A Shorts Victory

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Best Results Yet

I've tried valiantly for a long time to gain traction on my websites by making YouTube videos to no available.

I recently learned about shorts.

Yesterday, I recorded and posted an introduction short for each of my two websites.

Within a few hours, I'd received more than 400 views on one them and more than 100 on the other.

That may not seem like a great number to some but to me, it's HUGE!

I don't think I have 500 views on all my previous YouTube videos combined.

So, I've become a fan of shorts and I look forward to Jay's upcoming series about shorts. The time is impeccable.


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Focusing on shorts certainly sounds like a great idea Bob!

Great going my friend and all the very best moving forward! :-)

Thanks. :-)

You're most welcome my friend! :-)

I’m not being a negative downer here, but this is something to give thought to…

I watch A LOT of YouTube Videos, BUT very rarely (if ever) visit the website of the creator. Reason being, there is usually no easy click path to the website.

How are you making a direct connection to your website from the YouTube videos?

Links in Comments??

Basic YouTube SEO is to put the url to your site and/or post in the description which creates a direct link. That's what I do.

In this case, additionally, I wrote the url to my site on the white board behind me in the short.


Hey Bob, well done on your achievement! It would be best if you focused on shorts as well as long-form videos. Make them about 8 - 12 minutes long, you need a minimum of about 8-minute videos to get good Adsense earnings. You also obviously have to do the SEO for every video and get the score to at least 85% but the closer to 100% the better. Use long-tail keywords and they must be very relevant to your topic. If you need help with your YouTube channel, we can discuss it here or on my profile.

Thanks HeinV. I need all the help I can get. I've learned quite a bit lately and want to continue making YouTube more integral in the growth of my business.


That is awesome Bob, Congrats!
Once I get my income producing sites up, I will have to look into YouTube.
Thanks for sharing and Have a Great Day!

Hi Chuck, yes, there's a lot of activity there. I encourage you to check it out.


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