About JimintheWeb
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asked in
Getting Started

Looking to get into my account so to change the paypal account number & e-mail.

I seem to be locked out or having trouble finding where the account intel is now locat

You have some great answers from the other helpful members friend. All the best!

Hey Jim,

Following the steps below should help you resolve this issue.
1.) https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/account
2.) https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/account/subscription

The screen prints will show you how you can get to steps 1 and 2 in the future.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Triblu:
Yep, did done this all.
And I also did what you (thank you) show here..
And now, I have had to go at it at the Paypal end.
Had a friend who was hacked & my account got all twisted too.
So I believe it's @ that end, not here @ WA.
Been communicating with the Paypal. Think I'll just dump the present Paypal account & go with a shiney new account. Time is more valuable than trying to fix what has not worked.
Thanks again, Triblu.

I know you don't want to cancel but this video will help you find your account settings so you can change your PayPal email.

Thank you Marion:
I did watch the vid. Yea, cancelation is not in the plan. Yet I did do as your vid instructs (without going into the cancelation).
Found a loose-end elsewhere. Gonna fix it tonight.
Thanks again.

hi ...

suggest perhaps you might want to check your 'payment source' or rather it's now seen as 'billing information' ....

and this can be found via your WA Profile > Account Settings > Subscription > billing information (Visa / Paypal)..

simply click on 'PayPal' and follow / complete the prompts as needed and you, then, should be good to go ...

hope it all works out ok for you .... cheerio ... :)

Hi Keishalina:
Thank you for your information.
Seems things have become a bit twisted within my life's sphere these past few months. Long story, so I'll let it go @ that.
Thanks again, Keishalina.

... indeed, you're welcome .... and hope things have been sorted out ok for you ... and as for long stories, we're all here ... lots of time to tell ... as we're all at home anyway! ... lol ...

... go well .... cheerio .... :)

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Renewal help -paypal account not accessable?

Renewal help -paypal account not accessable?

asked in
Getting Started

Looking to get into my account so to change the paypal account number & e-mail.

I seem to be locked out or having trouble finding where the account intel is now locat

You have some great answers from the other helpful members friend. All the best!

Hey Jim,

Following the steps below should help you resolve this issue.
1.) https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/account
2.) https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/account/subscription

The screen prints will show you how you can get to steps 1 and 2 in the future.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Triblu:
Yep, did done this all.
And I also did what you (thank you) show here..
And now, I have had to go at it at the Paypal end.
Had a friend who was hacked & my account got all twisted too.
So I believe it's @ that end, not here @ WA.
Been communicating with the Paypal. Think I'll just dump the present Paypal account & go with a shiney new account. Time is more valuable than trying to fix what has not worked.
Thanks again, Triblu.

I know you don't want to cancel but this video will help you find your account settings so you can change your PayPal email.

Thank you Marion:
I did watch the vid. Yea, cancelation is not in the plan. Yet I did do as your vid instructs (without going into the cancelation).
Found a loose-end elsewhere. Gonna fix it tonight.
Thanks again.

hi ...

suggest perhaps you might want to check your 'payment source' or rather it's now seen as 'billing information' ....

and this can be found via your WA Profile > Account Settings > Subscription > billing information (Visa / Paypal)..

simply click on 'PayPal' and follow / complete the prompts as needed and you, then, should be good to go ...

hope it all works out ok for you .... cheerio ... :)

Hi Keishalina:
Thank you for your information.
Seems things have become a bit twisted within my life's sphere these past few months. Long story, so I'll let it go @ that.
Thanks again, Keishalina.

... indeed, you're welcome .... and hope things have been sorted out ok for you ... and as for long stories, we're all here ... lots of time to tell ... as we're all at home anyway! ... lol ...

... go well .... cheerio .... :)

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Been meaning to direct this matter since last month. Was hope'n it'd be rectified before now.
Had renewed membership via paypal @ the November 2019 Black Friday offering da

Could it be domain name registration renewal?

Hi Marion:
No. Only purchased domains within these past 3 months.
These notices been coming @ me since December, after my Black Friday re-renewal paid-in-full.
Gonna let it hang. Too busy to put thought & time into trying to figure it out some more.
If anything gives whereby I gotta contact tech support (which, by the way, I did several times), I'll become more aggressive.
Thanks for the input, Marion.
Now get back to work.

That definitely sounds something that community can't solve for you so either PM Kyle or Carson on contact billing through the help center.

