About KoKo777
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225 followers Joined November 2019
My name is KoKo. I'm ready to start earning a montlhy income. I have a Masters Degree in Adult Education. In 2021 my plans





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Each of my post have been published on Google. I need serious help in order to move forward with my website. Any and all help is welcomed ad needed!

What exactly do you need help with?

Hi. I published my website but on Google my website is listed several time by each post. Some says error message.

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Website content all over the place?

Website content all over the place?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Each of my post have been published on Google. I need serious help in order to move forward with my website. Any and all help is welcomed ad needed!

What exactly do you need help with?

Hi. I published my website but on Google my website is listed several time by each post. Some says error message.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi Anita. Your site comes up with a 404 error. You need to contact site support and they will help you fix this issue. Jim

JKulk1 thank you for your answer

The link you have posted is an Archive Link and contains the default Hello World post. If you have deleted this post it will automatically disappear from Google over time. However, you can submit a removal request via Google Search Console, if you want to speed the process up. Also, I would suggest that you configure All in One SEO to not index your Categories, Tags and Archives etc, I.e. only your Pages and Posts, to prevent any duplicate or thin content from being indexed.

Hi, ChrystopherJ thank you. :)

ChrystopherJ can you help me remove this?

What has this got to do with what your website looks like as per your Title?

What do you mean?

Looks like Google indexed that page before you completed it. Maybe submit the page/site again to Google to reindex it.

Thank you, Mark

I did redo the page and was indexed a second time but the new page doesn't show up.

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Why is my completed website showing up on google like this?

Why is my completed website showing up on google like this?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi Anita. Your site comes up with a 404 error. You need to contact site support and they will help you fix this issue. Jim

JKulk1 thank you for your answer

The link you have posted is an Archive Link and contains the default Hello World post. If you have deleted this post it will automatically disappear from Google over time. However, you can submit a removal request via Google Search Console, if you want to speed the process up. Also, I would suggest that you configure All in One SEO to not index your Categories, Tags and Archives etc, I.e. only your Pages and Posts, to prevent any duplicate or thin content from being indexed.

Hi, ChrystopherJ thank you. :)

ChrystopherJ can you help me remove this?

What has this got to do with what your website looks like as per your Title?

What do you mean?

Looks like Google indexed that page before you completed it. Maybe submit the page/site again to Google to reindex it.

Thank you, Mark

I did redo the page and was indexed a second time but the new page doesn't show up.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

After having issues with my site, that are all corrected. I am still showing up on Google but it says Wordpresss then goes int my site. It is not a good look online :) Can I co

If you are referring to how your websites pages/posts are appearing in the SERPs then no, there is no one who you can contact directly. You will need to wait for them to re-index your pages/posts to pick up the new content. You can help this along by ensuring you submit your Sitemaps to GSC along with using their URL Inspection tool.

You would do best to contact Site Support within the Help Center on the left-hand menu within your WA dashboard. They should be able to help resolve the issue. You may also need to contact Wordpress, but I'd start with Site Support. You'll likely get it done there.

Can I contact google about my sites look?

Can I contact google about my sites look?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

After having issues with my site, that are all corrected. I am still showing up on Google but it says Wordpresss then goes int my site. It is not a good look online :) Can I co

If you are referring to how your websites pages/posts are appearing in the SERPs then no, there is no one who you can contact directly. You will need to wait for them to re-index your pages/posts to pick up the new content. You can help this along by ensuring you submit your Sitemaps to GSC along with using their URL Inspection tool.

You would do best to contact Site Support within the Help Center on the left-hand menu within your WA dashboard. They should be able to help resolve the issue. You may also need to contact Wordpress, but I'd start with Site Support. You'll likely get it done there.

asked in
Website Development & Programming

What do I do with this? Its above my site content.

You need to create some categories for your posts

Exactly as Martin mentions, you need to create categories and assign your posts to the appropriate ones. That way, by not having any posts assigned to Uncategorised, it will never appear on your website.

ChrystopherJ. Thank you:)

You need to create categories in your Wordpress dashboard when you then write content you can assign the content to a relevant category.

Trust this helps :)

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What does uncategorized mean above my titles?

What does uncategorized mean above my titles?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

What do I do with this? Its above my site content.

You need to create some categories for your posts

Exactly as Martin mentions, you need to create categories and assign your posts to the appropriate ones. That way, by not having any posts assigned to Uncategorised, it will never appear on your website.

ChrystopherJ. Thank you:)

You need to create categories in your Wordpress dashboard when you then write content you can assign the content to a relevant category.

Trust this helps :)

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