You Don't Have To Be A Writer To Succeed With Wealthy Affiliate!

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Hey guys and gals! I hope you're having a great Sunday! :)

Have you ever thought that you have to be a writer to succeed with affiliate marketing and Wealthy Affiliate?

If you have, then you're wrong!

As you probably know by now, Wealthy Affiliate is teaching how to create a blog and how to write content to get free traffic from Google.

This is the best thing you'll ever learn, by the way.

Now, this step is the point where people usually realize that they are not writers, and most of them give up on a fantastic opportunity to make money online.

If you have the same doubts, listen to this short story.

I'm from Croatia. My native language is NOT English. I had the worst grades in grammar in school. I hated book reports and have never written anything in my life!

I suck writing in my native language, and my written English was/is not that good either. LOL

And yet, after a few months of practising on what I got from Kyle's training, I was getting pretty good at it. And then, something AMAZING happened!

Even though my writing was terrible, Google gave me 1st-page ranking for one of my posts!

I was shocked! I couldn't believe what just happened. And yet, there it was :) my own blog post sitting at the top of Google getting me traffic to my brand new website. :D

That was the moment I realized that ANYONE could succeed with this program. In other words, you don't have to be a writer to have a successful blog/affiliate website.

All you have to do is follow the training and do whatever Kyle tells you to do.

Trust me. This guy knows his stuff :)

To finish my story. I joined WA three years ago with almost zero skills except a few I picked up from subpar courses I took before joining WA.

Today, I have a website that gets 1000's of clicks per month. Against all odds (my personal doubts), I managed to rank 100's of posts on the 1st page of Google.

And I've earned $1000's so far all thanks to the decision not to give up just because I was not a writer...

See, you don't have to be a writer to become a successful affiliate marketing.

In fact, no one is a born writer...It is something you become along the way.

All you have to do is get the ball rolling. Eventually, you will get better and better and better with every new letter that you put on that paper (screen).

So if you were having any doubts about this matter, rest assured, if I can do so can you!

All you have to do is keep moving forward and never give up! That's the whole science behind success.

That is it for today, no more stories :)

I hope the new year is treating you well so far. Wishing you all much health, wealthy, and happiness and may you become a pro blogger by this time next year!

Have a nice one!

Your friend,

Ivan :)

PS: Learn How To Become Better And Faster Writer In 5 Steps

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Recent Comments


This is so true Ivan, I myself thought I could not write anything, I never did well in writing essays or book reports in school either, but while I have not made much money yet I can say I have gained so much knowledge I am amazed at myself. Wishing you all the best.

Practice until perfection, that's how anyone can become a good writer. In the end, it's all about communication, it just happens to be in a written form.

BEst of luck to you too! :)

I love this Ivan not everyone is a great writer , I am not as I am from a radio background but it does not mean we can't communicate. Very inspiring for people at all levels. A big congratulations on your success and hard work or should I say action taking! Brilliant... thanks for sharing, Phil

Sure thing, Phil :) It's all about communicating. Best of luck to you too!

Hi Ivan,

First off, even though within the WA community, it may have some outstanding writers, I think, your authoring is spot on. While reading, it makes a person feel as if you are sitting across the table speaking to us directly; and not us reading your written material.


Furthermore, I must commend you for your writing skills, having English as a second language; I don’t think anyone reading your material would ever guess that!

Job, well done indeed.

An exemplary stellar example for everyone that English is not their native language.

Additionally, I must agree with you that with enough continuous practice and patience backed by motivation and inspiration we can slowly begin to master things that we thought were unattainable.

Your abilities are only limited by what your mind believes is possible. By keeping an open mind you are exposing yourself to become great at any task you choose to learn.

Striving to Excel,


Hey, Calvin. Thanks a lot for your awesome comment! :)

You are quite welcome Ivan,

It is well earned and needed to a be said by someone!!

What a GREAT POST, Ivan. I like it.
Me too. English is my 2nd language, and I tried my best.
I want to become an affiliate marketer, and I want to sell.
I want to learn more with the training here of Sir Kyle, with free time. Thank you for sharing.
Happy New Year!


You're welcome, Joyce. You're in the best place to learn indeed. Best of luck and happy new year! :)

Thank you so much, Ivan :-)

Thanks for such an inspiring post Ivan! I am English, even so I didn't have a lot of confidence in my writing ability when I joined WA in May 2019. However, though not making £1000s yet, I am making sales, and getting plenty of traffic. My confidence has greatly increased after following Kyle's training. Well done on your incredible achievements, and wishing you continued success! Kathy

Thanks, Kathy, and best of luck to you too! :)

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