Are you getting trouble choosing a NICHE?

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I've been chatting with a couple WA members over the past few months and there seems to be a recurring issue with many newbies and even some of the not-so-newbies.

The main issue is that they are having difficulty choosing a niche.

And while the training does help, some people still feel a bit lost. I know that I was also in that same boat a few months ago.

For me, it was not being able to concretely figure out what I was passionate about and whether what I was interested in was actually financially viable and economically feasible as a business.

I sat for hours contemplating what I liked and didn't like - playing the guitar, watching TV, hiking, singing and a few other things. But even though these were my interests, I can't say that I was overly 'passionate' about them to be able to turn them into a full time online business. And that seems to be the similar story of other WA members.

So I was wondering, when it comes to choosing a niche, what is (or was) your biggest challenge, problem or frustration?

Your story may be completely different from mine or exactly the same. But I'm really curious to know what was your #1 pain point concerning choosing your niche.

Maybe we could use this info to get Kyle or Jay to develop some more training to address some of our issues. Who knows?

Looking forward to hearing from you in the comments below.

Bye for now.



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Niche finding will become easier if you work from categories.
See a few examples below:-

Being an expert at something

Look at each category and see how many niches you can find from it and then select those you are most comfortable with.

Thanks so much, Johnson for your response. I was really looking for your personal experience. What struggles, problems or frustrations have you experienced in selecting your niche. Or was it a breeze for you? LOL



Hi Kevon,
Let me assure you it was not a breeze by any stretch of the imagination. I struggled to understand what my niche could be.
There are so many things we could do, but are any of them what we have a passion for?
I happened to have a background in food and this is an arena where without passion you are almost certain to fail. You hear of thousands of people going into food business simply because they think they can cook - (passion).
I was in the courier industry and also in double glazing, but these are jobs where you trade in time for money and passion does not come into it.
To understand my niche, I looked at categories where I could find my niche and then narrowed it down like the example in my previous reply.
Hope this answer gives you more clarity on the challenges I faced when looking for a niche.

Thanks Johnson for such a thorough reply. I really appreciate it and it was a big help.



I think the way you go about niche finding is take the interest you have like guitar, hiking, or any interest you like, do research on each, say you have 4 interests do the research on the 4 and find out for yourself as you research the niche which one interests you the most. I personally do not look at the money side of it while I research the niche, because that can start clouding the issue. do your research first.

Thanks for your response Gus.

I've already chosen my niche, ubt I was wondering what the struggle was like with other WA members? What was your biggest challenge in choosing your niche?

Thanks a mil


Hi Kevon, I realize that, Don't we all have something we are particularly interested in??..we all have that inherent desire to do something or be something and that would be the niche. I suppose we are all different I guess and for some it is difficult ??...For me I have always had an interest in motivation, spirituality the universe so that was always going to be the niche I would gravitate towards.

Hi Kevon,
It took a while for me to choose my niche. I was afraid it was too narrow or too broad.
Also, I want my niche to be something I would enjoy researching and writing about. I didn't want it to be boring or just another job.
I think the biggest thing for me, was finding something I would have fun doing.
You know what they say, "If you enjoy what you are doing, you wil never work a day of your life".
Good luck, johnny.

thanks, Johnny for sharing your experience. It can be a real challenge.

Wouldn't it be great if we had some sort of tool that could guide us in finding the right niche?

best of luck


I like this blog because it is important. Many of us have this same issue including myself when I started this the first time around two years ago. I decided to give it another shot with a different perspective on my 'niche' problem. Here is what I did this time, build a website about who I am and who I want to become. If there is anything that I can talk or blog a lot about it's myself, my experiences and what I have learned up to now and what I want to become.
For me that is the key to giving me content for my websites right now and even though I just restarted, the results are better than the first time.
Good looking out Kevon!
I hope my insight helps giving others ideas.

Thanks David.

I guess now your challenge is monetizing your site?

You got it sir!

had a list, but try going on the net and having a look around.

Thanks for sharing Edwin.

Let me see if I understand what your approach was. You developed a list of intersts? Then you did some research on the Internet to see what would make sense? Was that your approach? Did you have any challenges?

Thanks a mil


Nearly, just checked with Google what was popular, so that my website name would rank easier. The first site I had I wound up in competition with government and other top firms.

OK I see. Thanks for sharing...

Hi Kevon, For me, it was simple in that I came to WA with the interest in a particular and looked to WA for the training and guidance on how to develop the website. I wouldn't sweat it too much. I am sure you will come up with a niche that interests you soon enough. Good luck.


Thanks a mil for sharing Wayne.

I already came up with a niche but I was just wondering what the struggle was like with other members. I get asked this question a lot and just wanted to be able to help other members in the future. The insights so far have been somewhat helpful.

All the best


What do you think is your interest?

Choosing a niche comes to deciding whether a person would enjoy spending time without ever being paid for it.

That's a good way of looking at it, Glen.

Was that the approach you used? Did you have any frustrations or challenges deciding? Or did you just know off the bat?

Thanks a mil


Hi Kevon...I think this is an important post, b/c it can be so challenging if someone has had diverse interests. Although I've been in business and healthcare and have done many different things, I have a heart for helping trauma survivors. So that's the kind of site I'm doing right now.

Wondering how I could monetize a site like that, I decided to start writing content. As I did keyword research and wrote posts, ideas on products and services I could share to truly help my clients began to surface.

Thanks for the post! :)

Thanks for sharing Colleen.

Yes, monetizing your interest is the big question of the day. You may have an interest but that does not mean that it automatically can make you money.

I found the few things I am passionate about in life and looked at what I could create a niche from them as. An example is I love hockey always have, super broad so my niche would be the Vancouver Canucks, Even that could be too broad so let's scale it down again to info on Canucks Prospects. I hope that helps

THanks David,

I looked at your niche and i think you picked a winner. Congratulations.

Keep at it. And remember, "the name of the game is to stay in the game until you win the game' So never quit.

All the best


That's a quality quote mate! much love and onwards and upwards. lets get it!

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