Trepidation-Filled Thursday
Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!
I stayed up and posted a little later than usual last night before heading to bed for a good sleep ahead of my VA Physical exam tomorrow morning at 10 am.
I got up at 6 am, took care of a few tasks before settling in at the computer for an early morning foray into the Wealthy Affiliate Community.
That went well, and quite quickly too. I went outside and captured some images of the new day.
Very soon, I would be preparing to go to my VA Physical exam. I hope that it goes well, but we shall find out, one way or another.
It has to be done either way. Hopefully, there will be some good news, but whatever I learn will come either way.
The drive over there was quite pleasant though.
Sitting in the parking lot before going in, I noticed emergency vehicles there, but they might have been precautionary.
The appointment lasted for about 45 minutes, and surprisingly, all went well. My labs were spectacular, and the physical I received backed those up too. WHEW!
I was upbeat when I left, but then the lock calls began coming in--which was also a good thing too.
I got one of them done, and made a little over $80. Right after that, I had to go to Monica's house to let her in with my key.
The German Shepard had jumped up and secured the deadbolt by accident. I got to see her for a few minutes though, so that was good. She was a bit tired since she had been working across the street for part of the morning.
When I first arrived there, I snapped a shot of BLOG Dog Star. She seems to be recovering well, and I am happy about that. Shadow would not stay still long enough for an image.
After I left her, I stopped by the locksmith shop house to pick up some locks for another job,
I was also planning on leaving soon again to start changing the locks on that house from the post the other day. Depending upon how that goes, this post might drop late again.
There was simply too much work to do today. If all goes well, then it should be finished, but in the case of the possible last one, this is a horrific and disgusting house, but I will try to make contact with the owner's representative here in town, and give him one key to get in to get started with clean-up over there today.
Weather-wise, we made it to the mid to high 50's, so that was definitely a bonus.
Good news though, I did have a conversation with the man that will be getting the keys, but he is flexible, and knows if I can't confirm a contract tonight, then it will likely be tomorrow or perhaps even Saturday afternoon.
While I was outside on the phone. I captured one last image of the evening.
I still have to wait and see when and if the owner calls, so am still waiting on that, but I have been on the computer a bit now to while away the time. No matter what, it has still been a very good day.
Likely this will happen tomorrow, if it does happen, and for the rest of the day today I might finally be able to relax for a while on the computer while waiting for contact.
No worries, there seems to always be activity here at the eBay house.
Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty
Recent Comments
Well Jeff, you surely had a busy day. I like being busy; I always did. Even as a teenager growing up, I was always busy doing something meaningful and useful. without realizing it, it was the best way to stay out trouble because I was never idle. In your case Jeff, it's good being busy and raking in some bucks at the same time. Joining utility with beauty. In other words, doing something useful and enjoying the benefits as well. Great to hear also about your physical.
It was, indeed, Jean! I hate being idle too! That was definitely the best way to keep busy.
Being self-employed for 34 years sure helps me, Jean.
Thanks for the kind words, my friend. I was very happy about the physical results.
Another busy day...
Had to have my neighbor come over and unstop my toilet...luckily, pretty easy. However, think I must get the tank cleaned out this summer...that will cost a bit! Okay for now.
Glad your physical went well. I'm guessing that's a relief. Glad you are getting work. Now, if I could just sell some jewelry on the boutique...
Even though it snowed yesterday, today is beautiful. Not as warm as I'd like, but lovely to look at from inside.
It certainly has been, Fran.
I hope the toilet issue won't end up being that bad.
It was a huge relief, Fran. I am glad to be getting some more work too.
I am glad you are having a beautiful day.
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Sounds like another busy day Jeff and I am so happy that your results came back favourably!!
The temps seem nice and the work keeps on coming!!
Have a relaxing start to your Frisatsu my friend... I have!!
You have the same, Nick!
Headed to a job soon.
I've been relaxing all day Jeff!
I hope the job goes smoothly my friend!
It has been a tedious process, Nick!
We all have them my friend!
Yes, indeed, Nick! Enjoy the Sunday portion today!
You too my friend, mine is coming to an end here and bed is beckoning!!
I know what you mean, Nick! Sleep well! π΄ππΊ
Cheers my friend... you too!!!
I definitely will, Nick!