Fabulous & Fantastic Friday FRISATSU Felt Freeing & Fulfilling!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

First, yesterday's recap. Around 4:30 pm, Monica arrived, picked me up and took me over to the locksmith shop house where I did some cursory yard work.

When that was completed, she then took me to the house her and I used to share. I assisted her there, got some clothes washed, and took a bath.

While I was there, I captured some images of the Blog Dogs, who were happy to see me! I'll only use the one above.

We were tired when she dropped me off back at the eBay house. I talked to her later in the evening after I had gone to bed too.

I was quite happy to get all of this accomplished before Monica headed back to work today, since, thus far, the DL situation has not been addressed by the state.

I decided to retire to bed early, since it had been hot in the evening. I got a good night's sleep, and then jumped right on the computer when I awakened to perform my normal daily habit which was the morning foray into the vibrant Wealthy Affiliate Community.

It wasn't long after that, when Monica called me, and we talked for about an hour and a half altogether, and then she had to go. I'll chat at her later.

By that time, I completed some chores, and then went outside and captured two quick images of the new day--a portion of the title image is one.

We were only in the high 50s at the time,

The day will be rapidly heating up though, ahead of potential rainstorms later in the day and throughout this current Frisatsu. (Glad that yard work was completed.) We ended up making it past 90 degrees.

I finally decided that I was hungry, but not that hungry, so I ended up making myself a good old-fashioned grilled cheese sandwich.

It was delicious, and easy to make.

On another break that I took, my buddy Kevin called. Apparently his vacation was over. We talked for about 15 minutes, and wile doing that, I captured another image of Rocky the squirrel doing a tightrope walk on a power line.

This is enlarged, so is not of that a good of quality. Kevin had to let me go since he arrived at work.

I simply went back to putting the finishing touches on my Kindle Vella Story #2, Episode #8.

I had been working on it all day off and on between other tasks! This will be the bulk of my Wealthy Affiliate research portion of the day.

If I finish it in time, the editing process will start, and then it should be published in the morning. As many of you might know, writing can be a tedious process, but it is a labor of love.

My buddy Kevin called again, and I was surprised. He told me the railroad still showed him as being on vacation for another day, so it worked out very well for him. He will officially return to work tomorrow.

Monica also called me on her lunch break at work. She should be off around 8:30 tonight.

The rest of this day will be devoted to various tasks both on and off the computer. I also plan to call and speak with my mother, since, my sister visiting Texas where mom lives returned to Alaska today, and they were supposed to share breakfast together. I hope that all went well.



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Good morning Jeff,

It sounds like you had a full-on day, which is good news!

It's good to see your yard looking more summer-like, the grass and the trees look nice and green, it's better than looking at the snow!

I'm pleased that you had a constructive time with Monica, long may it carry on!

I hope that your book is making good progress.

Have a great day.


I think so too, Roy! Even in the face of adversity, we can still excel!

It is much better than looking at snow, althogh when there is snow, there is now yard work, so there are the pros and cons to consider.

Monica has been a huge help during these times of trial! God sent me an angel.

The book seems to be moving along. Only two more episodes, and then I will also turn it into an eBook, as well.

Happy Sunday!


Good morning Jeff,

I often hear a preacher refer to what the Bible says, "occupy until he comes"! I believe it's important that we do this as I believe we can still excel!

That's true, there are pros and cons, it's nice to have a bit of warmth though, within reason!

That's fantastic, Jeff, I'm so pleased that Monica has been a great help! Great stuff!

I'm pleased to hear that Jeff, it sounds like you're making good progress.

A member of Wealthy Affiliate mentioned about Kindle Vella, which is something that I understand you use. I'm referring to my last blog post. There is a lot to learn, but I'm sure you will be able to give me a few hints.

Have a fantastic Monday.


I like that, Roy!

"Occupy until He Comes" What a glorious day that will be!

I think I am slowly making progress.

Thus far, I believe Kindle Vella has very limited reach, but it is growing slowly but surely, and wil hopefully be available in more locales!

Happy Monday!


It's a good one, Jeff, it comes out of Luke 19!

The main thing is that you keep making progress and moving forward, Jeff!

I don't know enough to comment about Kindle Vella, but I do really hope it works for you.

Have a great day.


Thanks, Roy!

That is all that each and every one of us can do! I am grateful for each new day our Lord allows us!

