Frisatsu Friday's Freeing & Fruitful Forays

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate !

I had a very good sleep after conversations with Monica and my mother. The power naps had helped too.

I woke up a little earlier than expected to prepare for the day and a locksmith job in the afternoon too! Right then the weather could have been better, but it was to be expected, so no worries there either.

Soon, I had gotten on the computer to watch the overnight, and early morning news feeds which were a bit disconcerting, but that is how I roll. I need need to know what is going on each new day that we are given.

I was even working in the Wealthy Affiliate Community too, as I always do!

That helps set the tone for the day too! It would have been nice to see, Kitty, but she stayed in bed watching TV! We might see her later though.

With an impending job coming this afternoon, I certainly hope that that the weather clears up fast, although I doubt that it will!

Of course, I captured some images of the new day after I finished the initial work on the computer.

We had been hovering in the mid 40s most of the morning. It had just been more topsy-turvy weather which has seemed to have been the norm for this year, so far.

In the next hour or so, I will head and take care of the locksmith job that I have scheduled. I hope that works out well. I also got the check from the Realtor that I had been waiting for, so that was a positive development too.

It will be very soon when I head to get the job done. In fact, less than 2 hours away now. It is still cloudy and cool outside, but I will still get the job done.

Still working on the computer some before I head out though. Surprisingly, Kitty showed up for a minute or two, as well.

That was quite nice too. Of course, she did not stay for very long though.

Within the next hour, I will be departing to my job scheduled at 1:00pm. It should not take long, but I will be back when it is completed..

By the time, I left, when I went outside the sun had come out--amazing!

I was totally surprised, but I shouldn't have had to be. This is Kansas, after all.

Making it down to town, from there, the job was about 6 miles away, give or take.

My place of work was nice.

The job turned out to be a bit of a pain, but I managed to get through it anyway. No sooner had I arrived there, Monica called me from work concerning the fact that Jason, the kid's father (and her ex) had been wandering around in the street, and had gotten hit by a truck. (He had some severe mental issues anyway, and I have known him for well over 20 years)

He was in critical condition at the time with a Brain Bleed, I expect to hear something from her later. I managed to maintain focus and get the job done. I truly don't plan to do another one today, but that all depends.

When, I got back home from that job, I changed clothes, and notice Kitty lying on the bed! She looked quite comfortable.

Then, it was back on the computer. There are still tasks which need to be accomplished on this Frisatsu! Namely, paying the last bills of the month!

Taking a break, I ventured back outside a couples of hours after I arrived back home, and captured another couple of quick images.

The temps never made it out of the high 50s though. if you can believe that!

When this post drops, I'll likely still be on the computer for a bit of time, unless something else is going on. It seems to have been an eventful day! Some of those events were unpleasant--not for me, but for others.



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Recent Comments


Happy to hear the job went relatively smoothly Jeff, nice looking house as well, how much would that one set you back?

Sorry to hear about Jason, that lad has had it tough from what I remember and I hope he pulls through...

Enjoy a relaxing Saturday portion my friend!


It wouldn't set me back a dime in this ridiculous market. All my properties are fully paid for.

I hope he pulls through too. He has mental issues, so that makes it a lot harder!

Saturday will be as relaxing that I can make it! You have the same!


As are mine Jeff, never had a mortgage in my life!

Let's try again.... how much is that property worth if I wanted to buy it, any idea??

Mental issues are definitely no joke...

I'm certainly relaxing here, just had a late lunch and I am contemplating taking a nap, but... I might actually do some website work instead!

The next 20 mins will see what direction I head!!


Really no idea, and really don't care, Nick! Estimate $250,000 maybe.

I paid for all three of my properties over 20 years ago for less than that!

Whichever you decide, enjoy it!


250K Jeff?? Sounds like a bargain to me... is there a pool and a barbie round the back??

A property like that would cost a hell of a lot more over here...

I think we paid 290K for this small apartment we live in about five years ago.... apparently it's worth a lot more now though, so no complaints!!

I tried to get a nap in, but it didn't work... I have managed to publish two more articles though!

It will be an early night instead and a long nap tomorrow hopefully!!


Whatever, Nick!

No one can afford these real estate prices which is the main reason my business slumped! Nuff said!

Enjoy your Saturday!


You too buddy!!


Hi Jeff! I do hope, Jason pulls through, only time will tell. It's good to hear you had some lock work, it sounded like a pleasant day, almost. Kitty had the day off I take it, lying there watching Tom and Jerry, I don`t know. It's a lovely sunny day here in the UK this Saturday morning. I hope the weather gets better for you soon, I`m looking forward to seeing that motorcycle again. Anyway, back to work. Have a great weekend.

I haven't heard anything yet, Brian.

The lock work was alright--could have been better, but at least is was done and paid for.

Glad you are having some Good Sun there in the UK!

The bike will come out at some point, but I have not been feeling like riding right now, and there are still other things that I am trying to take care of.

Enjoy your Frisatsu!


Cheers, Jeff.

Cheers, Brian!

I'm glad that it was a good day, Jeff.

Happy Saturday!

Myra ♥️

It was decent, Myra!

Happy Saturday!


Happy FriSatSu Jeff! :-)


Happy Frisatsu, Mel!

Glad to see that you are still alive, and I hope all is going well!


Sounds like another decent day, Jeff.

It has been chilly here also.

Happy FRISatSu!


It was, JD! There was some disconcerting news there, but still, I got through it and made a little money too!

I hope you guys weren't too Chilly!

Happy Frisatsu, and rest well, my friend!


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