3rd year anniversary as a member of Wealthy Affiliate!


Yesterday, Feb. 2nd, marked the 3rd year of my becoming a premium, (and later yearly) member of Wealthy Affiliate. At times, I almost cannot believe that it's been 3 years!

So, what have I learned?

Number one, despite the lies spread by online business opportunities that in reality are complete scams, it is NOT easy to build a successful and profitable online business.

Get-rich-schemes are akin to the delicious tasting Kool-Aid that, as kids, people just could not help themselves by drinking the stuff multiple times on sticky, hot and humid days in the middle of summer. The drink is so tempting. Yet, if one thinks about the vast amount of sugar and other harmful ingredients laden in the product, really, it definitely is not good for you.

Those fraud get-rich-scheme opportunities, looking exactly like Kool-Aid to people desperate to have money flowing into their bank accounts within a few weeks after first started a business with that bogus program in fact are poisonous.

The amount of time and money foolishly invested into what in fact was a scam will never be earned back in that person's lifetime should he/she stick with it. However, seeing the light of day, (and something that happened to me several times before I joined WA) people will realize that they had been hoodwinked. Or at least I hope that they eventually realize it!

Leave the Kool-Aid/scam opportunities that guarantee you money easily in a get-rich-quick scheme alone folks! They are nothing but a devious lie!!

Number two, you have to WORK at your business at least 4 or 5 times per week, several hours per day, minimum, if you want anything to come out of it within a reasonable time. Don't expect to build a successful online business working at it 2 days each week/an hour or so per day. At that rate, grass in the dead of winter will grow faster.

Number three, and something which at times can personally be my own shortcoming, you have to have PATIENCE with first starting and allowing an online business to grow.

My problem, being very much being a "concrete-sequential" individual is that I wanted things done yesterday. It does not work that way with what we're all trying to do here at Wealthy Affiliate.

I always take away what Steve R. a 10+ year member here at WA, and owner of the great "I've Tried That" website stated in a brilliant article last summer to mark his first decade as a member. Steve stated that over the 10-year period he had around 1,800 articles posted on his website. 100, 200, or what I am about to reach with my next article on my site - 300 articles is not going to get you where you want to be with your website. If you believe so, to be blunt, you're fooling yourself!

Now looking at what Steve has accomplished, that is patience, dedication and work - 1,800 quality articles posted on a website!

Btw, Steve's revelation regarding the number of articles posted on his website is #5 in the article ("Hire More People") that he wrote for the community back in June 2017.

In addition, Steve's commemorative article is chock full of wisdom that only a 10+ year member of WA would have looking at his vast experience being an owner of a highly successful website. The article itself can be found below:


So in ending, I guess although belated by a day I can say "Happy 3rd anniversary to me"!

I hope for 3 more years, and more after that regarding my membership at WA!

In addition, recently receiving an invitation handed out by Kyle to be in his "Super Affiliate" training program I look to take my business, promoting WA to a whole other level.

Yes, I want to be in Vegas in 2019! I wish the very same thing for other people who were invited to be in that group!


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A Wonderful Birthday to you, Jeff!

It seems that Steve R. brought in half the folks on this platform, lol. I was watching a video on real estate and decided to look up some reviews; Steve had a very thorough review of that site, and of course that wonderful CTA that he gangled at the end of his post.
Needless to say, I took a bite!

So...what are you saying..that Kool-Aid isn't good for us!!! Seems as if you have learned a lot in the 3 years on this platform, Jeff. Look forward to meeting you in Vegas!

Hi, Veronica! Thank you so much for your kind message. Actually the person who I joined WA under was Eddy Salomon who, like Steve has been a member of WA for at least 10 years. I just know of Steve through his website - "I've Tried That".

Eddy has a very effective CTA as well, and like Steve, was aware of him before joining WA.

No, Kool-Aid just like regular soda consumed in large quantities is not good for you, lol!

I also, knock on wood, look forward to meeting you in Vegas as well, Veronica. Again, thank you kindly for your message of support and congratulations!


Ahhh...I know about Eddy! I've left a few comments on his posts through Site Comments...he's the master! You're in great hands, Jeff!

Yes, I agree with your sentiments about Eddy, Veronica! He's the best mentor that one could ask for here at WA!


Congratulations, happy anniversary

Hi, Funso! Thank you so much for your comments which are so very much appreciated by me, sir!


Happy three year anniversary Jeff. Thanks for sharing a bit of your wisdom and the link. I'll have to check it out.

Hi, Sondra! Thank you so much for your kind words as well as reading the message that I intended to include in my dashboard blog.

The article by Steve, included in that link is very insightful for any member to take a bit of time reading and absorbing the message that Steve was making!


Congratulation Jeff. Much blessings. Edi

Hi, Edi! Thank you for your very kind words, sir!


Congrats Jeff. I know it's been a bumpy ride over the years, but you continue to push through and get better! I'm happy I was able to bring you here and show you the light.

Thank you so much Eddy for all that you have done for me! I know that if I stick with it, good things down the road, (possibly a highly profitable online business promoting WA) will be in the cards for me.

Who knows, perhaps the two of us will finally meet face-to-face at a future Vegas Super Affiliate conference. 2019/2020 perhaps?

Take care Eddy and again thank you for everything!


Good stuff Jeff! Congratulations on 3 years and thank you for this post! I always appreciate good info based on reality.


Hi, Chris! Thank you so much for your very kind thoughts, sir!


Congratulations Jeff, and great post and thanks for the words of wisdom.

Hi, Lilian! Thank you so much for your kind words!


You are welcome

Congrats Jeff! I like that you even baked your own cake . . . LOL. Good post, great truths!

Hi, Howard! Thank you for your kind sentiments!


Ohhh Jeff, this is so inspiring. Congratulations. Am really so happy for you...

Hi, Kashinga! Thank you so much for your support and very kind words written in your message!


You are so welcome Jeff

Felicidades Jeff, I will toast with a glass of red wine this evening.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

Hi, Taetske! Thank you for the toast as you live in Spain! I do so appreciate your kind words of support!


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