Financially Freeing Friday Frisatsu!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

After some issues on my tax forms last night, I just stopped for a while and began more news watching on the evening programs.

When I did go to bed, my mother called and we chatted for about thirty minutes, and then that conversation ended, as well.

After that, some very good sleep was accomplished as well.

That excellent sleep period allowed me to wake up at 6 am and get back down to business on this new morning on the computer watching the news feeds, while simultaneously working in the Wealthy Affiliate Community too!

The day seemed to be starting off quite well for the most part. There was no sign of Kitty this morning though--she was still, most likely in bed.

Monica called early this morning, so we chatted for 45 minutes before she went to work. That was a very nice conversation, and quite productive too!

Then, I finally made it outside to capture a few images of the sunny but somewhat chilly day!

It was still mid 40s, and the wind was blowing, so it has still been a little cool. I hope that the rest of the day goes just as well!

With other things going on, this post might be shorter today, but we shall see eventually.

I managed to talk to my website collaborator for over an hour, and the conversation was very positive, indeed.

When we got off the phone, it was then time for me to capture some more images of the rapidly warming day.

It was looking pretty good. Of course, I am still diligently working on my taxes. I seem to be getting close to success as I am likely to.

There seems to be serious problems with our Internal Revenue Service. So, I will either get them done or I won't. I don't owe those robbers anything anyway!

I also watched Donald Trump's press conference with speak of the house, Mike Johnson, and he was spot on with his assessments for making our country much batter again very soon.

Then there was a quick errand for cat food, so that went quite well too! I needed to get that so that Kitty would not starve!

That errand went quite smoothly.

After that, it was back to the house. When I got back there, I managed to catch Kyle's "Beer with Kyle" Friday night series too, and that was quite informative!

I was happy that I was able to catch it, and I still want one of those WA beer glasses too!

Then it was back on the computer, and back to the despicable taxes too. Come Hell or High Water, I will have them ready to go to the best of my ability. Even if everything is not up to par, I am not at all worried about it. I just want to get them completed.

So many people in the US are not even filing right now, given the regime that we are under, so I am definitely not alone.

This post will likely drop soon, and shortly after that, my taxes should essentially be ready to go! WHEW! I am very glad about that!

After it does, I will still be on the computer. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done. No matter what, I will remain on for as long as I possibly can!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Good morning Jeff,

Thank you for your blog post, they are always appreciated. I hope you're doing well.

Those dreaded tax returns, Jeff! It's interesting what you are saying about the tax return and the fact that people are not filing them! I kind of understand!

Apparently, most of the tax staff in the UK are still working from home, which gives them very little time to respond to messages and telephone calls, etc! I guess many of them are suffering from non-existent and imaginary Long Covid!

I'm glad that you have been listening to our mutual friend, Donald, such a great politician! What we are seeing going on in the world at the moment, would not have happened if Donald had been in power!

Thank you for the nice pictures of your surrounding area.

A very happy Sunday to you, Jeff.


If it is God's will, the Donald will be back there. We will have to wait and see, Roy!

Happy Sunday!


I sincerely hope so, Jeff! I see on the BBC pro Hamas News website that there is a headline, which I haven't read and won't read: "Donald Trump's historic hush-money trial to begin in New York!" How many trials has this man had that have all been lies? Absolutely appalling!

It's a mad world, but we know the end story!

Have a fantastic week, Jeff.


He is definitely persecuted, Roy!

He will ultimately prevail, if that is God's will!

Yes, WE know the end of the story through our Faith!

Enjoy your new week!

Jeff πŸ™

It certainly seems that way, Jeff! I have never seen anything like it, it appears to be continuous!

I believe so, Jeff!

This is so true and so important!

Wishing you a fantastic Tuesday, full of the good things.


Thanks, Roy!

Tuesday so far has been fraught with storms, but so far so good!

Happy Tuesday!


Good morning, Jeff,

I hope your day carried on in the right direction yesterday.

Wishing you a fantastic hump day today and some better weather.

All the best.


Thanks, Roy!

It was quite pleasant!

Happy HUMP Day!🐫

Jeff πŸ™

It's always a pleasure, Jeff!

I'm glad everything was okay.

It's a nice time of year with better weather on the way.

I hope your day is going well.


I think so too, Roy!

Hope all is well for you too!

Happy Frisatsu!


All is well; thank you, Jeff.

I'm looking forward to having a few days off now.

I trust you are okay and that the weather is improving.

