The Season of Change
I have come to the age where I understand that change is inevitable, and I even embrace it, especially when it comes to the seasons. I tend to complain if it stays hot for too long in the summer or cold for too long in the winter, but here in the Midwest U.S. each season changes just when I’ve had about enough!
The first photo was taken a couple of weeks ago when the trees were showing off their multi colored outerwear before shedding it in preparation for winter. I love the smell of drying leaves and the crunchy sound effects of walking through them.
There are usually days or even weeks at a time when I can leave my windows open, the temperatures are warm enough during the day and just cool enough at night.
And then, today, this...
The first flurries are starting, and the squirrels and birds are gorging themselves on the newly filled feeders. We are looking forward to about 2 inches of snow by tomorrow morning. This is just enough the stick to the grass and trees for a bit of play, but will melt quickly off the streets so shouldn't interfere with nervous drivers!
My dog is so excited she is nearly beside herself...she LOVES snow.
So to everyone who is afraid of change, or dreads uspetting their routine, or doesn't necessarily look forward to winter...just remember nothing stays the same forever, either good or bad.
Happy Thursday from Kansas, USA!
Kyle Ann
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Reaching out to you from sunny St. Croix, US Virgin Islands.
Happy Thursday afternoon.
Thank you for sharing, KyleAnn.
We had some flurries this week and have a thin coat of snow. Things are constantly changing. Sometimes so quickly we have a hard time keeping up! But as long as we know that things they are "a-changin'" we at least have the benefit of not being surprised (as much!).
Have a great day!
Best wishes,
Karin :)
All white? Incredible!
Last week we were freezing
and now temperatures went up beyond normal
Almost summer time
We like change if it ends a bad situation, but if it’s something we like we don’t want it to end!
oh, and I meant to mention the seasons where I live in central Ca. we have "oh it's in the 70's" most all year long. LOL
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Nice words of encouragement and a timely reminder that nothing does stay the same forever - as we well know here in the Midwest, things can drastically change in as little as 15 minutes!
I too am enjoying this first real snow of the year!