Tempting Tuesday!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

Last night after the not-so-good other half of my day, I decided to stay home for the rest of the evening. It had ended up being a bad half of the day after the "fender bender", which I could see no catastrophic damage on the vehicle that I tapped.

Nevertheless, that ate up a bunch of time and patience. The police relentlessly tested me on all kinds of things, and I was finally issued a citation for reckless driving. I had quickly gone from a profit day to a loss day. It happens sometimes.

Then, it was finally time to check out the news feeds, and the morning foray into the Wealthy Affiliate Community too!

That will be a Great start to the new day. This time around, Kitty had opted to stay in bed. I'm sure I will see her later in the day when I take a cat nap with her in the bedroom.

I did go outside and capture some quick images of the new day.

We were in the 70s at that time. Shortly after that, it was time to take that catnap with Kitty. That was sorely needed. This, I am planning, would be a short day, and a badly needed one, if all goes well.

She climbed up on the bed a short time later.

When I got back up, I called my son Jack to wish him a Happy Birthday. We talked for a little while, and I told him that I would reach out to him later in the evening.

I have one errand to run later in the day, and then, most likely, I will be at home for the rest of the day, unless something else happens that required my attention elsewhere. This week has already been a long one for me.

Then it was time to venture on my one and only errand for the new day.

I was really glad to get that out of the way early for the day in this uncharacteristic week, thus far.

Then I was finally back home for the rest of the week. The job I had been planning to finish this week, has now been postponed to Tuesday! Even better!

Now back home, I have been doing more computer work within the WAC, among other sites too.

The winds have been high, and the temps had dropped back into the mid 70s too.

I hope that the rest of the day continues to count down! Tomorrow might be when I address some of the blight notices that I got over the weekend. We shall see.

Even if they don't, I will still not worry too much about those for the moment. There is really nothing that I can realistically do concerning them for the time being.

I took another nap with Kitty as well! That was, once again refreshing!

Now back to the daily grind.

This time I wanted to see about venturing into one of my websites.

We'll see how everything goes with that, It has been a while. It may work, and it might not. Another development is that there might be a visit to the Guzzle table tonight. (Then again, there might not be too!)

Either way, after this post drops, I will still be hanging around on the computer for quite some time.

Depending upon how I feel later, I will reach back out to my mom and talk to her for a lengthier period of time in the evening. I might even hear from Monica later too! The sky is still the limit on where this day can go.



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Gee, it's already Thursday and I'm just getting around to reading your Tuesday post. Sounds like that wasn't your best day. Glad you had kitty to cat-nap. I really miss my cat if he doesn't come in to sleep with me. That's mostly at night, but sometimes he chooses to nap with me too, though he takes a much longer nap than I.

Now it's Thursday and my lunch is almost ready, so will get some food in my empty tummy. Meals are a force for good.

Take care...hope your FriSatSun goes well!

I'm with you Fran, but I want to know what happened to the year

We will have a Frisatsumo this time around with Memorial Day, Fran.

Glad to hear that you seem to have been doing very well.

Meals are always good.

I had an incident a year ago, Jeff, when a gentleman in his minivan back up against my back door while I was in line to go through the car wash.

He scraped my door pretty good, and I was getting ready to exchanged insurance cards and call the cops, but he persistently asked me if we can avoid that, and he would cover the repairs - apparently it was his wife's company car he was driving. I'm guessing they didn't want this mishap on their record.

But anyway - he was courteous and a gentleman about it, and even paid for my rental car while the auto detail shop buffed and painted the door.

Had my car back in less than a week!

I'm always keeping my head on a swivel - I'm the type who will park at the backend of a supermarket parking lot and WALK - just to avoid any nips from other cars.

Isaiah ๐Ÿ˜

You and me both, Isaiah! Very well done on that, my friend!

I definitely got put through the ringer on my incident!

Have a GREAT Hump Day!

Jeff ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿถ

Hey Jeff,

Just another day.

2 weeks ago I went down to the tip in the car and left the wheel barrow in the way for reversing back into the drive and knew about it and even said maybe I should move it.

Anyway I didn't and wasn't paying attention and ended hitting it and busting the reflector.

I ended up wasting a full day waiting for this to be replaced.

Reckless driving in this country is a serious offence but how do they decide whether it is reckless or just an accident.


I know exactly what you mean, Mick!

The "damage" I caused was very minor!

No matter, we all experience these mishaps from time to time!

Keep succeeding!


Hi Jeff, sorry to hear that the start to your week was not good. I'm glad that Tuesday was better tough, and Kitty was there to help you through a little.
Hope Jack enjoyed his birthday.

Happy HUMP Day, and I hope your week continues to improve.

Take care
Tracy ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Thanks, Tracy! Still i n recovery mode as rain has been falling some things morning!

Happy HUMP Day!

Take care!


A better day than yesterday, Jeff. That is good. :D



It was, indeed, JD!

Sleep well!

Jeff ๐Ÿ˜ด

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