Don't be Obsessed With Ranking


When ranking matters?

It is human nature to want to know how good you are at something! Even as children we ask "How much do you love me?"

"How wide is the sky?"

We use these as measures to give us answers in much the same way that Google measures how good, important, relevant or focused a website is in terms of ranking. Whilst there is no doubt that ranking is important it is not the be all and end all. There are other factors.

Don't forget when you start a website you are directly pitting yourself against websites that have been going for years. You cannot expect to rank on the same page as authority sites overnight.

That does not mean that you cannot rank against authority sites in time, with mre content.

My point - When you are starting out you waste a lot of time here finding what page rank you have. Apart from the inevitable Google dance when a web page is new. What is the Google dance you may be asking? Well it is the bouncing jive to get recognised. Then the Twist and shout when realise that a page that was recognised and ranked has disappeared into obscurity.

Then there are the questions here on the forum where has my page gone. Eventauuly all of this settles down and if you have added more content consistently then your pages or th site has a whole gets ranked.

All of this takes a few months. The best thing you can do to get your site ranked is to post consistently and do your keyword research. As Abraham Lincoln once said "If I have six hours to chop down a tree I want to spend four hours sharpening the axe"

Keyword research is sharpening of the axe in more ways than one. It sharpens your content because it is focused content. That is focused on wht your potential customers are looking for at the correct time. Sometimes potential custoers are browsing or wasting time, you wnat to hit them with your content at the time they want to buy.

All of these things are more important than ranking inthe early stages. I am very well aware that if your site is a year old and on page 134 on Google that you are not ging to get any organic traffic. However worrying about rank too early is counterproductive.

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Recent Comments


I enjoyed the read. Very interesting. Irv.

Thanks Catherine for this great blog, a good read for a Monday morning.

Alejandra - thanks for that have a great productive week

Pertinent as always Catherine.

Have a great week Marion

Very salient points and does explain why so many give up on internet marketing.

Great post as always

Yes because they focus on the 80 that yields the little rewards, the trick is to find the 20%

No obsession is good. Thanks for your helpful post.
Now I just have to take one more look to my analytics. :P Just kidding.


Nice post... this should be part of the initiation process !

Thanks James

Excellent points!

Thank you

I like this post. That's why I don't rank well.

None of us did when we started Johny. Success comes from isolating the most productive things we can do

Great post Kat and I agree it is more important to do work on our sites and learn, have a good week

I intend to Katie its all mapped out for me already You too.

Me to seems we both share the same name Catherine I get called so many variations depending where I am and who I am with, my family always use my full name

me too, and when my Dad long dead now, of course, called me Katerina I knew I was in trouble.

lol snap and my dad is still around to give me trouble

Good for him

Thanks for shedding some lights Catherine.

You are welcome- Hate wasting time on umroductive activites

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