Timid Tuesday Tends To Turn Tremendous!

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Hell everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

I stayed up much later than usual last night before heading to bed. I admit that I slept very well though. I had even talked with Monica on the phone when she called, but I let her go after about 30 minutes when she seemed to be unresponsive.

We might go out tonight (Tuesday), so we have to see if that pans out.

I woke up refreshed and got right down to business on the computer again today, of course.

While I was performing the morning journey into the Wealthy Affiliate Community, I also got a phone call from an associate, so we chatted for well over an hour too, about business, plans, and the state of the world.

When I ventured out to capture a few images of the new day, the weather seemed warmer.

In fact, it was 58 degrees when I caught these images.

Before I went back inside, I took one last image as I was getting out of the truck!

You guessed it! Humphrey appeared briefly. That means another HUMP Day is tomorrow already. My how time is flying.

I chatted with another friend--one of my exes--and have arranged to get gas for the truck at over $1.25 off. She is the one that always has tons of fuel points where we both fill up at.

It will either happen tomorrow, or on Thursday, but I would prefer tomorrow since I have my VA physical exam on Thursday at 10 am. we will see how that goes too.

In the early afternoon, we have reached 62 degrees. The upcoming arctic air should have been here already, but it might still come. As far as I am concerned, it can stay away.

Then there was some work that I was doing on my book promotion site, but that has been a bit slow today, since the weather was so good. I may get back to work on it later depending on how the rest of the day goes.

Finally, it was time for me to take a break and head back outside.

While the weather was still warm, the temperatures had started to reverse, so I suspect the Arctic air that we are expecting is coming. No matter, I am totally ready for it.

I do have a few quick errands to run, so I'll be leaving soon for those. I reached out to a couple of customers that I have to do follow-ups for. There was no response from any of them, but I was not too concerned about it. Those will be taken care of in short order, when it works out with their schedule.

The final drive of the day for me was quite pleasant.

I ended up at the locksmith shop house to check on things and check the mail. It was a good thing that I did, since I had a lot of mail in the mailbox.

I always like to check on it every couple of days.

Now that I have returned to the eBay house, I am pitting the finishing touches on this post. I have not talked with Monica yet, so there is a good chance that we might not have our Chinese food outing tonight either.

I'll keep my fingers crossed, but we'll just have to wait and see. If not, then no worries.

When this post drops tonight, if I am not out to eat, then I will remain on the computer for a while after it goes live. New developments came , and it was confirmed that I knew that I wouldn't be eating out tonight, some other things have come up, so we will see about tomorrow evening, instead!

One of those things is that now I also now have another locksmith job scheduled for tomorrow too as the call with Monica had been interrupted. So that is a good thing, as well.

The work--being physical or being online continues!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Great you can save money Jeff

Our weather was very nice and warm on Tuesday. Some dandelions were blooming which is crazy for February. Raining today and starting to cool off once again, but our winter has been pretty nice other than a few weeks of very cold weather.

I hope you are able to write on your blog

I get to it when I can, Jeff.


I understand that Jeff

You do have quite a lot on your plate


Yes, Jeff, and the locksmith work is picking up too, which is a good thing!


Great to hear Jeff

I am happy to hear your locksmith's work is picking up.


Me too, Jeff, but it doesn't need to come in all at once!


Sounds like a reasonable day Jeff!

Happy to hear you have some more paying jobs coming up and I hope that the brief arctic blast isn't too harsh!

Enjoy your HUMP day my friend!


It wasn't we made it up to 43 degrees, Nick!

Hope your HUMP Day went well!


Not bad at all then Jeff!

It did indeed my friend and I have been enjoying my Thursday portion of ThuFriSatSu today as the wife is in Germany!!


I'll bet you are, Nick!


You're spot on there Jeff, but I need to call it a night soon!!


Thanks, Nick! Sleep well. I still have a lot going on.


I did buddy and we all do!!


Yep! 🐢😹🐢🐫πŸͺ🐫


Glad your final drive of the day was quite pleasant, Jeff

Thanks, Jim!

Happy HUMP Day! 🐫

Hey Jeff, looks like the weather started out great! We got to nearly 70 degrees today, but tomorrow is forecasted to be quite different. Wind gusts up to 40 mph and falling temps throughout the day! By the end of the day we are supposed to be in the mid 20's. Ugh!

I hope the rest of your evening works out great!

Happy Hump Day's eve!

Tim 🎼

Essentially, that is the same here, Tim! The Arctic air wave has descended!

The rest of the evening has been relaxing! I hope that yours has too!


Thanks, Jeff!

I'm just working for the weekend! Haha


I know exactly what you mean, Tim!

Enjoy the rest of the week!


Another good day, Jeff.


I must admit that it was, JD!

Hope yours was too!

Sleep well!


I'm glad.



You bet, JD!


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