I wrote a post aobut Vella again on my site yesterday, but after the second story concludes very soon, I plan on trying something different. I will write Chapters in Word Docs, and publish each one as an eBook. After 10 of those, I will have another series in the works!

Happy Tuesday!


That's a great way to look at things, Jeff and to have a grateful heart!

I have a lot to learn about publishing a book, I must admit I find it a very interesting subject! It sounds like you are building which is something we have to do in every business!

A very happy Hump Day to you.๐Ÿซ๐Ÿช


At some point, Roy, you just have to take action! When I started publishing 6-7 years ago, many mistakes were made, I rectified most of them, and it has been very fulfilling, and one of these days it might alos be profitable.

But you simply have to DO IT, and then experience the excitement of it all! A book sometimes, is never turly perfect.

Happy Hump Day!๐Ÿซ


Thank you for your wise words, Jeff! I have to say that I cannot argue with what you're saying, it's so true! It's good that you have been publishing for several years, you must have gained much knowledge over that time.

I think we have to be careful about perfection, otherwise, we can end up not doing anything! It looks like I just have to do it!

In your experience, Jeff, has the process become easier? As I'm guessing that Amazon are always adding more tools to make the process smoother.

Have a great day.


Once you've done it a few times, Roy, it does get easier, but you will always have to deal with constant changes as continual tweaks and changes occur!

Happy Thursday!


That's good, Jeff!

I don't mind dealing with changes if they are beneficial and helpful. I don't like changes when they just move things around.

I have had several Samsung phones over the years, the volume controls are on the side of the phone. One day they decided to put the controls on the other side of the phone, why?!!!๐Ÿ˜ก

Short rant over!

Have a great day.


I don't either, Roy, but for me, they have always been in the right side of the phone as far as I can remember.

Happy Frisatsu!


I also find a similar thing with apps, Jeff! When they update that they were often move things around. However, I'm not an app lover as they often don't seem to work, I just prefer a webpage, even if it's on a mobile phone.

I can't remember which phone it was, Jeff, but one of them changed!

Wishing you a really fantastic and constructive weekend.


I don'y like apps. They seem to be too prone fraudulent actvity in my opinion.
I prefer a website on my PC!

Happy Saturday--we just had some rain.


Good morning Jeff,

It appears that great minds think alike! So often apps can be completely different to a website and I find they continually have issues!

Yes, definitely a website on my PC!

That's good, no rain here!

Wishing you a happy Monday.


We are of the same thoughts, Roy! I find them cumbersome as opposed to convenient!

We had a small smattering of rain this morning, but nothing to speak of!

Happy Monday!


I very much agree, Jeff!

Wishing you a very happy birthday which falls on the hump day!๐Ÿช๐Ÿซ๐Ÿช๐Ÿซ

All the best.


Thank you, Roy! We shall see how it goes.

I like having a HUMP day birthday this year!

Happy Hump Day!๐Ÿซ


A hump day birthday, that sounds quite funny! I don't suppose that happens very often!

Wishing you a great Thursday.


About once every 7 years, Roy! My mother told me I was born on a Wednesday in 1967!

Happy Thursday!


Okay, I didn't know if the leap years would throw the system, I'm not going to sit and work it out!! I was actually born on April 4th, occasionally my birthday falls on Good Friday, but not often!

Wishing you a great day.


I'll bet it is nice when it does fall on Good Friday!


It's nice to have a birthday on a bank holiday and, of course, it represents something good! It actually seems a long time since I have had a birthday on Good Friday!

Have a great weekend, Jeff.


My Mother's birthday is July 4th--which is always a Federal Holiday here, so she has it made!

Happy Frisatsu!


Now that sounds like a great day to have a birthday on, Jeff!

I hope the DL issues and get sorted out, I genuinely wish I could help, it's not clever.

Have a great Sunday.


Haha, Roy! I agree. If I fail at times to call her early on her birthday, and she calls, I always told her I was celebrating her birthday right at that moment, with fireworks and everything!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

No, the DL situation will continue for a bit, I'm afraid!

Happy Sunday!


That sounds like a great plan, Jeff! But does she believe you?!๐Ÿ˜

I'm sorry to hear that, Jeff, that's difficult.

Wishing you a great week.


Not really, Roy!

