Tentative Tuesday Trials!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

Yesterday, I allowed the Memorial Day post to stand as my post for the entire day since I had so many things going on throughout the Holiday. Fortunately, I got all of that done.

I got the locks ready for the potential afternoon job scheduled for tomorrow (now today), so I was quite happy about that.

There was a surprise when my yard guy showed up out of the blue, so that was definitely another bonus too!

I had been truly surprised by that surprise development. I could not have asked for more!

After I retired to bed, Monica reached out, so I talked to her for about 30 minutes, as well. That had been a surprise too.

The rest of the evening was spent prepping for the new start to the belated week, which would already be a pre HUMP Day!

I should be ready to get going by the afternoon, unless something else comes up. After the morning tasks turned out well, it was then time for the morning news feeds, as well as the daily trip into the Wealthy Affiliate Community.

I knew that would get the new day going quickly. Even Kitty joined in for a few minutes too.

It is always good seeing her. She was gone in an instant though, but at least she had showed up.

Since I got done with this first foray quit early, I ventured out side and took some early images of the new day.

I think we might have been in the mid-60s at that time. I am hoping that this new week will not be too overwhelming, but that still remains to be seen. Then it was time to head back inside and continue preparations for the new day.

It wouldn't be too long before I would likely have to head out soon. so far, the temps have been quite mild, so that was a positive development too.

When the afternoon period arrives is when I expect things to get a bit interesting.

I'll just have to wait and see as the time draws near. Until then, I will continue preparations getting ready to starting this new week!

More than likely, I will be leaving some time in the afternoon to take care of the one job that I had prepared for. That is all that I was really prepared for anyway, after all.

I made the call, and will soon be heading over there. Wish me luck!

When I was at the jobsite, everything seemed to work out very well, and for the results I was quite pleased.

Then it was time to head back to the house. I decided to take a short nap once I got back there. After a while, I had another errand to run too.

That went off without a hitch too, in my opinion. Some of the clouds seemed to have cleared. It also meant that everything was getting a bit hotter too. No matter, it needed to be done, and the day was still young.

Since that time, it has gotten even hotter! I am not sure when, but soon this post will drop, and after it does, I plan to remain on the computer for a lot longer into the evening.

There are many other tasks that I wish to pursue in this abbreviated new week if I can get to them. Only time will tell!

I also had to drive down a couple of blocks and look at a potential job too.



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Recent Comments


Jeff! Sounds like a great day! A lot of positives! I still don't know what day it is. I keep thinking it's Tuesday every day so far! Monday holiday's really mess me up! Because at the newspaper when Monday is a holiday we lay out the newspaper on Friday. That makes Friday Monday and well, I should get straightened out by the next Monday Holiday and I can start all over!

Happy (whatever day this is)!


Haha, Karin! I know exactly what you mean, my friend! My Wednesday post only got one reply. It has been a difficult week all around!

Happy Thursday!


Nice day here Tuesday as well. Got my post written and just published it. Have a few more things to do with it and then that task is done for the week. Hope to start the next section of the memoir today. Have made it to 1962. Long way to go!

Have been reading sections of the memoir in Writer's to get their suggestions. This week am reading a section that I modified to add all correction ideas from last week. Having that group really helps!

Keep succeeding in your writing endeavor, Fran.

You will get there, my friend.


The yard guy, out of the blue, in a blue truck.
I once lost a green Land Rover in a green National Park. Every valley looked the same during the 3 hours of searching. I was not in the good books for the rest of the week.
Temperatures rising, that's good Jeff. Perfect weather for drying next Winters logs.
And Hump Day .... what a cracker over here too, wall to wall sunshine after all the rain.
Look after yourself.

Haha! Thanks, Bux!

I hope that all is going well for you today, my friend!


Jeff ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿบ

Sounds like all went as well as expected at the job, Jeff. Good stuff! Looks like another productive day. Hope you're having a great evening!

Susan ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ˜ด

It did, indeed, Susan! I had a wonderful evening, as well, and I hope that you did too!

Jeff ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿถ

sounds like a decent day, Jeff.

mine was ok. had to take the folks to stephenville. got back and crashed. had to cook supper after I got up. nowrelaxing.



It was, JD!

Glad you had a Great day too!

Sleep well, my friend!

Jeff ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ™

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