What's in a Domain name?
So, your domain name should set the tone for your web site. This should be the "theme" so to speak in plain languge and give your site life. It should also be something that says who you are as it's owner and make it stand out from the rest. I understand these principles. What I need to know is....Is there a creative person out there that can help me with my domain name. The way I understand it I should be able to link and host all my websites on or in my domain. So, everything I am putting in the search bar is taken which means I need help to think outside the box.
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I am doing things as my course training instructs...I am purchasing a domain at the time it instructs me to do so.
Gooddogpokey gave you a lot of good advice, but the best part was to do your course training before you do anything else.
Kris: Please remember that each website IS A DOMAIN NAME. You can't have a website without a domain name or URL. So I think you are on the right path but somehow you see the domain as something MORE than it really is. It is simply the name of your website. You are correct on the other items you mentioned.
Please understand that it is difficult to help you with your domain name without knowing what your niche is all about. If you don't have a niche than it would be ridiculous to try and come up with a domain name. For example, if your niche is going to be a very specialised breed of Huskey dog (from your profile picture) you might have a domain name like http://whitehuskeydogs.com. However, if your niche is the latest in female Spandex workout clothing, calling that website http://whitehuskeydogs.com would not make sense. You must follow Kyle's training and do first things first. DAN
What I would suggest is that you ask the community to share URL's with you of their successful WA Affiliate promotional sites. There are many of them and most make fairly decent money. Once you look at ten or twelve of these sites (and take notes) then let's discuss your notes and see if together we can come up with a good domain name. For certain, the sky is the limit and seeing what others have done is a good start. For example kris@working9to5isadogslife.com. That might get you some looks. You have so much to do so move like the wind. DAN
Here is some training that will give you some insights and perspective on domain names Kristina. Create a Website on Your Own Domain Within this training I walk you through the process and explain the benefits of owning a domain name. Hope this helps!
Each website you have must have it's own domain. You can have internal and external links to and fro, but they are all separate domains. Hosting has to be done by a main server like wa hosting or namecheap or godaddy. You can't host your domains unless you are a server.
I hope this gives you some answers from the way I understand the question.
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I have my domain. ...thanks for all the help everyone! !!!!:)***~~~