I am too. Not only will I still have to pay $100 to reinstate it, but then renew it too for probably another $50. Not to mention that I have also lest about $500-$750 in paying work too!

Hopefully, this week will be better!


I thought that might be the case!

It's the same old story, Jeff, if you say $150 quickly, it doesn't sound that bad! But it's all the other things that go with it! Not only do you have to pay the money out, but you haven't been able to earn the money! Not clever and I'm very sorry to hear this.

Wishing you a great Wednesday.


God will solve this in His good time, Roy!

Happy HUMP day! ๐Ÿซ


That's true, Jeff! That's the best way of looking at it! I'm just sorry that it's happened!

A very happy Thursday to you.


I'm sorry it happened too, especially since I wasn't involved in any of it.

Happy Thursday!


That makes it all the more painful, Jeff! I'm sorry that you undergo through this and I really hope that you have some good news very soon.

Wishing you a great Friday.


By this coming new week, we will know more or less, Roy!

Happy Friday!


That's good, Jeff! I hope you hear sooner rather than later.

A very happy Saturday to you.


So far, it has not yet been unsuspended, and I have an important job to go do for a regualr customer Monday morning, and I would really like to make my first income for July, so I am going to have to be the road warrior again. Simply cannot wait for the slow wheels of bureaucracy to roll faster.

Happy Saturday!


This is really difficult, Jeff! It's so important to keep customers happy, especially regular customers. I wish I could help, do you have anyone who could drive you for a few hours?

It's just wrong that these people are basically stopping you from working, Jeff. I hope you have some good news very soon.

Have a great Sunday.


Monica works tomorrow. It will have to be me because my truck has everything in it to do the job with!

I should file for unemployment during that period!

Happy Sunday!


I understand Jeff, it's amazing how many bits and pieces we have to carry to do certain jobs.

Let's hope you have some good news this week.

Yes, I know where you're coming from, if only!

Have a great day.


I hope so too, Roy!

I still got my clandestine job done today and a trip to the PO to mail an oversized Ebay package too!

Happy Monday!


Well done, Jeff, I'm very pleased to hear that!

Have a great Tuesday.


I was happy to have been able to get that accomplished, Roy!

Happy Tuesday!


Yes, Jeff, seriously, I was also very pleased to hear that! It's very frustrating when we can't do what we want to do, I mean that in the right sense!

A very happy hump Day to you.


Very frustrating, indeed, Roy!

Happy HUMP day! ๐Ÿซ


I'm glad to see that things have come together, Jeff!

I understand the frustration of it all!

Have a great day.


Me too, Roy!

I'm glad that it happened in God's time. That makes it all the sweeter going forward!

Happy Thursday!


I like your true and wise words, Jeff!

I'm so pleased that things have come together for you!

Wishing you a great weekend.


Thank you, Roy! I am just giving the credit to who it belongs to!

I am very pleased that it worked out on His timetable!

Happy Frisatsu!


Very good and true words, Jeff!

His plans are better than our plans!

Have a great Sunday.


Always, Roy!

Happy Sunday!


I'm glad I have a supernatural guide rather than a human guide!

I hope all is well, Jeff.

A very happy Thursday to you.


I'm glad that I have that same guide, Roy! ๐Ÿ™

Happy Thursday!


Yes, Jeff, very much so! The best guide ever!

Have a great Saturday.


I agree, Roy!

Happy Saturday!




Hey Jeff,

read this last night before class so only had time to vote and not comment.

I think grilled cheese might be close to Sonic on your favorite meal list. I've never desired tomato soup so much as when I visit your blog, hah hah.

Great news for Kevin. I wish my work would think I was on vacation for the rest of the year.

Looks like you get some decent shade from those trees. Shame they aren't closer or you could put a hammock up and enjoy a nice breeze at times.

Hope your day is off to a great start.



The grilled cheese was expedient and filling, Jason.

Today, I might make a cheeseburger--we shall see.

Haha! Kevin got lucky. He'll have to go today though. It was a Great bonus for him.

A hammock would not be bad, but then people driving by would think I was really nuts! ๐Ÿคช

There was some rain this morning, but since then the sun has been winning the battle, although there might be more rain later.

I hope your day is going well too!


Hey Jeffoi ! Heard of โ€œ the squeaky machine gets the most oilโ€?

How about give the state the most squeaking that you can muster?
The more silent you get, the longer the solution to your DL shall be!

