NEW MacBook Pro 2018 - My Vegas Gift!

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So, I made it to Vegas a couple of days ago:

But prior to that, I actually ordered a customized MacBook Pro 2018 a week before as a gift for myself making it to Vegas.

And, I just received it!

This thing is gorgeous man!

This is the first ever laptop that I bought myself. Prior to that, I was using an ASUS laptop my parents bought for me.

But, thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, I now have the ability to purchase my own Apple laptop.

Without WA, there's no other way for me to build up such passive income stream in a very short period of time, dropout from College, purchase my own customized MacBook Pro, end my long distance relationship & finally stay together with the girl I love and even plan to marry her next year.

It's impossible for me to express how grateful I am towards Wealthy Affiliate and how it has changed my life.

Honest Heart 2 Heart Talk!

Now, many of you have seen me sharing my WA success stories, and you've probably read many others' as well.

And you're always wondering...

How can I reach that level? Can it really work for me? What are the things I should & shouldn't do? Is there anything that I'm doing wrong?

Let me tell you the truth...

WA has ALL the necessary training, tools, resources and support for you to succed.

BUT, not many people can actually succeed and create a sustainable passive income stream.

In fact, most people FAILED!

Why is that so?

From my experience, I think the reason why you're still struggling is NOT because:

  • You don't have time
  • You suck at writing
  • You can't figure this out
  • You're making a lot of mistakes
  • You're too young or too old
  • Google doesn't seem to like your site, etc.

NONE of those reasons!

If you're struggling, no matter what problem you're facing, it's because of YOU!

Yes, YOU!

The reasons I listed above are just the different obstacles we all have to face along our journey to success. (Some of them are even just the excuses we gave)

There are more than enough resources, not just in WA, but the entire Internet to solve your problems, overcome your obstacles and help you succeed.

BUT, if you don't have the right mindset and you're not in the right STATE, most of the resources are just useless to you.

So, I think the MOST MOST MOST important factor for you to succeed is to be...


We all have our own issues, problems, difficulties. But the ones who succeed are the ones who are resourceful enough to solve as many problems as they can along their journey.

Also, if you're not in the right state, you'll definitely quit at some point because of different obstacles you're facing.


I didn't succeed at my first website, neither the second or the third.

And, you DON'T NEED to succeed at your first website.

On the surface, I seem to achieve massive success in a very short period of time. But, what most people can't see is actually the countless hours, nights I spent in front of my laptop. And all the failures and problems I faced along my journey.

The reason I can achieve my current results is because I am:

  • Determined - I have clear and actionable goals
  • Consistent - I have the discipline to do what is necessary
  • Patient - I'm eager to succeed and make money but I'm willing to put in hundreds & thousands of hours of work despite I may not see any results YET (as long as I know I'm moving forward in the right direction)

That's it! These are the REAL SECRETS to success.

These may sound cliche to you but it's just the truth!

These are the intangible qualities you NEED to train WITHIN yourself.

Yes, step-by-step training and guidance are important. But they won't guarantee you to succeed. These internal factors will!

So, are you willing to do whatever it takes to brave through all the obstacles and stay consistent no matter what happens?

This is the most important question.

I'll leave you with this quote:

"When it comes to finding success, it's not about having the right answers. Instead, it's about asking the right questions."

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Recent Comments


Well said and pointedly true.
Congrats on your continuing success.
Press on

Thank you Ken!

Congrats on getting married! Very well written and I know that feeling of being able to do for yourself and make decisions you couldn't make before has to feel amazing. I am in the beginning of my journey here at WA and this article really is inspiring. I hope you continue to push forward and enjoy moving up!

Thank you Cassie! Glad this inspires you. All the best :)

Your gonna love that new laptop, Jerry. Don't know if you have ever used an Apple computer before but you won't be going back, nothing else will ever seem good enough now. Great article and, again, congratulations on Vegas.
Colette and Philip

Thank you Colette and Philip! I'm a first time Mac user switching from Windows. And I know exactly what you're saying. I'm definitely not going back :)

Awesome. Thanks for sharing! It’s inspiring to hear your story. Glad you are able to celebrate you success.

Thank you Nicole!

Hey Jerry, hope your day is going great, thanks for sharing and encouraging to. To show that it's possible if a person is willing to put the time in to making it possible to have success. I know I'm willing to do this. So it's great to see your success and letting people know that it's possible. Thanks Jerry. Phil

Thanks Phil! I'm glad you're willing to do whatever it takes to make this work. All the best :)

Congrats on the new laptop man. I'm a bit jealous as I'm still on the 2016 model. Been a Mac guy since 1984. Glad that WA has made this possible for you. I'm working toward that goal myself.

Thank you Scott! Does the Apple logo still glows on the 2016 one ?

Great article! Beautifully written and intellegently put! Thanks for the inspiration!

My pleasure Katy! Glad you like it :)

My man all set up with the super swag!

Haha yup!

Well done Jerry

Thank you Peet!

that is sweet! I just picked up one myself! lol. I applaud you reinvesting in yuor business.. very smart move.

which package did yuo get? core i9 or i7?

I stuck wtih i7 as the i9 didnt make that huge of a difference in my opinion, but i use final cut for youtube and the new machine helps tremendously. I was working with a 2009 macbook pro before.

Thanks. This is definitely a great investment!

I got the 13inch one, upgraded to 2.7GHz, i7, 16GM RAM, 512GB Storage.

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