but where do they come from? For me, it doesn't make sense, or at least it hasn't been explained so that I completely understand. I find that within explanations there is a huge assumption that we understand all of the aspects the explanation is talking about. It is not articulate enough for me.

Hi Mike,

Often the wordpress website will have some insights into questions we have.

This may be of some assistance to you:

All the best

Hashtags are used in social media posts :) To attract the right audience to your business pages and groups.

The core training within hubs cover social media marketing :)

Thanks for this Kyle. I am enjoying having the 'hub' a part of my life!! It is my second day using it properly and really, I am having more fun. I have a good feeling about this for myself in terms of indexing too. With the built-in categories and subheadings, I'll never run out of ideas and it has made my life a whole lot easier. Thank you so much :)

You will never run out of ideas, and if you do you can simply create more Categories or use the Add an Article feature within hubs and continue to get more and more ideas. There is unlimited opportunity within every niche and we are going to help you explore that. ;)

Love this ❤️ thank you 😍
Great time saving functionality built into Hubs to help target and speed up research and content ideas.

@kyle - if I wanted to focus in on, and write content specifically based on the Google search suggestions 'people also ask', is that covered/identified in one of the niche research folders (at the bottom of the page in Hubs)?
If so, which one!
Thanks 🙏

Those specifically aren't covered, but there are lots of ideas that you can gather from there...and when you use the Add an Article feature within Hubs, as you type it is going to reveal the "TOP" search terms in Google.

So using both of those together and building out your website, you are going to be able to access a plethora search rankings through time.

Thanks @Kyle - I appreciate your wisdom and guidance 🙏🎯
It may be worth considering including a 'People also ask' topic list in a future iteration of Hubs if viable. Especially if up to 20% of searches on Google are new, and Google is showing what else is getting searched for (that may be easier to rank for) that isn't getting consistent search volume yet to show in the 'top' searched terms.
Thanks for your consideration 🙏

Thanks Kyle. I have a question regarding making menus on my website. Do you recommend using the 10 categories in hubs as the actual names of categories in my menu on my website and then within each of those categories the 10 posts? If I do that, will the menu look cluttered?

You can absolutely use those as the names of the categories in your menu, it is there to help offer you guidance as your structure and ideas that you could put within that structure.

Ultimately it is up to you though, and you only need to put the headings that you want in your menu...the ones that make the most sense for your navigation. ;)

Hi Kyle!

Thanks for another great tutorial about adding categories. Greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,

No problem Nichola, you can build out your categories as you build out your business, or if you are just looking for a new topic cluster to leverage, you can take advantage of this. ;)


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