3rd Comment In 2 Days I Had To Disapprove


Yep, 3rd comment in 2 days. I'm on a roll. The comments I am getting are basically feedback which is not what I am after. Here's one I received today after requesting comments on an article about Natural Flea And Tick Remedies.

"Jean, I found your site very encompassing,insightful and well structured. Your commentary was knowledgeable particularly with regard to herbal treatments normally taking more time than drugs but can be as effective without the harsh side effects. Your comments on aromatherapy for animals is right on the mark. I have a cat that needs its calming influence. Ticks are a dog's worst enemy I have owned five dogs and was constantly pulling ticks off the as I live in the woods. Your product reviews were thorough and you even offer a herbal dictionary for your readers convenience. You have good call to action on every page I saw. You are an excellent example of what "building trust" site should be."

I wish there was some way to cut down on this and educate new members or old members that don't understand about the difference between these.

I know there are training blogs and such but obviously it isn't getting out there.

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Jean, I think it's good that you have written this post. It can be a bit confusing to see the difference between a comment and a feedback, especially if we are newbies in this business.

Well, I suppose we have to be patient and inform our fellow members who gives feedbacks instead of a comment.


Sadly, this is just something that is always going to happen until newer members fully grasp the difference between site feedback and legitimate comments of a specific article.

I've had to disapprove some myself commenting about my site as a whole and not the topic at hand.

I do have to tell you though of the craziest one I had to disapprove. It was about a year and a half ago and when I got the email that someone here on WA commented on the article I wanted comments on, I immediately went to check it out and to hopefully approve it.

When I read the comment from this other member, I was completely shocked. Not only did the comment have absolutely nothing to do with the article, it had absolutely nothing to do with my site at all! It would be one thing if it was feedback on my site, but this just wasn't the case at all.

My site targets a certain segment of video games and so my article targeted a specific game I was trying to promote and give some good information on.

The person who commented, made a comment about gyms and physical fitness and how a specific product you can use in the gym would be beneficial to him.

I of course disapproved the comment, but I politely told him that he may have meant to comment on another site and posted on mine in error and I suggested that he try again at hopefully the correct site.

Overall though, even though these things do tend to happen, I really love the comments platform and continue to use it quite often.

It is unfortunate because most of that WAS a comment and a very good one. t did get of into feedback at the end, but otherwise, I would have appreciated the first 2/3rds if it was on my site.

He didn't address the topic of the article. He mentioned ticks once. Aromatherapy? Not even on that post. This wasn't a review post either.


Maybe you can make a training on it. When I first started I got confused 3 times. Kyle sent me emails on it and then it clicked.

Great idea, Mike, but there is already a bunch of training on what is a comment and what is feedback.

Oh, okay. I have only been here 6 weeks. I now make sure I give thorough comments. But, when I first started I made the mistake 3 times.

I understand. I know new people are learning but I feel there should be some kind of a training before they are allowed to submit comments or feedback. It would have saved you and many others some disappointment.

I agree.

We have great ability to choose an article which appeals to us and it is interesting to read. Why to comment on somebody's site when we do not have anything valuable add to it ? There are plenty of various websites which can be commented in a suitable way.
All the best:)

Thanks, Nemira. I agree.

After 3 disapproved comments users are banned from the comment platform. (recently happen to me).They must PM Kyle to lift it. I think most people genuinely mean well but are new and unsure of the different purposes of comments and feedback (as I was) since they are both done from WA platform. However, having this happen will definitely make you reexamine your comments and what you are writing.

I know, and that is why I always try to tell them why I am disapproving a comment. Thanks for your response!

I've seen posts that suggest reaching out to people before disapproving so as not to cause bad feeling, but after a spate of them, you can end up with little patience.

I've read comments left and thought, that makes no sense whatsoever? Or there's nothing referenced from the article in it, just a platitude along the lines of "Great post. Learned so much from that. Keep it up" that could be pasted under anything; I'm not expending credits on that.

And my favourite thus far was one submitted obviously based on just reading the headline, assumed the gist of the post, and was a comment agreeing wholeheartedly with the exact opposite of what was said in the post...

I've resembled your emoticon on more than one occasion.

Yep, I hear ya! Thanks for your comment!

Hi Jean!!

Don't get me started.
Too late you already did :p

5 of them I had to disapprove in the past 8 days why? It's NOT because they were feedbacks. 2 of them were from yesterday.

They either:
~Didn't make sense
~Had nothing to do with the article/post
~Asked questions that were ALREADY answered IN the post
~Had so many spelling errors I was not going to fix that many.
I don't recall the other's, I think I erased them from my mind.

I always correct capital letters, a few errors, minor things and approve them but these were very bad.

I know some members will approve them but tell the member what they did wrong so they will know for next time.
I did this twice to the ones I was able to contact.
This option is not always there, I tried for another member but couldn't get their profile.

It is not mean to disapprove them, they have to learn.
When we have to give the reason why in that box that comes up, I go into the details. The get to read this so at least hopefully they will learn and not rush leaving bad comments.

I have written 2 blog posts on this already a while back.

I do purchase credits to get them if I need quite a few and am not going to spend money and fix bad comments.

At least when we disapprove we get the chance back to get a new one.

Thanks for posting this Jean, it's been on my mind since the 2 yesterday. I needed to write out this novel and let it out.

I correct spelling and punctuation also if they are on topic. But, yes, I also get comments with questions that were answered in the article. Maybe they aren't really reading it fully.

I don't really feel bad except for the time and effort it took for the person to make a lengthy comment that I have to disapprove. I always explain why I disapproved so hopefully it won't happen again.

Thanks for responding, Patsy! Sorry to get you started :)

OH, and just to let you know, nothing from support on my email dilemma. They just aren't getting back to me. :(

I guess they don't have an answer!

This happened to me back in March when I first started and they tested it. After a couple of times it ended up working and I got an email from them.

Think positive that it will get fixed and will be behind you :)

Hi, I was joking about getting started. I don't allow anything to upset me, just get annoyed with adults who don't read the post and comment like we are going to accept it.

You are welcome :)

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