Hey Jukkah:
Yea, I agree. Seems I'm gonna have to go top dog with this one.
Like I wrote to Marion, I'm gonna let it hang. If it grows to be out of control & controlling me / my life, then I'll cry wolf to Carson &/or Kyle. For now, save'n on my wolf crys.
Thanks Jukkah.
Rock on!
Yea, that "rat race" thing. Get up, go to work, go home, go to bed. Over & over & over again & again.
I'm still plan'n on taking my bike or car across the Pond to Southampton for a month or two drive. No exact date yet. Just an acomplishment award plan I'm pushing for to happen. Finland is rich in history. Maybe I'll stop by & play tag with the Russians.

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Pay only $54 today? am not understanding these notifications.

Pay only $54 today? am not understanding these notifications.

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Been meaning to direct this matter since last month. Was hope'n it'd be rectified before now.
Had renewed membership via paypal @ the November 2019 Black Friday offering da

Could it be domain name registration renewal?

Hi Marion:
No. Only purchased domains within these past 3 months.
These notices been coming @ me since December, after my Black Friday re-renewal paid-in-full.
Gonna let it hang. Too busy to put thought & time into trying to figure it out some more.
If anything gives whereby I gotta contact tech support (which, by the way, I did several times), I'll become more aggressive.
Thanks for the input, Marion.
Now get back to work.

That definitely sounds something that community can't solve for you so either PM Kyle or Carson on contact billing through the help center.

Hey Jukkah:
Yea, I agree. Seems I'm gonna have to go top dog with this one.
Like I wrote to Marion, I'm gonna let it hang. If it grows to be out of control & controlling me / my life, then I'll cry wolf to Carson &/or Kyle. For now, save'n on my wolf crys.
Thanks Jukkah.
Rock on!
Yea, that "rat race" thing. Get up, go to work, go home, go to bed. Over & over & over again & again.
I'm still plan'n on taking my bike or car across the Pond to Southampton for a month or two drive. No exact date yet. Just an acomplishment award plan I'm pushing for to happen. Finland is rich in history. Maybe I'll stop by & play tag with the Russians.

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asked in
Getting Started

Very simple & straight forward.


How should one compare these two notifications?

Notice the dates of the two.

What are your though

Mac is the way to go. Not a fan of Windows 10

Hey Jeff:
Yea, the auto industry can be a rough one.
I grew up within the industry & do remember such days.
Hopefully you're in America as the economy has been booming & people have the money for to invest into their rides.
As for the Mac? -yea. I agree.
I remember back when the IBM's were way hack-a-ble while the Mac's never got hacked. Yet life causes things to change. (Except with the FBI concerning Apples' i-phones -geeeze!)
Ain't made a choice nor done anything directly about it just yet. Been pulling back on the reins of extracurricular & taking better control.
Thanks for the stop by.

Go, Where you are happy. Choose wisely. I have an old dell computer I have been using this for 3 years already! And it serves my purpose.
Though I have Toshiba, 2010, HP, 2019, Mac 2012! And an external Hard Drive and more than 20 USB's I'm sticking to Dell. It becomes my buddy among my already junk computers (HP is no good)

Thanks Florentino!
I agree. Yet like a sales call with a way qualified prospect that has "the" problem that my offering WILL solve. Yet the soul / the internal programing within said prospect is so screwed up that said prospect refuses to understand & so this prospect's business falls into disaray. Not the hardware's fault. It's the software's fault / the internal programing that said prospect (the hardware) had been developed under & within.
I like the Dell design & componets. Been using Dell since entry into this new mellenium & never had a problem of any kind. Perhaps it's been my choice of the hardware within, yet still, never a prob.
It's just these later days Microsoft platforms.
Bill Gates got big-time pistol whipped by the U.S. government & he bowed down to em. Yea, they came at him hard because he hadn't given them any personal money nor any money into their political cause. So they went after him with the unlimited U.S. taxpayers funds (again, not their money) with a monopoly software lawsuit, which by the way was a HUGE farce. And then they went after him & shut down his implementing a global system of geosynchronous satellites that would have covered the entire earth. The plan was to offer 100% telephone capabilities from anywhere on Earth. It was such a political witch hunt back then. Kind of like today's impeachment fiasco.
So yea, come the end of the year, gonna try out the Mac. In the least I know that Apple does not play happy happy joy joy with the government's demands (i.e. -releasing i-phone entry codes to the F.B.I.).
Dell? -yea, I'll be getting another one this winter-spring with that Windows 10. Geeze! Can they twist my arm any harder?