Have a fantastic Saturday.


Glad to hear that, Roy!

Enjoy those days off this Frisatsu!

I am hanging in there. Things could be better, but they could definitely be worse!

Happy Saturday!


Thank you, Jeff!

It brings such a nice feeling having a few days off and not having to drive very far! I'm off to see my good friend Mark and his family this afternoon.

Keep moving forward, Jeff! I understand, but we have to keep going!

Have a fantastic Sunday.


Awesome, Roy!
Have a safe and successful trip!

I will move forward back to bed soon. Our weather is not the best right now!

It will be a sleepy Sunday!


Thank you, Jeff! It was a nice trip and great company, the time always goes so quickly when I am with these people.

I'm sorry to hear that, Jeff. To be fair, the weather hasn't been brilliant here for the time of year, very grey and below average temperatures. But this is obviously caused by global warming!!!😑😑

I hope that you can take this time to rest and enjoyed having an easy Sunday.

All the best.


Awesome, Roy!

Glad the trip went as planned!

Happy Tuesday!


Thank you, Jeff!

It's nice when we have friends that we know we are going to have a great time, Jeff! My guess is that it's like that when you go to Ron's house!

Have a fantastic hump day!πŸͺπŸͺ


You bet, Roy, and that is exactly like how it is when I go to Ron's House!

Happy HUMP Day! 🐫


That's wonderful, Jeff! It's so good to have friends like that! Although my friend lives 46 miles away, which takes about an hour and 10 minutes, going through all the villages, which I like! I can't wait to get there, because I know I will have a good time!

Thank you, Jeff.

A very happy Thursday to you.


You bet, Roy!

Happy Thursday!

Jeff πŸ™

I value good friends, Jeff and I know you do.

I hope you have a great weekend.

It's raining here at the moment, but I didn't plan to go anywhere.

I hope the weather is okay in your part of the world, Jeff.

Toodle Pip for now.


There were massive tornadoes in the state above me, Roy!

It might be a very eventful day today!

Take care!


I'm sorry to hear that, Jeff! I would not wish that sort of weather on anyone. Let's hope it doesn't happen!

I know in the US you do get some quite freak weather!

I hope I have some good news soon from you, Jeff!

Wishing you a fantastic Sunday.


Fortunately, the tornadoes steered clear of us, Roy!

Happy Sunday!


I'm very pleased to hear that, Jeff! I have never seen a tornado and don't wish to, but I have seen pictures!

Have a fantastic week, Jeff.


Lots of videos of them too, Roy!

You have a fantastic week, as well!


It's amazing what people can catch on their phones and cameras in this day and age, Jeff! It's also amazing how quickly it can go around the world!

A very happy hump Day to you.


It is the technology, Roy!

Happy HUMP Day! 🐫


It's actually quite amazing that you and me can chat like we do across the pond, Jeff, the wonders of it all!

A very happy Thursday to you.


Very true, indeed, Roy!

Happy Thursday!


I hope you're getting on well and looking forward to the weekend, Jeff.

A very happy Saturday to you.


I'm into it and am hanging in there for the most part, Roy!

Happy Saturday!


Keep going, Jeff and let's hope our good friend Donald comes into power soon!

Wishing you a great Sunday.


I will, Roy!

We need Trump here now, and believe me--he has the support!

Happy Sunday!


Fantastic, Jeff!

Yes, I hear you, massive time! It certainly appears so, Jeff, but then he did before! I do hope they are able to get their counting system sorted out, there is just so much corruption in your country; sadly, it's just unbelievable. We are close behind. We had some local elections last week, lots of Mohammeds's elected, it's not clever!

Have a great day.


One way or another, Roy, the will of God will prevail!

Corruption is corrupting all countries right now, sadly!

We must keep our faith! That is what will get us through!

Happy Monday!


That's so true, Jeff and very good news.

I just looked at the front pages of the newspapers which are on the BBC website, it really is just nonsense!

It's interesting that one of the vaccines is being taken off the market! I just saw a video from an ex-Prime Minister in the UK, that said, "you're an idiot if you don't take it"! I'm just wondering who the biggest idiot is!

Indeed, Jeff! It's easy to look at the news and become downhearted, but when we look through the eyes of faith, it changes everything.

A very happy Friday to you.


It doesn't surprise me about the vaccines, which is why I never took any of them, Roy!

Happy Friday!


Exactly, Jeff! Glad we could see through all the nonsense! I'm really pleased to see that things are coming to light, though, Jeff!

