Two factors that interrupted my WA activities which are the internet and my health


Hello my beloved WA communities, it's been 2 weeks that I haven't participated some suggestion and answering some questions from the newbies due to this 2 reasons: 1. Is our internet connection, our internet has been cut off since September 25 due to the reason said from the PLDT that our line box has been affected from the construction of the on going constructions of the Commonwealth MRT railway and our box needs to be transfer and they are in the process of transferring it. 2. is I' ve been experiencing a Vertigo illness it has been started last saturday evening, I remembered when I slept on our sofa just a few hours rest and then when I get up to have dinner I felt my right ears have no more sound to received, its totally blocked and i can't hear if I cover my left ear and my body balancing has been affected I can not walk as normal person as I did before, so on the following day its sunday my wife assisted me consulted to ENT doctor in Medical City and we were lucky the ENT doctor was on duty and he just gave me some advices and a 2 kinds of medicines to take 2 times a day which are good for one week so until now I'm still taking the tablet which is for anti drowsy and the other is for the prevention of any blood vessels to expand.

I try to manage myself to right this blog inspite of a little drowsiness that I could still feels on my head and thanks God I was able to do this post for you my dear WA community .

Hope you're all fine stay away from bad health keep praying to our lord above.

Respectfully Yours,


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Sorry to hear about your troubles Isabelo and I hope you feel right as rain very soon my friend...

Sounds like a wax impacted ear drum. Try some warm mineral oil in that ear. Just a couple of drops. Leave in about 5 minutes then drain. Hope that helps.

Hopefully your internet gets fixed soon and I hope you feel better.


I hope they get your internet issues resolved quickly and ill be praying that your health improves!


Best wishes for you, Isabelo!

I understand how you feel about your health. I have vertigo also due to my deafness condition and my MS. I take medicine for that as well. So sorry about your Internet. Hope you are in your recovery phase and can get back to normal soon.

Prayers for your illness, Bro, and I hope your internet situation is fully rectified soon.

Happy Frisatsu, Isabelo!


Sorry to hear about your current situation, I do hope you get the results you`re looking for, and as Mel say`s, go for a second opinion and research yourself, because even doctors can get it wrong, and you may end up taking medication that does you more harm than good. Take care.

I am so sorry that you had to endure this, Isabelo. I hope you get better and rest easy.


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