I never have a Mac. Maybe I will buy one!

Hey ya Florentino!
You wanna see something stupid?
Last Friday, I was @ Magi (Hard Stop) Jay's webinar when all of a sudden, my computer takes me out of WA & the screen comes up with the photo.
What a flip'n joke!
I had to get up & walk away lest the laptop suddenly ended up on the other side of the room.
So after chill'n & realizing I'd have to visit Jay's re-play factory, I contacted a friend. All she could tell me was that the Mac's are no good. Why? -I asked. She said that her engineering company will have nothing to do with the Mac laptops. Geeeze!
Florentino, I've heard Mac's are excellent. And I believe that her engineering company only goes with the IBM because of the lower cost & the I.T. & the corporate backing / deals they get with Dell computers.
Because of my time limitations for this year & my present-day impatience for to learn another computer language (point N click?), I'll most likely go with another Dell IBM laptop. Thing is, I dispise the Windows 10. Way too big for what I need & back doors & . . .
Yet going IBM with that Windows 10 one year may not hurt too much.
So come Christmas holidays -hello Mac!
Hope all is well with you, Florentino.

Thanks, my friend! Yes, I'm good. and hope you too as well!

Can't stand Macs--and they aren't invulnerable either! I managed to upload windows 10 less than a month ago, and it works fine now! Thanks for the pertinent information!😎👍

Hey Jeff:
Yea, this one got me with a huge question mark within my brain. So I posted this question here within WA.
Like with that other question you & I shot back N forth about, no answers with this one either. No secret spook intel. No workable answers. Ha! -left in the field with a jammed weapon, alone.
What got me off with this matter was that the US government has never gone out & warned us commoners with such a bulletin. At least I don't recall such a to-the-point-in-time heads up. They'd usually sit back & see what causes & effects it has while keeping their aces hidden up their sleeves. Yet I'm getting that this Trump administration has been getting in department head's faces & informing them to get with the program. Thus, this warning from the USofA government.
Then the coincidence (is it?) of it all was Microsoft notifying me with that my Microsoft platform is "out of support". On the exact same date.
Jeff, here is the kicker; earlier last summer fall, Microsoft had sent me the exact same notice notifying me that my laptop's platform is no longer being supported by Microsoft. And yet the updates keep coming. And you know, I believe it has been a year or two before this that I had also been notified.
Perhaps Microsoft just wants me off the 7 & into the 10.
The way today's laws work, we don't own anything. We rent or lease it. We are given "permission" to use it. So hey, I'll clean out this laptop, reformat, update the Windows 7 platform & keep her off-line from there-on out. This pewter number never to be seen again.
I'll keep the 7 platform within this computer & use it for book keeping & writing & super secret stealty stuff. Ooooo yea!
Thanks Jeff. I would like to talk some later. First, I gotta get my life going forward into a higher gear. It's gotta go higher if I'm to get my goals / my targets done this year. I'm not like'n all this 2020 down shift'n.

It's just a way for the industry to sell new computers. I bought two Dell optiplexes from discount computer warehouse on Ebay for around $129 ea. No problems at all and have had them almost a year!

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Does the word coincidence actually exist?

Does the word coincidence actually exist?

asked in
Getting Started

Very simple & straight forward.


How should one compare these two notifications?

Notice the dates of the two.

What are your though

Mac is the way to go. Not a fan of Windows 10

Hey Jeff:
Yea, the auto industry can be a rough one.
I grew up within the industry & do remember such days.
Hopefully you're in America as the economy has been booming & people have the money for to invest into their rides.
As for the Mac? -yea. I agree.
I remember back when the IBM's were way hack-a-ble while the Mac's never got hacked. Yet life causes things to change. (Except with the FBI concerning Apples' i-phones -geeeze!)
Ain't made a choice nor done anything directly about it just yet. Been pulling back on the reins of extracurricular & taking better control.
Thanks for the stop by.

