If you are no longer using this version of Outlook (I have updated my software several times now since creating this video), you can STILL see your email message options or headers. Here’s how to find out how to view YOUR email.
Google search “how to see message options in ______” <-- without the quotation marks (of course) and type in the name of your email. Example: if you use gmail, try the following:
How to see message options in gmail
Outlook 365... or whatever version of Outlook email software that you may have loaded on your computer.
Then, you could use the most reliable IP address lookup website that I have found which is: https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup and this test will help you determine if your emailed message is spam.
Do hope you find this helpful,
This is just what I was looking for.
Excellent training, and it really answers my question well.
Keep up the great work.
You've made my day.