One Year Is ALL YOU NEED To Build A Successful Online Business

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Hey there guys and gals, I hope you're having a great Sunday and I hope the new 2021 is treating you well so far :)

I would like to share a personal experience today with everyone looking to start a successful online business, which means with every single person here.

I'm sure that all of us are here with one common goal.

That is to start an online business, earn an income online, and who knows, maybe even quit your job and go full-time online as I've done.

It's possible and you too can do it!

And in this post, I'll share with you my personal formula for creating a successful online business in one year.

One year is all you need to design, set up, and build a business whether online or offline. After that, it's only a matter of maintaining, scaling, and growing.

So without any further ado, here is what I've done, and what I suggest you do as well if you want to have a successful online business a year from now.

Set Goals (Desired Income, Number Of Published Posts, etc.)

To me, mindset is VERY IMPORTANT.

I've seen soo many talented people so far that come here, start doing a great job, and then, they just disappear forever.

I always asked myself how come some of the smartest people get such weak results and some dumb people seem to be very successful.

The key was in goals and in the mindset you create when you are obsessed with your goals.

So my advice is, before you even start this process, make sure that you take a day or two to think about what you want to achieve.

Set a figure in your mind that will be enough for you to live the perfect lifestyle.

Figure out how many posts you want to write in one year (my advice is 200-300).

Think about all other things that you want to achieve and take a pen and paper and write them down.

Keep this paper on your desk, next to your laptop, and even carry it with you.

It's highly important that you burn these goals into your mind because they will carry you forward when you feel like giving up.

And trust me, you'll want to give up a lot LOL :D

See, the nature of blogging and SEO and business, in general, is that the results come last.

In other words, you will have to get used to working for free for a while. But everything you do within that first year will pay itself off in the next one.

If you like analogies, think of it as building a residential building.

You simply can't earn an income until you finish the building and sell or rent the space.

This is not a job!!!! This is a business so treat it like one!

And if you ever feel like giving up during the first year, just look at your goals and remind yourself WHY you're in this.

Choose Your Niche Wisely - This Is Critical!

One of the first steps in the Online Entrepreneur Certification course is choosing your niche and you want to choose wisely.

You don't want to spend a whole year in a niche that seems like a good idea, but it really isn't or in a niche that you thought you're interested in, but you're not really.

You want to choose a niche that you can see yourself in five years from now.

How else will you be successful with your business if you don't like what you're doing?

I love making money online. Moreover, I love helping people. And I can see myself doing this for many years to come.

Do the same! Choose something that you're passionate about. I mean, really passionate about. Dig deep!

Also, make sure your niche is specific enough.

In other words, if you are passionate about golfing, make sure to narrow your niche down to something specific, like golf balls for example.

Going narrow is the faster way to success.

Read this post from Kyle's blog to learn more about narrowing your niche down and scaling in later phases (after one year).

Succeeding With Golf Balls, Scaling With Shoes!

Devour WA Training To The Last Detail

Once you have established your goals and niche, and you're working on your mindset, the next step is learning from the WA training every single day!

You must devour the content from Online Entrepreneur Certification and Affiliate Bootcamp down the very last letter.

See, everything you need to know about building a successful online business is covered within these two courses. All you have to do is USE IT!!!!

Getting Rolling!

People tend to miss things that are right in front of their noses so they keep searching for some push-button system or a magic formula that will make them rich.

There's no such thing.

You must sit down, and work on your business, follow Kyle's lessons, and do everything he tells you to do.

In other words, you have all you need to build a successful online business right here.

Moreover, you have access to the largest library in this industry in the world!

Jay has recorded tons of awesome videos to help you make it happen. Other members too have created tons of super-helpful posts, training, and guides to give you a hand.

All you have to do is USE it!

Devote at least an hour a day every single day to watch videos and learn from the lessons. It will accumulate very fast, trust me.

A jug is filled drop by drop, but soon enough, you'll have a full jug!

Create a Posting Schedule And STICK TO IT!

We are in the business of what? Who is the king?


You can have the most beautiful website, and your niche could be perfect, but if you don't post consistently on your blog, you might as well give up now.

Content is your business. Your main product is high-quality and helpful blog posts.

If you don't produce, your business will die and vice versa, if you produce, you will grow!

It's that simple.

So my advice here is to create a posting schedule and simply stick to it for 365 days without exceptions.

You want to post AT LEAST 2-3 keyword-rich blog posts per week!

Everything over 5 posts per week will get you great results.

You can start with 2 per week until you develop the skills, templates, and other habits.

Once you feel that you've reached the plateau, shift the gear and pump those numbers up!

I had a period where I was posting 2 freaking posts per day, which is something I don't recommend if you're in this for the long term.

In other words, you don't want to experience burnout.

Keep it balanced but consistent.

Don't skip days. A consistent posting schedule is a KEY to success, trust me.

Here's a post where I share my results after one year of blogging and 200 posts in a tough niche.

The SECRET KEY to Success With Wealthy Affiliate!

You Don't Have To Be A Writer To Succeed With Wealthy Affiliate!

Scale And Optimize Your Business

After a year, you should be having an established online business that cries for expansion.

You should have at least 100-200 posts. At least 20% or more of these posts should be getting you traffic and sales.

And once you have traffic and sales, you can scale and optimize.

