Ferocious Friday Frisatsu!
Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!
I briefly talked to my mother and to Monica before I decided to go to bed. When I did, at least my back had been feeling much better, so that was definitely a very good thing!
I also, for a moment, got to meet my new neighbor next door, They had bought the house four months before, so it was about time. We will see how all of that turns out in the end.
I jumped into the morning news feeds along with another daily Romp into the Wealthy Affiliate Community!
It is the best way to start every new day, in my opinion.
When I was done with that task, I took a couple of early images of the new day.
I ended up talking to an old Army buddy on the phone for well over an hour too! That was a Great conversation in the end. I was quite happy about that, since it had been a while since I talked to him too!
There have been no locksmith jobs for today so far, so that was a very positive development today, as well!
I did venture out again and looked at a potential one in the next couple of days, so we will see about that. That all remains to be seen in the end.
There was not much else going on today, so that was not bad at all for the start of a new Frisatsu!
The weather has not changed much except for the temps. I think we made it up over 80 degrees for a brief moment, which was quite surprising for me in the end. I will take that any day of the week!
People around here have been bled of their money with the income taxes, so this is not the best time to try and make a sale. We must all understand that premise.
Of course, the Federal government has robbed us again of our tax dollars just recently again too!
The world that we live in right now is absolutely ridiculous! We just have to make the most of the ridiculousness! That sometimes is easier said than done though!
Government has become unruly, and there definitely needs to be firm term limits to weed out the people that are just reeking havoc with in governments around the world. The time has come to get rid of them in my opinion!I did also take a well over 2 hour cat nap too!
I must admit that it was just what the doctor ordered.
I have no other plans to gout out for this evening, so that excites me too! I will just be on the computer this evening for a change!
Then there was one last image of the day when we were over 83 degrees. I cannot complain about the day though.
In my opinion, it has been a very good day, indeed, overall!
The rest of my evening will be spent on the computer after this post drops, and then it will be time to get up for tomorrow morning and see what is going on at that time.
Everyone enjoy the newest Frisatsu to the fullest! I certainly plan too! Enjoy all of your evening!
Jeff the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty!
Recent Comments
Sounds like a petty decent start to a Frisatsu Jeff, not sure where the "Ferocious" part came in though and having no locksmith jobs is a "positive development"??
I've been out most of the day here enjoying the nice but not too hot weather at a local festival for the extended Frisatsu!!
Take care buddy and enjoy the rest of your day!
Great to hear you were productive Jeff, and I fully agree that what we do isn't solely about the scratch!
Still a little miffed about the 'ferocious' part though my friend!!
I really don't care, Nick! I was ferociously busy rearranging things in the house.
Cheers! ππΊ
If you say so Jeff!!
Have a wonderful Sunday portion!!
Sounds like you had a good day, friend!
I totally agree on the political scene. We have some very good legislators, but then we have the bullies who want their way or no way. Those drown out the voices of the rational and cause us to want to just throw in the towel. Except we have no towel left because of the ridiculous onslaught of every kind of tax imaginable.
Well, my favorite daughter is getting married today! I am excited for her and her new spouse-to-be. He is a very nice man and I think she has picked a winner! Of course, I thought that the last three times, as well, but I really do think this one might last!
Take it easy, Jeff, and enjoy your Frisatsu!
Taxes and inflation are definitely stifling everyone's finances, Karin!
I hope the wedding ceremony goes very well.
I've been married a few times, as well, so π€π€
Happy Frisatsu!
Her new husband was so nervous. It was only 60 degrees and he was sweating! He's been married before, too, so I know he wants this one to work.
You are spot on about the politicians Jeff. They seem to be more interested in what is good for them and their party and they are missing the important part; they were elected to look after us - the everyday common variety of hard working citizen.
Vote Jeff.
80- degrees sounds good. Warm but not too hot. Perfect for a guzzle table conference.
Enjoy your SatSu
No worries, Bux! I will definitely vote. This is a critical election this year, especially.
It is getting hot here this Saturday too. Not sure about a guzzle table conference, but we shall see!
Happy Saturday!
Glad you're feeling better, Jeff! Looks like a nice day there...and always sweet to see Kitty too! Hope you're having a good evening!
Susan πΆπΉπΆ
I'm in and out of bed every few hours, Susan, but just because I'm restless!
Enjoy your evening too!
Jeff πΆπΉπΆ
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Another interesting day in Kansas, Jeff
Our weather today, Saturday was a very nice day. Almost like summer here today, I took my mom shopping. She stocked up on pretty much everything as she always does, I take her every week shopping but she still feels she needs to stock up just in case something happens.
She is sweet and worries about everyone too much,
That's how mothers are, Jeff
90 degrees here today on a late Saturday afternoon! UGH!