New day! New way!

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Well Ken again..

still trying to create a blog everyday.. I'm getting better at spelling and grammar. yesterday I went apple picking at at orchard(a big one at that ) I wouldn't stop talking. the ride there and back lol.

I did have a lot of different ideas for my website I think ill promote some camcorders, cause skateboarders love filming themselves so try can prove they landed it and of course make money. I landed a bunch of tricks and I learned one everyday I skated, that was a goal to learn something new everyday.

so Im getting better at these blogs let me know what your up to and what they feel like blogging about. Ken

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Thanks for the info bro

Just a FYI, Grammarly is AWESOME, for spelling, grammar etc. Thre is a free version, but I use the paid version. Its important to have a clean post free of errors :-) just a thought I throw out there.
and you have everything else you need right here, HUBS, and the Ai Writer, keep up the good work .

Thats the one! I use it and love it...

me too :-)

Yes, it’s great now! At first it was not so good but they’ve improved it massively!

Hey Ken,

You sound passionate about how the process, learning skateboarding tricks, helped you become a better skateboarder. So, the question is, do you want to direct that passion into writing about where to find the best camcorders to use while skateboarding? (Of course, your website!)

If I were a skateboarder growing up in today's social media environment, I think I'd want to find a good cam, like the GoPro, which means I'd be on the hunt for where to buy one. I think this is a great idea! Not just the camera, I would want to know where to buy the best fastener, or belt kind of device, that's utilized to hold the camera in while I skated. I think you have a nice niche here!

Hi Johnny. your right learning tricks on a skateboard was one of my passions. I never gave up injuries or not... well till I broke my back now I'm done like dinner.

As soon as I get back into the city I'm going to help newbies on the board. Old or new. thanks for the reply Ken

Hi Ken. If you haven't already, get the free Grammarly extension, and you won't have to struggle with spelling and grammar—just a thought.


Hi Daverh. I downloaded Grammarly just trying it to work on my browser. I think I got it working. there are 4 things I got wrong already lol. maybe it'll help thanks :)

Camcorders are a great idea. For skaters, I would recommend a GoPro because they are tough and can take the abuse if properly protected.

Good Luck Ken!


go pros work or a fish eye camcorder

Whichever. The goal will be to create valuable information about it for your readers. Tell them why you think it will solve their problems or make their lives easier.

I personally love GoPros. So it would be an easy sale! lol

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