How I quit my job to earn full-time income online thanks to WA
Is it real that one can earn full-time income from internet? How does one replace his or her current job and earn a full time income online? When I joined Wealthy Affiliate University a while ago. I was just a newbie to internet marketing. In my blog post to I will share the main challenges that I faced as a newbie and how I have manged to overcome them. This day I happy for the decision i made I now earn full-time income online thanks to WA training.
I will share with you 3 main factors that will sky rocket your income online. I understand some day you may want to fire your BOSS. the 3 key points I will discuss about is Cash, Credibility & Clients. One you have these things in place you will attract money and Wealthy affiliate helped me accomplish that.
When I started as a newbie I always had a dream to earn online. I joined a number of online programs. Instead of me making money I ended up losing money. My salary at work was not enough to look after my self and my family. I was working on a very tight budget, it was so disappointing to become part of a program and in no time the program vanishes. I have spend a number of hours trying to figure out ways to make money online. Well i couldn't balance losing money online and my family. When u are a newbie cash wont be enough thats why one needs to work their way up before they just quit their job.
Upon realizing the the loses i have been making in online schemes. I then shifted my mind from investing in programs but invest in education and mentor-ship. WA mentored me and educated me the real ways of making money online. It took me close to a year to complete all the education at WA. Even though I completed all the videos here I will forever remain a member.
After investing in mentor-ship and education WA helped me with the following
1. Creating my first website
2. Creating traffic from social media Youtube and are my favourate. I created a huge folowing using the two platforms.
3. Started doing program reviews
and so on
All these activities led me to built CREDIBILITY
When you starting out as a newbie no one know about you. No one trusts you and its ok. There were many times when i would try to put my idea across to a number of people with no success. I did videos, reviews, social media sharing following WA training.This helped me to built credibility with a number of people in my country and beyond. this is how WA helped me overcome this biggest challenge that most newbies face.
These activities led me to have CLIENTS
In order to make money you need to have people buying from you. As newbie, how do you get people buying from you? WA helped me establish my self as an internet entrepreneur expert through blogging and social media. This allowed me to overcome the clients challenge. I am just monetizing my list over and over again.
I hope this post was helpful , I am grateful for WA.
It was one of the tough thing to do, getting on with a niche. I had to write down 100 ideas on how i can make money online. without knowing it I found myself doing just 2 of the the things i had written down.
Now I have been able to quit my day job. I am in the information marketing niche. I find people with talent from different parts of the world. With their help I do video training series and e-books to guide people on how they make money. I add the videos and e-books to a paid membership website that i create using wordpress.
A good example is there is a lady that makes money by outsourcing her skills on . I asked her all the steps that she does on up work to make money. Thats the information I sell. Then we split profits. I have been able to establish different mebership websites on diferent topic
Did I leave anything ? please comment below
looking forward to hearing your success story.
Recent Comments
Inspirational bro.. I'm so happy for you!
May I ask you something? I have invested in myself as well amd joining WA is the latest investment in myself ... I see my mentors very successful & I would love to create an information product to sell as well... I've been thinking long and hard and I still do..
There's no way I could copy any of my mentors and sell an information product in the same niche as them... as for me this is unethocal and i value my relationship with my mentors more than anything else (nearly everything else) lol , but what they taught me is what ive become good at.. so how did you choose an info product that was unique? I guess this is my question....
P.S. Because you also have to be an expert and good at what your selling and show your customers your successful in what you teach, but everyone who's successful pretty much learns from a mentor.... so how do people not copy their mentors?
You get me?
great question. Its almost not impossible not to copy your mentor... infact you model your mentor you do what they do and u get the same results . I believe that any mentor would be grateful to see their students excel. Because your (testimony success story) alone can give them a lot of business .
I think its ok to copy your mentors . the market is so huge. to get clients.
I have become good at marketing so i look out for talented people in most cases talented people don't have marketing skills.
So i go into a joint venture with them.
they teach people their expertise. I record the videos and that how i learn too
Really inspiring. I am also planning to fire my boss in the near future! Love the idea of membership sites too. It's something that is definitely in my plans. Thanks for the inspiration!
wow, that's very impressive. Bit out of the box niche compared to most others. I'm in two MMO's both are very different from each other, both are very scalable and profitable. I can't fire my boss yet, but it's in my 5 year plan. I'm half way through my 1st year so plenty of time.
Inspiration here! Thanks for sharing mate, My dream is to go full time too, working hard for that! :)
Nice post! very well writen, as I was saying on the chat, I'm starting to see the 'make money online' pattern a lot here!
cheers and GL!
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Great post to start the day at WA