Glad that Monica has been your constant support throughout this time!

Enjoy the beautiful weekend Jeffoi!

Maria ๐ŸŒน

You can only leave so many email messages, Marioi--that is 7-10 processing time. Calling them is even worse--3-5 hours wait time on a phone--no thanks. I emailed an attachment of the document exonerating me along with all my DL info and hopefully at the beginning of this week they will reply. If that doesn't work, I will call one of our Senator's offices and that should light the fire! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Monica has been quite helpful, indeed.

I plan to enjoy Frisatsu to the fullest, and you do the same!


You have been waiting like forever Jeffoi!

Annoy them with your presence! Or do something! They donโ€™t act on it as they are not affected- YOU ARE!

If you need to call the Senatorโ€™s office, do that! It could have been resolved so many weeks ago!

This situation makes my blood boil!

They are not annoyed by my presence, since the Capital is 60 miles away. I have friends that get me a few places, but none of them would go that far, and I wouldn't expect them to.

The situation never should have occurred in the first place. I did not own the truck, was not involved in registration, insurance, or the accident. My name was on the title along with the ex-wife's with an OR betweemn the names meaning that she could sell the truck.

Don't let your blood boil, the situation will be resolved in God's timing!


Whooaah! 60 minutes is such a long drive! Jeffoi!

Go to the Senatorโ€™s office and bug them as well!

This is really not fair for you!!!

It is in the day of high gas prices, especially when, knowing my luck, they would need more things, etc.

It's not fair, but then we all experience unfairness from time to time. This too, shall pass!

Happy to hear that you had a great Friday portion Jeff!

OWS has got her claws in early this year...

We got back yesterday but it is much hotter here than it was in Spain!!

Keep cool my friend and enjoy your Saturday portion!


It was relaxing, Nick!

Sorry to hear about OWS--we've had a couple of such days.

I'll keep as cool as I can. With the sun coming out after the rain, it will be a bit humid now.


Happy to hear that Jeff, but... the worst part is,it's not officially summer yet!!

Enjoy the rest of your day my friend!


Yes, that is the worst, but I thought it had past already!


Hi Jeff,
Glad to see the blog dogs. They are missing you for sure. Pets are so loving that's why they are dear to me. You and Monica are spending good time together. Keep it up. If we have someone to open up it makes a lot of difference. How is your mother. Hope she is good.
Take care. Good day.โ˜บ๏ธ

Thanks, Elza. It is always good to see them, but now that they are back home where they belong, they have been doing so much better.

I am glad that Monica and I have been spending more time together--refreshing.

My Mother is experiencing some hardship, and I am trying to help her through that.

I hope all is well with you and yours, my friend!


Sorry to hear about your mum. Glad to hear that you are giving her a helping hand. Do whatever possible from your side. Will keep her in my prayers.

Thanks, Elza! Prayers are always appreciated, my friend!


Hi there, Jeff.

Love little rocky. This takes me back to my mom's house in Jersey.
There is a huge tree in the front yard. So, the squirrels wound climb the tree and dive straight into mum's living room window. Guess they couldn't tell that it was a window. Once they hit the window, Bam! That was it.

Rock on this weekend, kiddo๐Ÿ˜Ž

Haha, Rachele! Too funny. I've never gotten a squirrel in the house, but there have been birds and bats make it inside a time or two!

Happy Saturday, my friend!


Collecting keywords and key phrases all weekend.
Trynna catch up, Jeff๐Ÿ˜Ž^_~


Sounded like that was productive, Rachele!


Jeff, I am moving forward.

Sure sounds like it! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘

I am glad you had a good day. Mine was interesting. My siblings and I put a family cabin on the market a few weeks ago. It was really sad to do that. Today we got a gigantic offer. Talk about mixed emotions. Iโ€™m sad and happy at the same time.

I did, indeed, Jim! While it is bittersweet listing that cabin, a gigantic offer is a great opportunity!


So true. I am seeing that.

I know it is a tough decision since that cabin originated in your family! It shows how GREAT a cabin and location that it is, and that is a true testament.


That is exactly Iโ€™m trying to look at it. Thanks, Jeff.

I read that you sold it, Jim! Well done!

It's bitter sweet, but beginning a new era for the family,

I know what you mean, Jim! A new era can be good though!


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