About JJones352
Rank 4286
206 followers Joined July 2018
I am a corporate Intellectual Property professional living in the southeast with my wife Patty. We have had plenty of corporate life and are looking





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

This message seems dangerous

It contains a suspicious link that was used to steal people's personal information. Avoid clicking links or replying with personal informatio

Hey Jeff,

Here's a training video to help you determine if email is spam: Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you

I would delete it.
Better being safe now than sorry later.

Agreed. Thanks.

No probs, onwards and upwards.

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Sketchy commnet - should I ignore this-flagged by google?

Sketchy commnet - should I ignore this-flagged by google?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

This message seems dangerous

It contains a suspicious link that was used to steal people's personal information. Avoid clicking links or replying with personal informatio

Hey Jeff,

Here's a training video to help you determine if email is spam: Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you

I would delete it.
Better being safe now than sorry later.

Agreed. Thanks.

No probs, onwards and upwards.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I have 100 more premium referrals to go but am not exactly sure how I got the 1st 200. I am trying to be more social on the WA website, have completed level 4 training and am

... hey Jeff.... you can thank Kyle for the WA generosity of making it 'easier' to get to VEga-as! ... and Trish has got it very well covered below there for you ....

.... enjoy your weekend... cheerio... :)

Thank you.

Hey Jeff,

Kyle explains this here: If you need to understand how to share your WA affiliate links, here's a tutorial to help you: Hope you find this helpful.

....good show, Trish! ... enjoy a wonderful weekend.... :)

Thank you. very helpful.

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How is it I get premium referrals again?

How is it I get premium referrals again?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I have 100 more premium referrals to go but am not exactly sure how I got the 1st 200. I am trying to be more social on the WA website, have completed level 4 training and am

... hey Jeff.... you can thank Kyle for the WA generosity of making it 'easier' to get to VEga-as! ... and Trish has got it very well covered below there for you ....

.... enjoy your weekend... cheerio... :)

Thank you.

Hey Jeff,

Kyle explains this here: If you need to understand how to share your WA affiliate links, here's a tutorial to help you: Hope you find this helpful.

....good show, Trish! ... enjoy a wonderful weekend.... :)

Thank you. very helpful.

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