Just Wondering.
Two things about Themes that puzzle me (that's a disclaimer, so you can't accuse me of being too critical!) :-))
(1) I got my first theme, but without the essential image that caused me to select it. I was too busy to question it, but since a photo that I never selected got attached right under the colored horizontal heading band and it didn't show anywhere in WP-Dashboard, I looked for another theme. Found one I liked, but it too arrived without the image that I wanted. Now the question : Is it just me? or do they all do that?
(2) Above my menu (that I placed on the right) are several things that puzzle me. First can anyone tell me if they are there because WA does that? Or do they come as part of the theme? They are...
Recent Comments. Surely a comment on a post needs only to be right after it. So why set it up again far away from what it refers to? Why have it right at the beginning of the site, where it could be the first thing read (bad spelling, bad grammar, bad syntax, etc)? What a terrible first impression.
Archives. Trainees (several) have asked if we can change the dates on some posts that are getting very old. So why show month and year all over again, very prominently close to the menu. Bad enough that date+year shows near each heading. What purpose does Archives serve? Why have it there at all?
Categories. Can someone please tell me what that means?
Awesome Posts. (Verbatim, from the training) "Awesome", expressed as an opinion by the author, is very like Trump applauding himself all the time. Not polite! Right?
So here's the short version. May I drop the lot and just say it like it IS...."CONTENTS" ??
PS. NOT critical....just puzzling.
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The pictures are examples of what your theme could look like and do not come with the theme.
Some of the other issues that you have listed are a matter of going into WordPress and changing your preferences.
You can approve and or edit comments to correct for spelling and syntax errors. Sometimes a comment on an article will spur the reader on to click on and read the article. If you don't like the comments showing, however, you can always change that.
If you are unsure of how to change something, you should search for training on how to do it. If you cannot find any, remember that there are differences in all the themes, so when you ask a question it is good to include the title of the theme you are working with. It helps people to be able to help you.
I hope this helps some.
That is a very long series of questions; may I suggest that you will be better helped by asking specific questions, one at a time?
OK - I believe there is no need at all to have the 'recent comments' widget if you do not want it, move it to the inactive widgets area.
The theme is just that, you can work around your theme and customize it to your liking. The archives are there to show past work done, ex. Blog's. Anything you don't like, change in your dashboard. Or WordPress appearances. The themes you select are mocked up to look like sites when you are choosing your theme. Any pictures on the theme demo are more than likely not apart of the theme itself but added to show what your theme could look like. There are literally thousands of themes to choose from, finding the one that's right for you shouldn't be too hard. I really hope some of this helps you along your way. Best of luck in your endeavors and much success to you this 2018
Your friend, Aaron Griffin
Thank you Aaron. Good idea. I should say Happy Christmas as I start working through the thousands of themes!
A helpfull reply
Normally in your wp dashboard, go to appearance and then customize...
Here you can adapt your headers, images, colors and background.
And upload your own images or logos
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Hi Jean Louis As I have a limited actual knowledge of all themes, there are a few things that I have found to be the idea of the theme. First , you are right the theme you pick does not come with the picture that may have motivated you to pick it. I think that the theme pertains to the set up of the page. This is done by the page DEsigner. For example, as you went through the themes you may have noticed that some themes don't allow for many images, others there may be a lot of images.
So, you would have to consider how you want your site to look to present what you are promoting. If you intend to have retail site, Amazon example, You would want a theme that would allow for many pictures and then where you would put your content. This is as opposed to a theme that you don't need pictures because you are delivering many posts. I hope this helps stawhu (Scott)