Monumental Monday Meanderings!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

After the long Guzzle Table afternoon / evening, I went back inside and stayed on the computer for some time after a short nap.

When I was on the computer, I did some more work in that department too.

I also talked to my website collaborator for over an hour too! (Thanks, Mel!)

Then it was just more evening work until I crashed for the evening.

I woke up a little early and took images of the early day. After posting those below.

I then got down to business with the morning news feeds along with the initial morning foray into the Wealthy Affiliate Community too.

This got the day kick started in the right way.

Monica called and chatted wit me for 30 minutes this morning, so that was great.

After a couple of hours of this, it was time for a catnap. It was very refreshing, and now I had gotten back up for a little more work before taking care of business in town.

When I finally left around 10:30 am, the temp had climbed to 91 degrees.

I headed to the gas station first.

Then after that, to another errand too. When I finished with that, I headed over to the locksmith shop house to check the mail, etc.

When I got there, it was about what I had expected. I still needed to check on things.

There is still a lot of work to do over there. Then it was time to head back home. The day was sweltering at that time.

It will only get worse as the day progresses.

After getting home, I continued working on the computer for a while, and then laid down for about an hour to cool off. That helped a lot. The heat wave will put us over 100 degrees easily very soon. We are in a high heat advisory.

Approaching 2 pm we were just shy of 100 degrees. It might get hotter than that very soon.

I also had to dilly dally around with a tax bill for the state of Kansas. These annoyances never cease. They wanted over $1K, but I had only owed under a dollar for the first quarter.. so I got that taken care of.

I'll have to go back in there soon, and file the second quarter, as well! I just seem to be putting out fires every where I turn.

Soon, I will be looking at my website, and see if I can get anything else accomplished with it. There has been a lot going on for this past month. Heck for the past year, in fact.

Not long ago, I ventured outside carrying some trash, and likely took the last images of this Monday post.

I believe that we were at 100 degrees at the time. Perhaps soon, the temps will start to drop.

That would make other tasks a little easier to handle if I go back outside. So there are still other things that I am trying to get accomplished on some accounts and other critical tasks too.

The new post will likely drop within the next hour and a half, maybe a little longer.

I will still be on the computer for quite some time, unless there is another Guzzle Table meeting.

Hopefully, I will see you all again soon after all of that. I seem to be on track with the goals for today right now, but there is always more that I can do.

In fact, there are always more things that we can all do!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Recent Comments


It wasn't long ago that you were wishing the weather would get warmer Jeff! Is this a case of being careful what you wish for?
It's been hot here too over the last couple of days; over 30 degrees which is far too hot to work in.
Have a great day.


I guess you are right, Rick! This year has been awful so far!

Enjoy your day too!


Sounds like a pretty busy start to the week for you Jeff, especially with that heat!!

Stay cool buddy and have a happy HUMP day eve!!


You bet. Nick! 😎🍺🍺


The days where I am in Colombia are quite warm as well. averaging around 30 deg celcius (87F thereabouts in your language😉), but it is the wet season, and the days are quite humid as well.
I doubt there has been more than 2 days in the past month where we have not had some rain.
But, there is always someone worse off. A friend flew out of Dubai this morning and at 6 am it was 36C, so over 100F , The few days he spent there were over 45C. He was happy to finally be heading to England.

Meanwhile my silly brother is on a trail bike ride in the Himalayas, the last image he sent was of snow storm, Not a lot to see, nearly everything was white.

Anyway tomorrow is tropical Tuesday, I hope it goes well.


I hope that it does too, Michael!


Love that early morning sun one of it coming just over the roof of that house and refracting the light beautifully!

There is always so much to do but it's hard to even want to do anything when it is so hot. We only got to 82 but it felt way hotter than that! At 100 degrees though, I think I would have had to have crawled into the freezer and sat there for a while!

Hope you get some relief from the heat!


I felt like doing that too, Karin!


Hopefully there will be some cooler days ahead you'll see. ;)

Have a great evening ahead!

Myra ♥️

I hope so too, Myra!


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