Go, Where you are happy. Choose wisely. I have an old dell computer I have been using this for 3 years already! And it serves my purpose.
Though I have Toshiba, 2010, HP, 2019, Mac 2012! And an external Hard Drive and more than 20 USB's I'm sticking to Dell. It becomes my buddy among my already junk computers (HP is no good)

Thanks Florentino!
I agree. Yet like a sales call with a way qualified prospect that has "the" problem that my offering WILL solve. Yet the soul / the internal programing within said prospect is so screwed up that said prospect refuses to understand & so this prospect's business falls into disaray. Not the hardware's fault. It's the software's fault / the internal programing that said prospect (the hardware) had been developed under & within.
I like the Dell design & componets. Been using Dell since entry into this new mellenium & never had a problem of any kind. Perhaps it's been my choice of the hardware within, yet still, never a prob.
It's just these later days Microsoft platforms.
Bill Gates got big-time pistol whipped by the U.S. government & he bowed down to em. Yea, they came at him hard because he hadn't given them any personal money nor any money into their political cause. So they went after him with the unlimited U.S. taxpayers funds (again, not their money) with a monopoly software lawsuit, which by the way was a HUGE farce. And then they went after him & shut down his implementing a global system of geosynchronous satellites that would have covered the entire earth. The plan was to offer 100% telephone capabilities from anywhere on Earth. It was such a political witch hunt back then. Kind of like today's impeachment fiasco.
So yea, come the end of the year, gonna try out the Mac. In the least I know that Apple does not play happy happy joy joy with the government's demands (i.e. -releasing i-phone entry codes to the F.B.I.).
Dell? -yea, I'll be getting another one this winter-spring with that Windows 10. Geeze! Can they twist my arm any harder?

I never have a Mac. Maybe I will buy one!

Hey ya Florentino!
You wanna see something stupid?
Last Friday, I was @ Magi (Hard Stop) Jay's webinar when all of a sudden, my computer takes me out of WA & the screen comes up with the photo.
What a flip'n joke!
I had to get up & walk away lest the laptop suddenly ended up on the other side of the room.
So after chill'n & realizing I'd have to visit Jay's re-play factory, I contacted a friend. All she could tell me was that the Mac's are no good. Why? -I asked. She said that her engineering company will have nothing to do with the Mac laptops. Geeeze!
Florentino, I've heard Mac's are excellent. And I believe that her engineering company only goes with the IBM because of the lower cost & the I.T. & the corporate backing / deals they get with Dell computers.
Because of my time limitations for this year & my present-day impatience for to learn another computer language (point N click?), I'll most likely go with another Dell IBM laptop. Thing is, I dispise the Windows 10. Way too big for what I need & back doors & . . .
Yet going IBM with that Windows 10 one year may not hurt too much.
So come Christmas holidays -hello Mac!
Hope all is well with you, Florentino.

Thanks, my friend! Yes, I'm good. and hope you too as well!

Can't stand Macs--and they aren't invulnerable either! I managed to upload windows 10 less than a month ago, and it works fine now! Thanks for the pertinent information!😎👍

Hey Jeff:
Yea, this one got me with a huge question mark within my brain. So I posted this question here within WA.
Like with that other question you & I shot back N forth about, no answers with this one either. No secret spook intel. No workable answers. Ha! -left in the field with a jammed weapon, alone.
What got me off with this matter was that the US government has never gone out & warned us commoners with such a bulletin. At least I don't recall such a to-the-point-in-time heads up. They'd usually sit back & see what causes & effects it has while keeping their aces hidden up their sleeves. Yet I'm getting that this Trump administration has been getting in department head's faces & informing them to get with the program. Thus, this warning from the USofA government.
Then the coincidence (is it?) of it all was Microsoft notifying me with that my Microsoft platform is "out of support". On the exact same date.
Jeff, here is the kicker; earlier last summer fall, Microsoft had sent me the exact same notice notifying me that my laptop's platform is no longer being supported by Microsoft. And yet the updates keep coming. And you know, I believe it has been a year or two before this that I had also been notified.
Perhaps Microsoft just wants me off the 7 & into the 10.
The way today's laws work, we don't own anything. We rent or lease it. We are given "permission" to use it. So hey, I'll clean out this laptop, reformat, update the Windows 7 platform & keep her off-line from there-on out. This pewter number never to be seen again.
I'll keep the 7 platform within this computer & use it for book keeping & writing & super secret stealty stuff. Ooooo yea!
Thanks Jeff. I would like to talk some later. First, I gotta get my life going forward into a higher gear. It's gotta go higher if I'm to get my goals / my targets done this year. I'm not like'n all this 2020 down shift'n.

It's just a way for the industry to sell new computers. I bought two Dell optiplexes from discount computer warehouse on Ebay for around $129 ea. No problems at all and have had them almost a year!

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