But sometimes when I would be talking with someone I didn't know well, and the topic of conversation was one in which I felt pretty well versed, I would find myself thinking that I really knew more on the subject than the other person. Of course that was only from my perspective. But because I had that thought, I would kind of mentally dismiss the person. The fact that they may well have known a great deal more than I did about everything else, really wasn't a consideration. I didn't give myself the chance to find out. And so I ended up being the big loser.
If I had just gotten out of the way of my ego, I would have likely benefited in numerous ways. And who knows, the other person may have benefited from what I could have brought to the table. Hopefully I've learned a little over the years. And at the top of the list is the realization of how limited my knowledge actually is. (Being in WA has certainly emphasized that fact.) So, here's to a little humility!
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I have never yet met anyone I could not learn something from. Whether a street sweeper or a multi-millionaire. We become wiser as we learn from our mistakes. Welcome to the club! :-)
Oh you optimist. How I wish I learned from my mistakes - instead of making them over and over again. Every time I think I'm a little wiser I realise yet again that it's going to be a life long learning curve,.
Did not learn from my first mistakes Beverley, it took a while, but thank the Lord it eventually got through. As for being an optimist - is there any other way to be? :-)
People tend to protect their own ideas by not letting new ones infiltrate them. I think at some point we all fall victim to this. Often times people that have no interest in a subject or no stake in it can provide some really great insight. I think we all need to keep our ears and eyes open far more.
Great post. I have been at this Internet biz for 10 years and I absolutely know that I could learn a lot about this business from you or anyone else here. The minute I lose that is the minute I would stagnate any personal and business growth opportunities.
good post..actually I learned this about other people at an early age...because I grew up very poor there was an expectation that if your were poor you were not as smart as other people...I've proved people wrong time and again..better learning late than never...I've met those people also...
I've certainly learned that here! Jumping into something that I had absolutely no understanding or concept of how it worked. I'm learning everyday, and enjoying it. But it has come with the price of humility for sure! Good luck on your continued success!
The good news is... you are not alone. We have all learn that lesson, in one way or another, at some point in our lives. The question now becomes... how are you going to use that knowledge about yourself to become everything you can be and more? My bet is... you will use it wisely. See ya at the top! :)
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Well said, Kipper and, like Theo said, there is no one you can't learn something from. It is a lesson many of us learn much too late in life. But, better late than never. Cheers