How to build long-term success with WA

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First off, define what success means to you. Without a clear idea of what you think of as success it would be rather hard to build it.

For me, success is getting up and seeing positive gains for my sites as far as visitors. Like I have heard over and over recently, "You might have the cure for cancer, but if no one can find you, how will they ever know about it?"

That means our content has to be found! When I am found through organic search (not very often, yet) or through a click on one of my social media posts (about half of my traffic) or when someone goes there directly (which I assume is me because how could someone go to something without knowing it is there? I assume this could also be people who have visited my site before and type it directly in.).

My three main sources of traffic are those three things: organic search (1-2 per month); direct and through social media clicks.

So success for me is getting traffic.

Another way to build success with WA is to follow the training through HUBS! I think HUBS must mean Huge, Unique, Blogging, System!

As you may already know, the HUBS platform has virtually changed the playing field, so to speak. But the HUBS are still only as good as you make them. If you don't use it, it isn't much good to you. And if you aren't using them—honestly I can't imagine why you are not!

Another way to build long-term success is through the vast amount of training. I know that not everyone has the premium plus so not all of the advanced training is available, but there is still a lot of training available. If you are not accessing it, then you really should begin. I was watching some training by Jay today and, WOW! I had a ton of ideas just after listening to the first training of a series of his. His site was about making candy.

My ideas did not revolve around candy, but the training made me think of ways I could incorporate what Jay talked about and how I could use it on my own sites.

I can't stress enough the importance of following the training in the HUBS! If you are new (or even an experienced user) there are so many things changing that you might want to relook at some of the training! If you are new, make sure to follow it. Don't try to skip ahead. You will be skipping things that are vital aspects to your business!

If you want to build long-term success with WA in your business, the bottom line is Follow the training!

Others who are training here have taken the risks and found what works. Why try to reinvent the wheel that is working? Use the wheel (HUBS) that works!

Best wishes, and hope you all have a great weekend!


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Good post, Karin. I know that success in the world is getting up early even when I don't feel like it, and getting the day started with ☕ of course.

Now onto the financial side of things. Sales and commissions which will drive traffic. 😊

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Myra ♥️


1. Direct Traffic:

1.1 Referrer or origin is unknown.
1.2 Users input a direct URL into their browser.

Sources of Direct Traffic:

1.3 Internal employees visiting their company’s site without having their IP filtered from web analytics.
1.4 Customers logging into a customer portal on the site.
1.5 Actual direct visitors who know the brand, enter the URL directly, or have it bookmarked.
1.6 Email clicks from services like Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook (no referring information passed).
1.7 Clicks from mobile apps or desktop software (e.g., Skype).
1.8 Traffic from secure (HTTPS) sites to non-secure (HTTP) sites (referral information not passed).

2. Email Marketing Traffic:

2.1 Tagged appropriately with an email parameter for identification.

3. Organic Traffic:

3.1 Visitors land on the site's pages via search engines like Google and Bing.
3.2 This traffic is earned, not paid.
3.3 SEO-driven traffic increases as the site ranks better for low competition keywords.
3.4 Regular blog updates (2-3 posts per week) optimized for search can lead to consistent organic traffic growth.
3.5 Tracking keywords and high-ranking pages helps identify SEO opportunities.
3.6 Data tracking allows correlation of efforts to actual ROI.

4. Paid Traffic:

4.1 Visitors coming from paid advertising, such as Google AdWords or other paid media platforms.

5. Referral Traffic:

5.1 Traffic from external websites, excluding search engines.

6. Social Traffic:

6.1 Traffic from social media platforms.

7. Other Traffic:

7.1 Any traffic that does not fit into another specific source category.


Thanks for this insight. I appreciate it. This helps understand it a bit better!


You are welcome! Karin.

Hi Karin

Direct traffic can also come from other sources, like people who have bookmarked your site and visit there on occasion to see what's new and interesting.

Enjoy Your Weekend! 🥳
Frank 🎸

Thanks for that insight, Frank. I hope I keep them happy!

Hope you have a great weekend, as well!


Yeah, they are your long-term readers and customers! 😎

Frank 🎸

Excellent post, Karin!

I agree with you one hundred percent!

Thanks, Howard. It almost all comes down to the effort we put in. I mean, some do get lucky or have a lot of friends who might get them to where they need or want to be, but for me and probably for most of us, it comes down to doing the work. I keep plugging away learning new ways to make things work easier and better.

Have a great weekend!



You have a blessed weekend, too!

Thank you. 😎

I agree. Howard.

Not sure. What are your thoughts?
I'm Tired,

I have a lot of thoughts. Some might consider success being financial as I do, too. Success might be building a growing website that helps people with their problem.

When I wrote this post last night, I was quite tired, as well. But I felt compelled to write this because I thought someone might need to read it.


Hi Karin , Countess CTRY just jumped in.
This could be great.
Stay with me.
Countess Ctry
How am I going to be serviced to you?

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