How to pay for Your WA Membership - Earn Whilst you Learn


There has been a lot of debate recently, about how to find ways to pay for your wealthy affiliate premium membership so I am just going to jot down a few ideas here.

1. My first suggestion would be contact any member who is earning a living full-time and ask them if there is anything you can do to help them run their business. Make it clear that you don't want salary you simply want to learn and get your premium paid. This may encompass any number of jobs from keyword research to writing articles or building websites.

This has advantages on many levels it's always good to have a mentor above you in the pecking order and also a mentee below you in terms of knowledge. It often crystallizes ideas in your own brain if you have to explain them to somebody less experienced.

It's an advantage if you find a mentor because they will oversee your progress.

2. Ask 10 friends or family members to give you five dollars a month in return for a small task.

3. Use the leverage of large companies. Have a look on eBay and Amazon. Generally Amazon is cheaper than eBay and it is possible to sell a product on eBay that you have bought on Amazon to make 20 to 25%, less PayPal's commission charges. Before you set about this task make sure you use the same country for both searches that way you can take advantage of the fact that there is free delivery on goods over a certain price. In general you should expect a net profit between five and 20% using this method.

4. Workout one thing within your budget that costs an average of $12 per week and then cut it out.You will not have to go without for very long you should expect a profit within weeks.

5. Go to have a look at the warriors for hire section and who is answering those emails. It is not hard to use the knowledge you've acquired here at wealthy affiliates in another forum to earn money.

6. To put that into context of earning if you only charge five dollars an article 10 articles a month would pay for your wealthy affiliates membership.

7. Ask your local plumber, baker, candlestick maker if they would pay $50 to get their site ranked better on Google

8. Get your first commission of Wealthy affiliate! Job done

I am at the moment a mentor to 8 people, they may or may not admit to it underneath, in the comments, but I'm not going to spill the beans neither am I going to be a full-time mentor to more than that number of people, it is not fair to me or them.

However I'm very sure that there are many people in Wealthy Affiliates who would help.

I wrote this very quickly in less than ten minutes in response to Wally's question, I am sure there are many many many ways to drum up revenue, your comments would be appreciatted

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Recent Comments


Catherine, thanks for share these tips.


Good idea to re post this...:))

Hi Catherine! -

All Great tips!

May I also point out that some of the members might like to take a look at They have the opportunity to offer their services in many way if they have the required skills.

You Mentor 8 - you must be a very busy lady! :)

I deliberately did not mention Fivver because in real terms it is harder to get ranked and paid a living. I don't anyone who has actually managed it -Those that make a living out of it never charge a fivver, so I don't want people to think they can the subscription that way, in my humble opinion they would be better washing 6 cars a month - however if anyone is making a living on Fivver at $5 please spill the beans, I would love to be wrong


Sorry for jumping in with that!

I have never personally been a member of Fiverr - but then I have never written for any one either.

I am sure there must be people making money on Fiverr.

You have your doubts - why?

There are many people making a living solely on I know quite a few, most of them are graphic designers, but none of them charge $5.00 for their work.
I have and do pay for many projects on fivver each week and pay anything from $5 to $100. I have to say that sometimes the work I have had done for $5 is absolutely incredible, so much so that I know the time they spent on the project can be economically viable at all.
As a buyer it is fantastic but as a provider I don't see that $5 an hour or less is going to pay the bills. However it will if you can write quickly and knowledgeably on a subject then it is not so bad say three hours work for ten articles at a $5 each.
No reason to oops I am hoping that someone will chime in and say you are wrong I am doing it

Okay I'll keep watching for that! :)

Thanks fro the info Catherine. I don't know if you were thinking of me but I consider you one of my mentors as well as my friend. :)

I am proud to be both Angela.- Now what are you doing slacking?

Who's slaking? lol Will be getting to work as soon as I lay babies down for nap in about 30 minutes ;)

Thanx Kat, playing it forward, the name of the WA values &principles;. I simply love this!!!!

thanks I need an alternative

Mary if you need any help holler.

That is great info, thank you. :))

Thanks Kimberley

you make it sound so easy :)

I've heard 'big guru experts' talk about this sort of thing before, but none of them have been as on the mark as this, usually they just have a load of too obvious stuff, but this certainly gives a springboard for other ideas too...

I always always preach what I practise or have practised, or had first hand experience with - use the skills you are using here and help others, you are only trying to raise $50 a month - it is easy believe me I had to do it before now. In fact I make sure to challenge myself ast least once a year to make emergency income from sources I have never used, it keeps you on your toes.

Thank you

Thank you for these ideas Kat with all the knowledge we are acquiring here at WA it makes sense to utilize them in other ways to earn extra income and also to pay the monthly subscription.

Great tips!

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