You've Just Created a New Website. Now What?

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You've just launched a new website. Congratulations! Now it's time to start thinking about how you will promote your site and attract visitors. In this post, we'll share some tips on getting started.

There are many ways to promote a new website, and the best approach depends on the target audience.

However, before people can use any of these methods, the site must first be indexed by Google. It can be done in many ways, including submitting a sitemap to Google and setting up Webmaster Tools. Once the site is indexed, other methods can be used to promote it, such as social media marketing and search engine optimization.

A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on the website. It will be submitted to Google and helps the search engine spider index the site. Google can then place your site on a map of the web and can know how many pages there are on it. The more pages you have, the more likely you will get a high ranking in search results.

However, a site's landing page is crucial in search engine optimization. It is the first page on a site that users will view after searching for something relevant to them. It is where users land after clicking on the website and result in search engine results. And it is what Google will use to judge the quality of the website and its content. Therefore, creating a landing page that gets users involved and makes them want to explore more of the site is crucial.

Many tools, including Google Analytics and Hubspot, can help track the site's performance. You can also promote a site by submitting it to yahoo and bing websites and using Google Ads. These can also be used to measure the effectiveness of the site. When setting up a website, giving it a unique name is vital. This will allow it to be accessed easily by users.

SEO is a long-term strategy; it will take time to bear results. However, you can start by setting up a blog on the site, engaging in social media marketing, and placing relevant keywords. Once you achieve a high rank on Google, people will naturally find your site; you can see an increase in traffic.

Some standard website promotion methods include search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and email marketing.

Whether starting a new website or trying to breathe new life into an existing one, getting indexed by Google is essential for attracting visitors. While there's no guarantee that Google will index your site immediately, you can take steps to improve your chances. One of the most important things you can do is create great content. That means writing articles, blog posts, and web pages that offer value to your audience.

In addition, you can do what you can to make it easier for Google to find and index your website. That's where a title tag comes in. A title tag is a single line of text that appears in bold at the top of a browser. This text shows up when you search through Google, appearing prominently in any search results or on a Google SERP (search engine results page).

Another important aspect of SEO is optimizing your website, which will help Google better understand what kind of content you're providing. For example, you may want to consider creating tags or keywords that help identify specific topics on your site. A common misconception by new website owners is they believe they need to create original content, which is not the case. You can use other websites as resources for content, as long as you provide attribution.

When someone places a webpage in the index, that page is given a unique URL (or unique address) that Google uses to find. It's important to understand that the URL you see in your browser's address bar is not necessarily the one Google sees.

When you enter a URL into a search engine like Google, you're not being shown the original or canonical name of the site (the same name that appears in the browser's address bar).

Another key is to build links to your site, preferably from authoritative websites that Google trusts. It involves using the correct anchor text with your links. If the concept of SEO is new to you, check out these four articles in the Search Engine Guide. They explain SEO in clear, easy-to-understand language: You've learned SEO basics and developed a website with great content and relevant links. But you're still not getting listed by Google. Why?

At the very heart of SEO is the user experience. Google wants to deliver the most relevant content and service possible, so it's vital that, as a site owner, you understand how to make your site worth visiting. You can improve your site's user experience in four key areas.

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The web page anatomy is the basic layout and organization of your site. You can also try to submit your website to some of the top "alternative" search engines, such as Yippy, Brightbill, and Quack. Getting started with SEO is pretty straightforward. Here's a helpful Platform Wealthy Affiliate for newcomers to the field.

Experimenting with different promotion techniques to find what works best for your site and visitors is essential.

When you're first starting, it can be tempting to wait for Google to index your site before you begin promoting it. However, this is a mistake. It would help if you did a few things before submitting your site to Google. First, make sure that your site is well-optimized. This means including relevant keywords in your title and throughout your content. You should also have clean and organized code; Google will penalize sites with messy code.

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This is what I have spent the last 2 weeks thinking about.
How each of my 3 sites are going to move forward, what methods of promoting and tweaking some of the things that I have already done.
If viewed purely as content production my output hab been pretty poor wth only 4 or 5 posts over the last 3 weeks. “ hab” obviously I haven’t been concentrating on spelling skills either but I have cleared a lot of cobwebs and have a pretty defined approach to moving forward.
Change and challenge will be my partners for the next few months.

Excellent comment! I like the "change and challenge" partner! I will add that to my list. Thank you!

I still need to set up a landing page, Kevin! Thanks for the reminder and an excellent post, my friend!


You're welcome!

Always appreciated!

This is a lot of great information. I had not heard about the alternate browsers you mentioned.

Thanks for stopping by!

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