Create Affiliate Marketing Success in the Golf Niche (with Callaway)


Hey Everyone,

Today I want to focus on how to craft a successful affiliate marketing campaign, and I want to use an real life example within a niche that I am actually quite passionate about (but am not very good at), golf.

Today, we're featuring the Callaway affiliate program. Callaway is a leading brand in golf clubs and balls to illustrate what the affiliate marketing process looks like and the potential it holds for those interested in the golf niche.

In this tutorial, we'll cover:

  1. Discovering Affiliate Programs: A walkthrough of finding and joining Callaway's affiliate program, showcasing the ease of starting an affiliate partnership with top brands.
  2. Commission Structures: Insight into how affiliate programs, like Callaway's, offer commissions—ranging in this case from six to nine percent—based on sales generated through your website, incentivizing higher volumes of traffic and sales.
  3. Setting Up Your Affiliate Site: Exploring the steps to integrate affiliate links into your content, driving traffic to Callaway's website, and earning commissions on sales without handling any inventory or customer service.
  4. Real-World Example: A look at how a WordPress site promoting Callaway golf irons not only ranks in Google but also effectively uses affiliate links to guide potential customers to make a purchase, demonstrating the affiliate transaction from start to finish.
  5. The Breadth of Opportunities in Golf: Discussion on the vast array of products you can promote within the golf niche, from apparel and drivers to golf technology and even trips, highlighting the expansive earning potential.

Affiliate marketing in the golf world offers a lucrative path for those passionate about the sport and knowledgeable about the products, and there are a lot of "facets" to this niche that someone could target. With brands like Callaway opening their doors to affiliates, the opportunity to create a successful online business within this niche is immense.

Do you have a good idea of the products you can promote in your niche through affiliate programs, their commission structure, and have you mapped out your path to earn 6+ figures yet? Share your experiences, questions, or any challenges you've encountered in the comments below. Let's navigate the "fairways" of affiliate marketing success together.

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Hi Kyle,
Thanks for the info. I love golf and have been playing for years at a good standard , I am looking into building a website in this niche. I have noticed that its now possible to purchase a TLD domain name with a .golf extension.

Should I stick with a .com or purchase a .golf domain? Are there any benefits with a .golf domain over a .com ? Surely a .golf domain would look more attractive in SERPs etc or for ranking reasons would a .com be better?

Hi Kyle,
It is an awesome video.
in order to join affiliate program either here or amazon or click bank or any other platform? Should I create new website for each or how it works?
And please How I could save this video for future, I m still kind lost
Thank you

You can promote MANY different products/services from one website, through time this could be 100's of products on ONE website.

So you don't need a new website for each, but the affiliate programs that you are joining should be relevant to your niche. ;)

Thanks to you, Kyle, for inviting me to watch your golf niche example of how the Affiliate Marketing process works. I have watched a demonstration of the process elsewhere but your example has been quite simple and and more straightforward to comprehend.
With my new website currently in progress, I am not quite ready yet to put into practice what I have learned today. Nevertheless, I feel encouraged to read comments from WA community members who already have the expertise and can enlighten me more from their personal experiences and achievements. I haven't yet searched but am confident that there are at least a few webinar tutorials that newbies like me could benefit from if and when we find the time to search WA's vast vault of recordings accessible to members. I look forward to responses and feedback from my readers. Thanks and best wishes.

You are going to get there very soon, and you can start thinking about some of the best and most relevant products that will align with your content, and your niche.

You can aim for some of the higher commission products, as these will reap the most rewards, but it will also depend on what is the best fit for your audience. This may change from article to article. :)

Thanks for your encouraging comments, Kyle. I seriously need a morale boost at this stage of my first journey into the overwhelming global market of voracious help hunters. I am gradually picking myself up as my readers keep reminding me that they have been in my shoes before and made it in the end. God bless.

No problem Kwesi, and it sounds like you are doing great! :)

This is the kind of post I'd like to see more of. Furthermore, I'd like to see more details. For example you touched on the commissions for Callaway being in the 6%-9% range. Are there other golf companies that have affiliate programs that you know of?

I'm with you about not being good at golf. I assume that's what you meant. I began playing when I was 11. I'm 70 now and I still play like I'm 11. I no longer keep score. When I do play, I do it for the exercise and camaraderie with my son or whomever I'm playing with, which is rare.

With that being said, I'm working in two niches-Adult Education English as a second language and senior citizens-money making. I'm not really clear or even familiar about affiliate programs in either niche. I'm affiliated with some companies that are already doing what I want to do but so far, nothing happening there. I'm not sure what else and/or where else I should be looking. As for the senior/making money niche, other than promoting WA, I have no idea what else to promote.

At the moment, I have my hands full just trying to produce content for both of my sites. I've got 87 on the education one and about 37 on the other.

I'm open to feedback and/or suggestions.


I can promote basically any golf product/service that exists through affiliate programs. If the brand itself doesn't have an affiliate program, a store selling those particular brands/products will.

In respect to your niche, I highly recommend that you search in Google (you can use the Promote tool here as well to search through over 10,000 affiliate programs) for specific products, services, and brands that you want to promote. Remember it is all about relevance, so on a article per article basis, you might be promoting different products.

In google, search for:

affiliate program + brand_name
affiliate program + topic_or_niche_name
affiliate program + product_service

Of course replace the latter part of that search with appropriate details, and you will be able to find lots of ideas.

Yes being open to feedback enlighten your mind set
Nice to have you at wA
Visit Rwenoris state the snow mount.

Thanks Kyle! You gave me an idea. I sell river cruises and was looking for an angle to sell a golf cruise on the Danube River in Europe. LOL

Really cool, there are people that travel the world for golf, and people that golf typically have money as well. So it is a niche with high commercial value and intent. :)

Yes they do. On a river cruise they can take a non golf partner with them. That person can enjoy Europe while they golf. LOL

Sounds like a natural fit! :)

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