Confused and unsure which direction to take?


You're probably bombarded on a daily basis with erroneous emails, telling you that you can 'earn fast money now', 'turn pennies into pounds', 'no credit card required, just fast cash here and now!'

And it's so easy to get drawn into 'shiny object syndrome' where you think you can earn money without putting in any effort. Do you feel...

Do you constantly feel pulled in different directions, with the consequence that you never get any further ahead?

Then stop right there! Turn away from those emails and take a long, hard look at what you actually get right here at WA - this is what you pay your Premium membership for and what you need to take full advantage of...

Don't be afraid of taking a new direction to the one which you're currently in. When nothing changes, then nothing changes - you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs and every journey begins with just one small step.

Don't turn down the wonderful opportunities which are right here in front of you - take that one small step today towards a brighter and better future.

Ciao for now my lovelies and I hope you all have a wonderful and productive week.

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Recent Comments


Listening to Jude is like having an excellent automobile mechanic who uses the following statement " you can pay me now or pay me later, but if you don't get this repaired now, you will pay me at one time or the other". Substitute the phrase "listen to Jude" and the same results apply.

No, I am not a "paid advertiser" for Jude, but she has helped me tremendously and is willing to help others...........who will listen and help themselves!

Just my thoughts.

Thanks so much Steve, you are a true gent! :)

I would love to claim that title of gentleman..........however, my post was based on pure FACTS regarding your contributions and helpfulness.

And I also mean it - you always conduct yourself with dignity and respect and have a great sense of humor. There's not many men like you around! :)

Now I am blushing! Thank You Jude !

Same for Steve. She is an inspiration.

Thank you so much! :)

Steve is probably the best person to have in your network. Or is it MLM?

I have nothing to do with MLM so don't know what you mean by that?

That is unfortunate. I was very pleased to meet you but that time has come to an end.

Kindest wishes.

For me, this a a nonsense program at the moment.

Just my opinion, sunshine.

So many new members do not recognize the worth they throw away, not even fill in their profiles, not taking advantage of the 7 day free trial period.

I can't get my head around that - constantly looking for something for nothing and then turn away from the one good thing which does what it says on the tin!! :)

I have got at least 40+ referrals here who are not interested in doing anything. They do not even bother to answer my messages on their profile pages

Memory span of a goldfish springs to mind. That's a whole lot of people who are missing out - you can lead a horse to water...

On a side note, it's very rude not to bother replying, even a polite 'I've changed my mind' would suffice :)

great advice Jude, this is the exactly the situation I am in now, hope WA will be the perfect destination for where I am heading to.

It will be - you'll see! :)

A step at a time does it right here, Jude. Forget that other stuff-All that glitters isn't gold. :)

Very true Rick :)

Great post Jude - one that needs to be read by people outside of WA!

It truly is sad that there continues to be so many fraud/bogus online opportunities being advertised, all of which promise people that earning money in these ventures is just really easy. The typical spiel goes like this: "Just be willing, (after forking over the $79.99), to follow our simple, yet proven system that have made millionaires of people that were just like you! People who previously had zero knowledge about having an online business".

My word Jude it is incredibly sad how I continue to see these so-called "too good to be true" online opportunities still polluting the Internet. Why? People still fall for the Kool-Aid being proposed by these scams - "You can earn a lot of money easily. Just believe and follow the system that we've devised that has made so many people rich beyond their wildest dreams!"

As so many people have shared with me, it makes the legit business opportunities, such as what we have here at Wealthy Affiliate look bad. People who don't take the time to understand what WA is really all about, throw this company in the same group along with the frauds that exist around every corner.

People looking to get involved in running an online business legitimately DO need to just ignore all of the email announcements coming from these bogus opportunities and which bombard their inboxes daily - for their own good!

You're so right Jeff. Unfortunately I think there will always be those who think it's possible to become rich overnight without putting in the work and they will always be pulled along by the shiny objects and then continually moaning that they've lost money! The short answer is...if it seems too good to be true, then ir probably is! thanks for stopping by :)

You are right on Jude. Getting distracted from WA cost me a lot of time and money. Stay tuned into WA and the training and you will save yourself a lot of grief and your progress will be great! ~Gina

Very true Gina :)

Brilliant advice and beautifully delivered as always from you

Thanks so much Kirsty :)

Great post you couldn't more right wealthy affiliate has a lot of training tools to help you succeed

Thank you :)

Thanks. Good inspiration.

Cheers Geoff :)

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