Totally Toneless Though Terrific Tuesday's Triumphs & Travails!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

I'm finally regaining some traction after being ousted over the last Frisatsu by an internet outage! That was definitely an abysmal experience!

Before I jumped into vibrant Wealthy Affiliate Community for the normal morning activities, I set some logs in the fireplace. Eventually, it was going quite well, I must admit! (above).

Then I just continued catching up on blog posts while I was out of the loop with my unfortunate internet outage. I was on the phone with Mel Waller for a large portion of that!

We talked for a while, and then the call was over! Thanks Mel!

I also sold something on eBay, and as luck would have it, I was able to get it shipped when the mailman was outside, across the street, and I ran the envelope over to him!

Then the foray into the Wealthy Affiliate Community could truly begin!

I have always said that is the best way to start each new day, and I stand by that statement!

Kitty popped in quickly, but then she was gone again!

When the initial WAC foray was finally done, it was time to venture outside and capture some images of the new day, which was spectacular by the way. This included the title image too!

I started to go back inside, and then decided to catch one more image of the new day!

Whoops, maybe I should have rethought things, since Humphrey photo bombed me again for a moment! It doesn't matter, it means that we have another HUMP day's eve!

It has turned out to be a beautiful day! We were in the mid 40s at the time! Humphrey was gone in an instant! The new week seems to be flying by so fast! In a way, I am very glad about that!

I am late on posting this, but there have been a lot of upgrades on Microsoft which now requires money. Are you kidding me???

Anyhow, a former worker that worked for ne, showed up out of the blue, and I chatted with him for about three hours!

I was tied up for quite some time! I was very glad to see, Slim, since he used to bring me firewood! He was a great guy. and when he showed up out of the blue, I was very happy!

We talked for almost three hours! I had not seen him for well over a year or better!

The visit was very nice, if unexpected!

We moved to the truck from the guzzle table since the weather was still a bit chilly!

I will be ending this post soon, and I hope that everyone had a GREAT day! I feel like I did!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty!

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Happy to hear you are starting to get some traction back again Jeff and great news on the Ebay sale, every little helps!!

Nice to see Slim on the outside, bet it was great catching up!!

Have a fabulous HUMP day my friend!!


You are right about that, Nick!

It was Great chatting with Slim. Today has been busy, so I hope your Hump Day has gone well!

Mine has been full!


Full is good Jeffrey! Mine is coming to an end!!

Take care my friend!!


Hope it was a GREAT one, Nick!

You take care, as well!


No complaints about it buddy!!


Glad to hear that, Nick!


Cheers my friend!!


Cheers, Nick!



I guess I'm a bit behind for Tuesday's FR or even 2FR.
Never mind, it was one of those days when it was impossible to stay awake. So much happened on Tuesday.
Great photos of the changing season Jeff and so glad you got your phone calls and visits. Even surrounded by people we can sometimes feel lonely. I always take the time to say hello to everyone I meet and ask them how they are.
I see Humphrey is loitering again, looking for mince pies I guess. Do you have mince pies for Xmas over there or is it just a British thing.
I've probably put my foot in it now. never mind.
Enjoy Hump Day Jeff

No worries, Bux! I must have turned in earlier than usual too! I was exhausted!

No mince pies here--Apple, Cherry, Pecan, and other assortments depending upon where I go to celebrate!

Humphrey was right there again--Johnny on the Spot!

Happy HUMP Day! 🐫


That was a great unexpected encounter! Hope Slim committed to bring you firewood! Someone powerful led him to you Jeffoi, as He knows you need Slim to bring you something!

Hope you recovered from your internet fiasco! I know! We are made so dependent on this internet that it is crippling when it gets into dysfunctional mode ~ we get dysfunctional as well! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ€£

Have fabulously awesome hump day Jeffoi!

Maria 🌹

Slim doesn't have a vehicle or access to wood, Marioi! I was just glad to see him, because helped me so much for two years past.

I forget where, but he will be moving out of state soon!


Ahh, I hope you still have enough wood Jeffoi! Sorry I misunderstood!

Did you start on your HUB yet?

I'll manage, Marioi.

Haven't looked into Hub yet since I still have a lot of computer tasks to do, such as paying bills, etc. There is never a dull moment for me, it seems!

I'll get around to it eventually.

They β€˜re so easy, as your website is already set up. You have 2 boxes to choose: the left side is for building a new hub/website; the right side is for us that have an existing one. Click that, and you’ll be allowed to choose which website you would like to be in the hub, and that’s it, AI takes care of the whole thing and your website is updated!

Can you only have one there in the Hub, Marioi? I'll have to look at it when I have more time. Mel and I have access to one Website, and then I have my book promo website!

We are allowed to have 10! I have only 3 ! So I transferred my 3 in seconds! And wallah!!! I’m upgraded!!!

I'll try it eventually, I have a lot going on today--working on paperwork right now. I have 50 sites from when I upgraded a while back.

We all do! But right now, Kyle said we can only HUB 10, Premium has 3 and starter has 1.

Kyle hasn’t figured out what to do with those that were grandfathered ( that includes me)!

It's all new right now. I'll let things settle down for a bit.

Alright Jeffoi!

Sounds like a good day, Jeff.

Ours was long and TIRING!!!

Dad is still in remission from his leukemia. That is good.

Goodnight and sleep well


It might have been a tiring Tuesday, but at least your dad is still in remission, JD!

That is awesome news, indeed!


Yes. It is, Jeff. Thanks.



You bet, JD!

Happy HUMP Day!🐫


Happy Hump Day, Jeff.


Thanks, JD! I hope yours went well. mine was busy! Post coming soon!


Thanks, Jeff. Mine was ok.


I'm glad to hear that!




You bet, JD!


Glad you had a good day.

Mine has been a quiet one. However, will soon be off to the birthday party/Mexican potluck. I can hardly wait! Plus, my friend, Carolyn, has made my favorite chocolate cake for the birthday girl. What a treat!

Have to go feed Mocha before I leave. Soon!!!

Sounds like it will be a lot of fun, Fran. Enjoy it to the fullest,


Ooh, I did! Such a spread of Mexican food -- and so many nice people to share it. It's nice how many of them you know in a community this small...

That is very awesome to hear, Fran. My town is not as small but I do know quite a few people since I've had a business here for a while.

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