I'm also seeing a few things on Twitter about the election fraud in the US, that's also good to hear.

Uncle Joe seems to be telling quite a few fibs at the moment or maybe gaslighting!

Have a great day.


He is not even worth listening too, Roy!

Corrupt to the rotten core.

Enjoy your new day too!


That's a great way of putting it, Jeff!

It's good to see an 80,000 people Trump rally in New Jersey, Jeff! That must be a higher number than all of uncle Joe's supporters!!

Enjoy your Sunday.


It actually ended up being over 100,000 people, Roy!

It was phenomenal!

Happy Sunday!


That's fantastic, Jeff, I'm pleased to hear that!

I think many Americans can't wait to see the back of Uncle Joe and English people!

Long may carry on.

Have a great week.


You are right, Roy!

Enjoy a Great new week!


I think Uncle Joe's discussion with Donald will be interesting, if it actually happens!

Have a great day.


We only have to wait and see, I suppose!

Happy Tuesday!


I hope you're doing well, Jeff. Once again, I'm a bit behind with replies, etc.

I can't see Uncle Joe being fit enough to hold a conversation with Donald.

Have a great Tuesday.


No worries at all, Roy! I am behind on everything right now!

Have a Happy Tuesday!


Hello Jeff

I hope you got your taxes done, they can be a real pain to complete much of the time. Great that you don't owe them anything, even better if they owe something in return.

Our weather is much like yours this weekend, we are having very windy days which makes it quite chilly to be outdoors very long.

Wish you the best with your taxes

They won't owe me anything either, Jeff!

Just got to get them finished and mailed by Monday!

Hope your day is going well!


Hello Jeff

At least you don't owe them anything, it would be nice if they owed you a few bucks back.

My day has been pretty good, I have my new site SEO setup and I am ready to start writing posts.

Waiting for Google to index my pages right now,

They won't owe me anything either, Jeff.

Sounds like you are on the ball, my friend! Keep moving forward!


Thank you for the motivation, Jeff

Keep in touch

You're very welcome, Jeff!

Keep moving forward!


Sounds like a great start to the latest Frisatsu Jeffrey!!

You'll get those taxes sorted out in no time so you can relax over the rest of the weekend!

Take care buddy!


It was, Nick!

Ready or not, they will be mailed on Monday!

Take care!


Great to hear my friend!

Time to relax now and enjoy your Frisatsu!!


I'm doing just that right now, Nick!


Great to hear that Jeff!


Hope you are too!

Working on taxes right now!


What?? You still haven't finished them Jeff??



Pull your finger out then buddy!!!


No worries, Nick! I don't give a crap!


Hope you get the tax man sorted Jeff. I always have trepidations with sorting it out. I use an accountant but its still up to me to give him the right information. He’s pretty good, I’ve been with him for several years and he knows how I work.
Glad you chatted with Monica. How is she doing.
And have you got plans to get the Hog on the road in this rapidly warming season.
Off for a picnic today so a glass of wine will be raised to you and your taxes.
Enjoy life.

I will get it sorted out to accommodate, Bux! The mailing will be done on Monday,

Monica is hanging in there.

The Hog will be out when I get the driveway cleared.

Got all Spring and Summer for that.

Thanks for the toast. Got some more bills to pay today too. Never ending.

Enjoy your day too!

Jeff 😎🍺

Enjoy your picnic Bux and a glass or two of vin rouge!!

When are you having that long awaited for ribeye then my friend??


Tonight, Sunday. All ready. With great big thick chips, a little salad, followed by strawberries and cream. I have towait a couple of hours yet.
Hope all is well in Lyon.

Sounds great Bux!! I can imagine you are tucking in to it right now!!

All is well here my friend apart from the weather...

We hit 32Β°C today and I'm a bit sun burnt actually!!


I was, 2 hours ago. Very tasty.
Sunburn in April, it does happen. Aloe Vera is good for that, nice and soothing. I use it for any cooking burns, which is often.
Is it worth a week’s sicky.

Happy to hear it went down well Bux!

I use Aloe Vera all the time here... take care when cooking though buddy, you sound like the wife who burns herself at pretty much each and every possible opportunity in the kitchen!!!

I'm off for an early night old pal, enjoy the rest of your evening ok!


Bonne nuit.

Sounds like a decent day, Jeff.

Mine was ok. I worked on my book some. It is a slow slog typing in what I have written and finding ways to improve it (I hope).

Happy FRISatSu!


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