Where'd My Momentum Gone Lately?
For the last few weeks I have been thoroughly enjoying my time in WA. Great training and easy steps to follow, but I have begun to lose my momentum. Could it be the change of the seasons or because I've just realised christmas is just around the corner, and i'm not quite prepared? I really don't know. Somehow I must carry on towards success, even if my momentum has left me at the moment. I've just got to remember that its not a race and to not stress.
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This happens to all of us from time to time and the main thing to do is not give up and to force yourself to keep on going. A WA friend wrote this blog not too long ago and I think it will also help you :). Pure Force Lis.
Yep thats right sometimes you just have to give yourself that push, once you start your ok. Thanks Lis
When you feel that way, just take a moment to take a deep breath and look at all you have already accomplished. This should energize you to get moving again (at least it works for me, lol!).
Hi Jeives77, Sometimes we just need to step back and take a little breather. I find it clears my head and then I'm ready to go back at it. I love doing this, but we have to take care of ourselves too:) So less stress and take a little rest make you at your best:) Keep smiling, Sharon:)
Thanks katiemac, copperdell and joevaa. Nice to have reassurance and to know It doesn't just happen to me. Cheers. Wish you all well.
It happens to us all for various reasons, try setting your self some daily tasks write them down and tick them off when done soon you will start feeling that hey I really am getting stuff done even if it is only 30 mins per day your still doing something
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This has happened to me a few times and many others have reported the same. I think the key is to learn to pace yourself and take on too much at a time.
I felt guilty at one point for moving slowly through the lessons, but I realised that my sites are developing, I'm making a few sales, so all is well.
Thanks Jaytech!