One Product Review Can Make You Thousands (2 Tips To Get You There)

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It takes just one. One product review to make 4 figures.

If $1000 dollars from one review sounds good, then keep reading.

I am no super affiliate, yet :) But I am having success with one product review.

It’s crazy.

And perhaps I got a little lucky.

Because I had NO IDEA what I was doing when I wrote that review almost 2 years ago.

I just followed the training here.

Yet, its making money today.

It broke 4 figures last year in 2019, and it continues to make sales in 2020.

All it takes is one.

Here’s what I've learned from this success.

Tip #1: Target Sub Products that Have Less Competition

My product review's target keyword is a sub product keyword. It’s not a keyword for the main product, which is WAY more competitive.

I made the right decision targeting a lower competition keyword. My blog is small (peanut size) compared to other blogs in my niche topic area.

Yet, with the low hanging fruit review keyword, it's on the first page of search results.

When researching keywords, use Kyle’s “alphabet soup” method to find the less competitive variations.

Watch how this works here. Then leverage the alphabet soup functionality in Jaaxy.

Don’t take this step lightly. Do this research part thoroughly.

Don’t accept “I can’t compete for this product”.

Keep researching until you find options. They do exist.

The results will likely include more words and be considered a long tail keyword.

And that’s perfectly fine. They can still make you thousands.

An example of this point is:

  • iPhone Review vs iPhone 11 Pro Max 6.5 Inch Display Review

Tip #2: The Skills you Learn Today Can Absolutely Pay You BIG Later

As mentioned earlier, this one product review is almost 2 years old.

I had no idea two years ago, that this one product review would actually make me money.

But it's my most money making product review to date.

I know it's hard to invest time in something that pays you later.

So, this is a gentle reminder that your work today can you in pay you BIG in return down the road.

My product review is just one example of this scenario.

Another example is my recent post, Save Yourself $5,624 with Wealthy Affiliate.

Here I list another example of how guys who were (one still is) members here at WA have gone on to create a business in selling ready-made affiliate sites for others.

Some of the sites have pretty nice price tags, because of the niche topic popularity the website focuses on.

This company is practically selling their skill set they've learned from Wealthy Affiliate and likely other affiliate and internet marketing training sources.

The website for sale mentioned in the post had a $6,000 price tag.

That's a lot of money for one site!

Their example just goes to show you how BIG you can sell your skills for.

Start with writing review posts. Get even more wins than I currently have.

Then look at reselling your skills for even more money, like those guys and many other WA members here.

The point of this tip is to keep your head down. Keep writing content and product reviews.

Keep learning and trying new things. Learn what works. Learn what doesn't.

You just don't know when your break through will happen. But it will never happen if you stop writing, live in doubt and call it quits.

And you don't really know how much money you can really make with affiliate marketing, until you do it.

You can leverage these amazing product review templates from Nathaniell here.

Utilizing templates like these can help you create these product reviews faster.

So, stick to it!

    And let's all make 2020 count :)

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    Recent Comments


    Hi Kim. Your training is awesome! Congratulations on your successful product review.

    I also studied Nathaniell's posts and took Kyle's training as you referenced, and I have a question specifically for you, if you don't mind.

    I'm currently at the point of Kyle's training where I'm writing my first product review, and I've researched keywords for my review, which I'm trying to base on what you said about using sub product keywords and low hanging fruit.

    My niche is Sleep, and I want to do a product review on a certain type of pillow for side sleepers. Can you please tell me if my post Title for my review looks like what you mean by low hanging fruit, and a long tailer?

    I've come up with, "What’s the Best Pillow for Side Sleepers - Made With a Gusset Sewing Technique”. My keywords are "What's the Best Pillow for Side Sleepers", and then the specific type of pillow. What do you advise?

    The keyword stats from Jaaxy are: 3196 544 35 Great 86

    Thank you so much in advance, Kim. I value your advice with my choice. I'm following you now and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    If it's helpful to look at my website, the URL is posted in my profile area.

    Hi Joanie!

    Thanks for the nice compliments. Appreciate them.

    Those are really nice numbers! And that’s definitely a long tail keyword. Good job for taking the time to find those.

    This keyword seems to check the boxes. Next step is to post a quality post with it and see what happens.

    There was another keyword you can consider for post # 2. Your first keywords + neck pain. Numbers were smaller. You can try both and see what happens :)

    Keep us posted!


    Thanks for your response, Kim. I appreciate your advice for my article, and for perhaps a second article.

    Have a great rest of February!

    You too Joanie! Good luck with your posts!

    Hi Kim,
    I really needed to read this today, because I have been depressed all morning although I tried to resist it. Although I will not quit - that is not an option for me - I was wondering if there was something I was doing wrong. I don't know how to increase SEO besides website comments and social media. I am writing down goals, tasks, and solutions, and I'm always writing content.
    Your post today gives me hope!

    Thanks for chiming in here Christine! I know it's hard. Just keep going. The more you keep going, the more you increase your chances of getting a breakthrough!

    Then once that breakthrough happens, you still keep going, lol.

    Hang in there. You can do it!


    Thanks Kim! I'm hanging in there. I don't throw in the towel. I keep on going :-)
    Thanks for the motivation :-)


    Brilliant blog post Kim, very inspiring and helpfil. I have bookmarked the links you enclosed to watch / read this morning, as I like most others who read this, can related to this and after all, like the saying goes "Success Leaves Clues"

    Very well done on your earnings from your blog post. It highlight another reason why those who follow the bootcamp and lessons taught here, by applying them, enjoy success and become Wealthy Affiliates

    Thanks Dave! Glad to have you chiming in here. And helping you and others who take the time to learn from others. I do that everyday :)

    No problem your very welcome

    Thank you so much for those little nuggets, Kim! I joined WA a few months back but became overwhelmed at the mountain that I found in front of me. Then a couple of weeks ago, I was on some site that was selling what you are talking about, for that huge price tag. We have all of the training, support, resources, and practical experiences "Kimwolfe" to teach us everything we need to know to get to the top! And what I see with so many members is the desire to truly bring others along with us to the top. There is plenty of room with how much money Google is pouring into the market! Thanks again and keep up the great work!

    Yea, this stuff can definitely be overwhelming at times. Just keep things simple for now. The training here does a good job of this. We are the ones that get distracted by thinking we need to do everything else under the sun, which is too much to do at once.


    An excellent overview- and some reminders as well. It's good to keep them in mind and imagine how much those reviews can pay big dividends down the road.

    I know for beginners (including myself at five months) find it hard to believe, but you make a great point. You never know when you'll have that breakthrough moment. The main point is to stick to what you're doing, run through trial and error, and learn from your mistakes. That's how you make progress, and eventually success.

    Thanks so much for sharing! Kudos to your success- all the best on your continued journey.


    Thank you Eric! I wish you all the best in your own successes as well. Hopefully, we'll see a success post from you soon!

    See more comments

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