For example, you could write another 100-200 posts :) Actually, I highly recommend you do so!

As for optimization, in the second year, you should start frequently updating your old posts.

See, a blog post has a lifespan in Google. It may reach its peak ranking, stay there for a few months and then just drop and disappear.

This is the moment where you MUST start optimizing your site and posts.

I learned about this from Neil Patel. He swears that updating old posts is his #1 SEO tactic.

I tried it, and he's right!

You can take a look at this post where I share my formula for updating the old blog posts, and make sure to USE IT.

Update Your Old Content For Better SEO - Get More Traffic!

There you have it guys!

This is roughly the formula I've used, and still use, to grow and maintain my online business.

Most importantly, I strongly suggest you use this formula as well.

You'll thank yourself this time next year for taking my advice :)

One Year Is All You Need!

People underestimate the power of one year.

It is a relatively short time when you consider an average human life span. But a LOT OF WORK can be done in just one year.

When you do nothing with your life, it seems like a short time, and it's rather sad when a year goes by and you find yourself still in the same place.

But when you're busy doing something awesome like building an online business, time seems to disappear and when one year goes by and you look back and see that you've done something constructive with it, you feel great!

You can change your WHOLE LIFE in just one year!

And all you have to do then is bring the same energy into the next one and the next one and the next one and soon enough, you could live an entirely different life a few years from now.

Just imagine your life five years from now.

Can you see yourself as a successful online business owner?

I know you can! So go to work now and don't stop until you get there!

Your friend,

Ivan :)

PS: If you're ready to invest a whole year to build a successful online business with Wealthy Affiliate, I strongly suggest upgrading your membership to Yearly billing.


Well, once you do so, your mind will be free to focus on building your business. Also, you will make a strong commitment to actually finish what you have started paid for it!

That's exactly what I've done a few years ago, and it was one of my best business decisions.

Click Here To Switch To Yearly Membership

To your success!

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Gratulálok Iván!
Tökéletesen igazad van Ha az életük hosszát nézzük akkor átlagosan 70 év, és ha ebből a 45éves munkaviszonyt vesszük figyelembe akkor az az 1-2-3 év amit javasolsz nem nagy meg eröltetés. Viszont a 45éves munkaviszonyból megtermelt munkabérből kell meg élned, és fent tartani a családod az ajánlatod szerint 1-3 évi munka jövedelméből meg alapozhatod az egész jövődet.Szerintem át kell gondolni,hogy melyik megoldás előnyösebb,és az élet minőségére melyik tevékenység van jobb hatással. Mégegyszer Gratulálok!

Thanks! This is a great opportunity to invest time, work, and some money that will in turn produce a passive income that could even replace your job!

Thanks again (read your WA posts last night (23.00 hrs) & commenting now)!

I am going to follow your valuable advice to the letter. Prepared my content, earnings, sessions goals.

I am taking advantage of November & December 2021. So 14 months!

One of the main goals is to qualify for the Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference and meet you in 2023.

Best of luck Paul! I'm looking forward to meeting you in Vegas in person :)


Ivan, I’m glad I clicked this post of yours. Yes, I’m one of those smart cookies who does dumb things. Like not posting consistently. I’ve resumed doing that after a lot of wasted time.

I leaned something new too. My mentor here has told me not to spend time on old posts and focus on writing new ones. Perhaps it was when I had 50 posts. I now have 110 so it makes sense to refine my old posts. When I look at them I cringe. So many SEO errors. But they do have merit and I will do what you advise.

Thanks for your inspiration Ivan.



I agree with your mentor. When you are building, you should focus on building. Time for optimisation of old posts comes after 200+ posts according to SEO experts.

Hello Ivan,

I am so glad you put this into perspective for me. I will press on writing new posts until I hit 200 before worrying about updating old posts. Many thanks for your insights and happy that my mentor gave me good advice. He happens to be Tim McKinlay who recruited me into WA.



I haven't met Tim personally yet, but I have learned a lot from him as well. I'm glad to hear that you are in good hands :)

Great post Ivan. I agree with every word. I started my blog at the during our first lockdown at the end of March 2020, so I am coming to the end of myfirst year without making a penny.

Since the beginning of January my energies have been diverted from writing posts to establishing a presence on Pinterest where I now have 40 boards. Just about to return to my blog, update my previous posts and resume writing more posts. Hopefully success is just around the corner.....your post has fired me with renewed energy...thank you.

You're welcome. I'm glad to hear it. The key to success and earning revenue is consistency. I spent one year consistently publishing at least 2-3 posts on my website and it resulted in traffic and revenue as shown in this post: Just keep publishing great posts consistently and you will get there eventually :) Best of luck!

I finally got a chance to sit down and read your post through. I found very inspiring and motivating.
I have just reached my one year anniversary here at WA and consistant posts have been my true challenge this past year.
I thought I had chosen a niche that I could write about for awhile, then found myself stuck.
How on earth do you write 100-200 posts on one narrowed down niche?
This seems to be the nagging question I keep rolling over in my head.

Hey, Annette. I'm glad :) and congratulations on making it through the first year! The first one is the hardest one.

In my experience, the key to fast and effective writing is in the organization. Here's a post where I share my steps for writing more and faster: I was mainly focused on product reviews. But I'd have done the same with all other types of posts and keywords.

I hope this helps :) Best of luck!

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