What is the biggest killer of dreams

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Do you know what the biggest killer of dreams is?

If you said "fear" you would be mistaken.

While fear does have the potential of killing dreams and for some it does stop them cold, the correct answer is "procrastination."

According to Mel Robbins, a motivational speaker, author, and life coach, procrastination "kills more dreams than fear ever will."

Procrastination seems so innocent on the surface. I mean, it is just putting things off for a while, isn't it?

Well, no, not really.

What is Procrastination?

I am not an expert at procrastinating but I am, sadly, really good at it.

Let's go back to one of my favorite speakers, Mel Robbins.

According to Robbins, procrastination is not about laziness or a lack of willpower. Instead, it is a coping mechanism for dealing with stress. Robbins says that when people procrastinate, they are avoiding the task at hand because it triggers feelings of stress, anxiety, or overwhelm. Instead of addressing these emotions directly, individuals distract themselves with other activities, thus delaying the work they need to do.

Yep. That sounds about right.

The problem with procrastination is that—for me anyway—not doing a task actually makes me more stressed.

It isn't just a matter of pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps and getting to work. Procrastination goes deeper than that. But there are ways to get around it.

Ways to put procrastination to work

Robbins is well known for her "5 Second Rule" that basically says "you need to take action despite the feelings you may have."

The "5 Second Rule" involves counting down from five to one and then taking immediate action, which helps bypass the brain's tendency to hesitate and procrastinate.

Here are five ways to conquer procrastination according to my Buddy (ChatGPT):

  1. Use the 5 Second Rule: Mel Robbins’ 5 Second Rule involves counting down from five to one and then taking immediate action. This helps break the habit of hesitation and propels you into action before your brain has a chance to talk you out of it.
  2. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Large tasks can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination. Break them into smaller, manageable steps and focus on completing one step at a time. This makes the task seem less daunting and easier to start.
  3. Set Specific Goals and Deadlines: Clearly define what you want to achieve and set specific, realistic deadlines. Having a clear goal and a time frame creates a sense of urgency and helps keep you accountable.
  4. Eliminate Distractions: Identify and remove distractions that can derail your focus. This could include turning off notifications on your phone, creating a dedicated workspace, or setting specific times for checking email and social media.
  5. Reward Yourself: Create a reward system for completing tasks. This can be a powerful motivator. Treat yourself to something enjoyable, like a favorite snack, a break, or an activity you love, once you finish a task or reach a milestone.

While Buddy might suggest these are the best options (and likely they come from leading speakers, authors, therapists and the like), I often have to force myself—the 5 second rule—because if I take the time to break tasks down and do all those other things, they too, become a form of procrastination!

What about you? What are some ways you have found to conquer procrastination? What do you think about Robbins ideas about procrastination? I would love to hear your thoughts.


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Recent Comments


So very true!


It is true, Nancy. We can let procrastination rule everything we do. Or we can push beyond it. I'm still working on it. I make myself do at least one post per day on one of my sites. Sometimes I am super motivated and will do a couple of posts on a couple of sites, but if I get one done each day, I am very pleased.


I know what you mean. There are days I have to really force myself, but I always try to at least do some type of work on one my sites.


That is great, Nancy. That is how you get it done!


Exactly. Some days, like today, are baby steps. I am getting a very late start today, but I think it is going to turn out fairly productive anyway!

Happy Friday!


I take a lot of baby steps. A baby step still gets you where you want to go!


Yuppp! Agree!! 5 sec rule actually works
Also I do 25/5
I do tasks for every 25 minutes then rewards 5 minutes every there after
It can be stretching ; my mini yoga; dancing ; online checking ; fast calls
But stick only to 5 minutes each time rewarding myself!

That is a great idea. I had't heard of that. I shall give that a try. When I was a smoker, I used to reward myself every hour or so with a cig. But now, perhaps I will reward myself with a walk around the block!

Take care!


Thanks for sharing your insights, Karin!

Myra ♥️

You are welcome, Myra. They actually come partially from a new book I am working on. It is about procrastination and how it steals our time. I have a ways to go on it, but I am liking where I am at with it so far!


First things 1st is that procrastination is my WORST enemy when working on business/education. I get an hour into work and then think it’s a time for a 10 minute break. That is all intentional a good habit, but, if you use social media as an out for the break time, at times the 10 minute break led to 30 minutes. From there it’s hard to get back to wanting to work. As with the 5-second rule, I’ve never tried it with procrastination, however I have used it on moments of anger 🤬. It’s saved me. With buddy chat GPT, I do not like the process. I also think there is to much investment. I’m all in with the 5- second rule. When I am going to use it, I have a “why” and purpose.
Another good article Karin 😁

Thank you! Yes, the best one for me is the 5 second rule. I can count down from five and then make myself do it. I don't even have to count anymore, I can make myself just sit down and do it. Although, a lot of times it is way after my bedtime! LOL

Best wishes as you deal with your own battles with procrastination! Remember you are not alone. If I can offer any help, please reach out!


Will do. Thanks.

I use all five of these suggestions to do some things that are either huge tasks or something I really don’t like doing. Good, practical post.

Thanks, Jim. Yes, those suggestions can be useful for those big tasks, but like I said, for me, sometimes they become just another form of procrastination! LOL

A bit strange that the things meant to help can actually make things worse at times!


I would say life issues, Karin! We must keep persevering ALWAYS!


Yep, life issues can really put a damper on our willpower and motivation. I know that sometimes life can make me just want to not work at all. But so can a sunny day! As I said, I am really good at putting things off for another day. Maybe a rainy day. Or maybe a sunny but windy day! Who knows. I just know that, like you said, I have to keep persevering ALWAYS!

Thanks, Jeff.


Keep doing what you do, Karin!


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