Tenebrific Tuesday Toils & Triumphs!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

After I signed off last night, I worked on getting another fire going with dwindling firewood to maintain heat in the eBay house overnight. It worked surprisingly well.

That fire last night got me through to the morning with enough coals to start a new fire this morning. I had hauled in three big logs that essentially wore me out, but I also brought in all the remaining pieces of split wood that were under the trap, and I had also texted my firewood guy that, I needed more.

He responded later that he would bring me some today, so we shall wait and see about that. When I am writing this we are at about 15 degrees, but at least the sun is out right now.

The new fire I set this morning has a hardwood log in it, so that will take longer to burn. It was also very heavy for me to bring in too.

When that was going well, it was time for me to jump into the Vibrant Wealthy Affiliate Community like I always do, without fail, every morning.

It is absolutely the Best way to start each new day, in my opinion!

Kitty must have agreed, because she also popped in this morning to assist, as well! I am always happy to see her when she decides to appear!

When the initial WAC foray was complete, I went and sat by the fireplace since it was still a bit chilly outside--15 degrees was our low. It was approaching 30 degrees when I finished, but I wanted to get warm by the fire.

That was quite relaxing, indeed. Then I went back to the office, cleared a few things on the computer, and then decided it was time to venture outside to see if I could open the truck and get it started.

I stopped on the porch, and captured an image of the new day. Wow, Humphrey wasted no time today, and he was gone in an instant!

The snow seems to be melting little by little, as the temp was now 37 degrees!

I captured a few more quick images too.

Then I went down to the truck--parked in the driveway this time, and it opened! Making it better was that it also started too.

I took another image of smoke coming from my chimney. I let it run a little longer.

Then I went back inside to finish a post that I had started on my book promotion website last night.

I was very happy to complete it. The next thing I might do, if time permits, I might even get into the other website and tinker around.

There was an early locksmith call, but I had to decline it since it was in the neighboring town of Manhattan, but I referred him to a locksmith over there that refers jobs over to me every now and then here! The main reason is that I need to get my truck to a shop for some maintenance and with the weather, that has been difficult to do.

The good news is that I received another one that I will take care of soon. With the rate that this new day is increasing, I might need a follow-up post later.

The drive over there was nice since the temps were up!

I got it completed, and then went to the parts store to have a diagnostic done. My buddy Kevin called, talked to him for a while. I dropped of the keys to the property manager's office.

Still no new firewood yet, so we shall see. Later tonight, but more likely tomorrow. I found a bit more, so we shall see about tomorrow!

I chatted with my mother for about 45 minutes, and Monica called too! The plan is to eat at Freddy's for her and I tomorrow afternoon!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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You and your fancy words! You've used "tenebrific" before but I had to look it up again. Sounds like the day did not end in a gloomy fashion, though the concern about sufficient firewood could cause some negative vibes.

Thursday is my day to catch up around the house, as Tuesday and Wednesday are dedicated as days to prepare/publish. I did get my next subject pretty well researched, though, as it was one requested by a commenter.

All in all, a relaxing day.

Haha, Fran.

Even though it rained today, this Thursday I was dragging firewood into the house to allow it to dry out, since my guy says his truck is broke down right now.

Sounds like you have gotten a lot of work done this week. Glad to hear you were relaxed.

Must be cold there. Humphreys humps look a bit smaller..lol.

It was, Stevoi, and I noticed it too!


Another productive and cold day for the books, Jeff! I’ll bet Humphrey was in a hurry to move along. Hope you get some more firewood soon…I hope you have a great evening!

Susan 🙏🐶😹🐶🔥

It was, indeed, Susan! He was gone in a flash, so you are right, Susan! 🐫

I managed to find some to get me through another day! Have a wonderful evening too, my friend!


That's good to hear, Jeff! You and Kitty keep well!

Susan 🙏🐶😹🐶🔥

Thanks, Susan, and we both slept very well! Hope you had a pleasant evening, and did, as well!


Thanks, Jeff! I did too. Happy Hump Day!

Susan 👍🏻🙏🐶😹🐶🔥

I'm very glad to hear that, Susan!

Happy HUMP day! 🐫


Yes, indeed, Brenda! She was! It was a very nice day after the morning. I got a lot of things done! You and Mel Waller are co-First Responders, so you both win the virtual cash! I hope you had a GREAT day!


Aw, she's so cute. Sounds good.

Very awesome, Brenda! Thank you!



No response Mel?

Claim MJ's bucks below anyhow! There will be no second responders today!


Thanks Jeff! Much appreciated! :-)


You're very welcome, Mel!


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