Being Grateful At All Times
When it comes to being grateful, being grateful at all times is very difficult to do. There are a number of people who may be able to pull it off, but with the many distractions just from talking, listening and learning that comes along in life, this makes being grateful at all times a very difficult task.
A very difficult task
This may be a very difficult task, but a necessary task it is indeed, because it is such an act of faith in knowing that no matter what is going on, it's going to be alright.
When things seem to be piling up against us, with the pressure of heavy weights loaded upon us, when things have turned so dramatically against us, and seem to not be working in our favor at all, when it seems that we are the only one dealing with a situation that other people are actually involved in, where we may be involved with situations of being falsely, or unjustifiably accused in a certain situation, whatever the case may be.
After it is all said and done, and it is happening to us, it does appear to us as, "0h my goodness, this is horribly one sided". So, it is difficult, and very hard to be grateful at all times, but it is very necessary.
The hard times

The difficulty in being grateful in hard times is:
There are often pressing, overwhelming, present circumstances that requires a lot of our energy to try mustering up the strength, by bracing ourselves to weather the storm. Doing this makes it very hard to be grateful when dealing with all of this pain.
Here is a little trick that might benefit us all, This is what we will have to train ourselves to do, now this will have to be done in small increments and it will take practice, just like anything else we try for the first time.
We should train to say this to ourselves, "This is happening to me because GOD is working me through some type of test that I must pass in order to be allowed to succeed to the next level; This is happening to me because there is something that I must purge my life of, my body of, my spirit of".
Purging pain

When we are purging something, we are dealing with a very painful situation, we are dealing with painful circumstances. This can be similar to a person going through withdrawals trying to get off drugs, as they deal with the agonizing pain of withdrawals because their body has become dependent on the drug. There may be times we have become dependent, or addicted to the situation and/or circumstances we have been dealing with.
It is an agonizing process to try to pull away from something we have been dealing with for so long. This process is very tough when we are going through pain, but when we are purging our system, when we are having to pass a test, when we are starting preparations for the next level, this moment right here, when we realize this is what is happening, this is where we should find our gratitude.
There may have been many times in our lives, where we have been through troubled times, made it through them, and faced more troubled times later, which in turn, allowed us to take a look back, and say to ourselves, "I am glad I went through and made it out of that situation, now I know I can make it through this one". This is another point where we should find gratitude.
Grace and Mercy

GOD has never left us. Through all of the things we have done, and all of the mistakes we have made, all of the lies we have told others and ourselves, all of the situations we have gotten ourselves into, being greedy and wanting too much, and sometimes at the expense of other people, hurting them in the process which may not have been intentional, nevertheless, it happens when we become selfish.
The Grace and Mercy of GOD has allowed us to even get beyond all of our mishaps. In spite of ourselves GOD has never left us nor has He forsaken us. He has always gotten us through all of our situations, if we don't think this is true, we should reevaluate our relationship with Him, by asking ourselves, "how often are we communicating with Him through prayer"?
No matter the situation, if we have a relationship with GOD, He has definitely gotten us through it. It may not have been the way we wanted or the way we may have liked for Him to get us through it, but the bottom line stands, He has always made a way for us out of difficult circumstances.

One thing we must keep in mind, we will be paying for the wrong that we do so let's remain prepared for that. There are always warnings sent our way to stop doing whatever it is we are doing wrong. We are not fully punished right away, Oh but when we get caught, this is punishment that is only partial. The rest of our punishment will come from GOD.
All have fallen short of the Glory of GOD, so let him without sin cast the first stone. With this being said, let us not forget to be grateful for GOD in our lives everyday.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article.
Blessings To Each Of You,
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Thanks Jerry for inspirational message, very blessed to receive this article, though long, I'm pleased to thank you. saying goes, when life gets hard, the Harder gets going with the strength of God over all situations in our life..
I'm downfall with weakness for so long, but the strength of God and support of you and friends, all brings me to life and visit again in WA.
Many blessing to you and friends in WA.
Quite a read, Jerry. Thank you for sharing that, being grateful, an attitude of gratitude is your best state of mind!
Thought I'd come over here for a visit today. Don't even know if you ever followed me or not, 300,000 ppl is too many to look through. Whew!
You have a set-apart day with gratitude. Jerry!
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Thanks to you all my friends and connects in other NET work for your precious time reading and reaching my profile. I'm so glad to spend this day with yous in network. Wish you all bests in WA, and especially me to strive on to catch up, Many blessing to yous and families all over the other side of the world.
Not forgetting our bests of bests in WA, Carson and Kylie, thanks so much. for helping hands, God has made you two for us ALL in your community Wealthy Affiliate....
God bless us all as we still alive today and onwards in life.