Affiliate Marketing Milestone: First Sale Update

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Just a short update: I made my first affiliate marketing sale yesterday (June 12, 2024) after the website had been live for seven months. The sale amount was $449, resulting in a commission of $8.98 (payout $9) at a 2% commission rate, which is relatively low. Interestingly, the expected payment date is June 30, 2025—one year from now. I'm not sure why there's such a long delay, but it's a surprising aspect of this journey.

While I'm not overly excited, this sale is very encouraging. I have only added affiliate links to about 10 percent of my blog posts, so there's a lot of growth potential. Moving forward, I'll focus on adding affiliate links to the rest of my posts and exploring higher-paying programs to increase my earnings.

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Very well done, Jim!


Thank you, Jeff

You're welcome, Jim!


Congrats on your first sale Jim, it is what makes it real. I would consider the programs you are promoting, as it is going to be tough to generate a substantial amount of revenue if you are promoting products that are only paying 2% commission on higher ticket sales.

Not that you can generate a healthy stream of revenue, but I would certainly consider a healthy mix of products paying $30+ in commissions if you are looking to scale your revenue.

Anyways, it sounds like you are already thinking the same thing. This may not be a "massive" sale, but it is a big milestone in your business as it has become "real" now for you. Nice work!

Nice suggestions, will do more research to find better pay affiliate programs. I am currently only has one affiliate program with only 2% commission. It is time to join more others to diversify. Thanks!

Great job, Jim! 👍😎

Frank 🎸

Hopefully, the snow will gradually increase.


The snowball is getting bigger - increasing sales!

Haha, I get it now. 😎

Keep going for it, Jim! 👍👍

Do you have widgets on your website's sidebar so visitors can click on your affiliate links no matter where they navigate within your URL links? That way, they may see something that piques their interest and click on your affiliate links.

For example, you can create a product widget from Amazon that relates to your niche. There is a widget option in your website dashboard that will allow you to create these.

Hi - one thing to remember, though, is that on mobile, the sidebar drops all the way to the bottom of the screen.

So, you are relying on people reading to the end of your post, then scrolling through all your comments, and finally reaching the sidebar content.

True, but in addition to internal post links, even if it's at the bottom, it's another opportunity to "sell Mortimer, sell! (movie line from Trading Places)

Not yet, but I definitely will. I appreciate your suggestion.

Hi - it looks as though your affiliate program is Adorama, and according to their terms and conditions, they pay out 45 days after shipment.

But really, you do need to find a better program - even Amazon pays 4%, assuming it is a camera you have sold.

You are correct; Adorama may have the lowest commission rates. I haven't joined Amazon yet because of their time limitations, but now I think it's time to join.

Congrats!!! This is the very first step for an exponential growth!

About the payment in one year: honestly I would have never applied for an affiliate program who pays me in one year! My job must be rewarded in a reasonable time!

Anyway, now you know that some companies act this way, and you could make a better selection of companies to work with in future! :)

It’s a learning process. I started with an easier joining affiliate program, and I did find better options, though they may be more difficult to join. Thanks so much!

of course dear! you will surely find better options with more experience!

Nice to meet you, I just added your fellow. Thanks.

Congrats on your first of many sales
Well done and keep moving forward

Most welcome continue to strive forward

Thanks, Andre

No problemo have a great and and celebrate the sale

Your words are encouraging. Let’s move forward with our efforts. Andre

Thank you let's go forward

Wow! Really?

Yes, it finally happened.

Great effort, Jim! Congrats.

Thank again for your help.

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