How to get on page 1 of search engines? Quality Content & Keep Learning
Hello Wealthy Affiliate Community,
This is the best place online I know of to Keep Learning, starting from scratch you can build your own sustainable online business in a niche of your passion or interest. This is a medium to long term game. If you want quick cash there are jobs, surveys and other short term stuff. But where will they get you?
Thank you Kyle, Jay and the Community for consistently teaching us to:
- Do our keyword research - low hanging fruit keywords - being long-tailed search phrases (low competition (QSR) and
- write quality and engaging content.
- genuinely want to help your audience with your content
- Do all the on-page SEO that we learn within Weatlhy Affiliate
- Do all the off-page SEO that we also learn here inside Wealthy Affiliate
- When doing review's to follow the 4 "CIAO" Principles to a Great Review
- Captivating
- Informative
- Accurate - It's great to have an opinion based on facts, but you don't want to be in a situation where you are making stuff up or creating a fabricated story. Be accurate tot the best of your knowledge. Sure not many MLM's or MMO opportunities stack up against Wealthy Affiliate as a sustainable medium to long term way to build your own online business in any niche you choose
- Opinionated - Your opinion really does matter, in particular when the very essence of your brand and authority as you build out your website content is going to surround your brand. You can feel confident in offering people your opinionated information within your reviews if you are basing your review on accurate and factual information.
There are Gems within this community, especially in the live webinar's and video training's:
- Jay's weekly live webinars - I have learned so much and so so many to catch up on.
- Understanding that your theme of your brand and the idea that you are going to be an authority in the year ahead and how to implement that.
This is Kyle himself explaining this in this following video:
WATCH VIDEO CLASS: The 7 Factor Secret Sauce
One thing I'll add to these gems in sone more thoughts on
How to get on page one of search engines - Quality Content
Following all that I've mentioned above, if you want to get on page one of Google and other search engines, here's some tips I've learned:
- Start with the low competition (QSR) keywords, there seem to be an infinite number of long tailed search phrases and the search engines are changing all the time as users needs change
- This is to get your confidence up and self-belief, "hey I can do this too"
- Look at your competition in page 1 of the Seach Engine Results Page) (SERP's) and
- How can you produce better quality content than the competition? How can you "be the purple cow"?
- Out-write them...I like saying that :)
- Look at them on Jaaxy's Search Analysis feature
- You can use MOZ too to check their Moz measured Page Authority and Domain Authority
- Think outside the box - adding video content, star ratings etc
- Longer form content is something that I'm having some success with
- SiteComments do really help
I'm sure there are tons of other great ideas, it really is possible...Google Page 1 Position 1 - my first!...
What I need to improve on is consistency, writing efficiency, setting my SiteContent Goals and sticking to them!
Thank you Weatlhy Affiliate Community for everything you do, there are so many giver's in this community. This is just a few of many examples:
Robert-A On Page SEO Mistakes To Avoid...
Robert Boomer How To Create Custom WA Affiliate Referral Links...
Israel Top 8 Blogging Tools...
That comes back to the "Keep Learning" part again. Thank you all, I made Top 200, thank you for that. It's just one stepping stone on the path of continuous learning, massive action and online success to create a better future for your family.
Back to that long form blog.....John
Recent Comments
Great post John, Thanks for the excellent reminders of how grateful we should be to be in this learning environment:)
Thanks Kaju, I just need to finish that deep dive review blog i'm doing then back to comments... :)
John I second everything you said. Thank you for the reminders and thanks Kyle, Carson, Jay, the leaders and all of the Community.
Thanks so much, there are so many givers of knowledge and time here. People genuinely interested in helping us improve our lives and those of others through online success
Knowing is equal to not knowing if you did not put the work on it like sharing out your knowledge writing out in the community and impact people. Thank you for sharing reminder and insights John. Is great and awesome. π―ππͺπππ
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Just this morning, I finished my eBook on this exact subject. Almost 6000 words.
Hey Curtis, Is your eBook on how to get on page 1 of search engines?
Great to see you producing long form content of value!!
Curious is it for your free lead magnet or a paid product you've created?
Great work
Yes, it is How to get on page one of Google with high quality content and everything related. It will be free to optins on my MMO website.
Excellent, that is a great topic and a real GIFT to your readers. It is a special skill that we can achieve here applying the Wealthy Affiliate training and is so so so so valuable :)
It is so easy to create an eBook. I use Designrr and it is great.