Shuddering Saturday Seemed Satisfactory Somewhat!
Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!
After chatting with mom some more yesterday evening, I also talked to Monica for about 30 minutes too. I then stayed on the computer for an hour or two more before I retired early again to celebrate the end of Friday Frisatsu, and get the Saturday portion kicked off in the proper way.
We were expecting inclement weather today, and there had been a little rain, but then the Sun came out for a period, but our temps are still expected to go down. We already know this, and I prepared yesterday for that eventuality.
So, of course, when I woke up at 6 am, I performed the morning tasks, watched some news feeds, and also dove into the Wealthy Affiliate Community, as well.
That did not take too long to complete.
Then, I decided that it was time to capture some early images of the new day, including the title image.
After that, I had a nice long conversation with my website collaborator too. That was quite refreshing too!
Then there was a trip to the locksmith shop house as well as a quick errand before the weather turned bad a bit later which is exactly what might happen, though we will have to wait and see.
I checked the mail and some other things. The house needs some work, but there is not much that I can do for that right now in these uncertain financial times.
Then it was time to head on that errand.
It did not take too long, thankfully.
After that, then I was headed back to the eBay house, hopefully for the day! I just want a day to perform other tasks, and not having to worry about anything else. That is what Frisatsus are actually for anyway, although there have been many times in the past when work trumped relaxation.
Such is life though.
When I got back, I was back on the computer some more. There are always things to be done there! Make no mistake about that. It never fails.
After doing that work, it was time for another break in the late afternoon.
I captured another couple of images of the day (above), and the clouds had definitely come in. The temps might have risen to 46 degrees, but the winds were still blowing a bit, and the day continued to feel a bit cold and forbidding.
I am truly glad that it is almost over for the most part, or at least, soon will be!
Of course, I went back inside to take care of more tasks, and then when I went back outside, lo and behold the Sun was out again, though the temps had not changed by very much, though, considering what the weather was supposed to have been, I'll take that any day of the week!
I captured three more quick images of the abrupt weather change.
One just has to love that Crazy Kansas weather! You might notice that the clouds are still present in the sky though.
Then, I ventured back inside. Soon after that, Kitty made her presence known finally.
Always better late than never. Of course, she was gone too soon again. Oh well. I still have more things to accomplish. The rest of the evening will be doing just that, unless Monica decides she want to eat when she gets off work, though I am not counting on that!
Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty
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Seems like a very satisfactory Saturday to me Jeff!!
Have a fantastically productive and relaxing Sunday portion my friend!
Relaxing rain is always good for indoor tasks and a quick nap or two Jeff!
I managed to fit two in today totaling 3.5 hours!!
It is a Sunday after all!!
Time to get a bit of work done now!!
I've been working on tasks all day, Nick, just not outside. No worries!
The new week is coming up soon, so it has also been quite a relaxing day too!
I have done absolutely no work so far Jeff!
I will correct that shortly though!
Keep on relaxing my friend!
I've completed the minimal amount of work I tasked myself with for today... off to relax on my bed again!!
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday portion my friend and catch up with you again soon!!
Wasn't the best nights sleep actually Jeff.... that will teach me for taking too many naps in the day!!
Have a great Monday buddy!!
Sorry to hear that, Nick! I slept long and well!
Hope your Monday is better! Mine has been quite good so far!
No worries Jeff, I am just making the most of my time before a certain someone arrives on HUMP day for the Easter period...
Happy to hear that your week has started well so far buddy!!
I'm not referring to a "he" Jeff....
It's a certain someone who stalks the hallways!!!
That's all I and all of us can do Jeff!!
Hopefully IT misses the train tomorrow or at least gets on the wrong one!!
Let's see buddy!!
Unfortunately she took the right train and will be stalking within the hour!!
Not as sorry as I am buddy!!
Just finished PSIL proofing the apartment!!
Wish me luck!!
Glad you're able to chat with your mom in Alaska, Jeff.
I was just thinking about the old long distance rates - 50 cents for the first minute and about 45 cents each additional minute. But I may be off.
Enjoy you FriSatSu! 😎🐶😹🐶
Isaiah 🙂
Yes, Isaiah! I remember those bad old days for sure!
Enjoy the last day of Frisatsu!
It was, indeed, Myra! I hope you have had a GREAT one too!
Enjoy the rest of it and your evening!
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Jeff, I was about to say that you had posted exceedingly early, even for you. I have just noticed that it is actually Sunday today and not Saturday.
Goodness me, that was one heck of a session last night.
Our weather here is all over the place too.
Enjoy your Sunday, soon be time to start a new week.
Must have been one heck of a session if you can't remember what day it is Bux!!
I know what you mean, Bux! The weather has been crazy!
I am chillaxing inside today, then the new week arrives!
I hope you are enjoying your Sunday!
I couldn't. I was actually shocked. Someone owes me a day.
Make the most of the coming week.
Hahaha!! You too old chum!!