A 50-50 kind of day

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So, this isn't the blog I was going to write here today. I decided it needed to be a little celebratory post instead. It is my 50th WA blog post and I have also reached the Top 50 ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

At the start of 2024 I set the intention to get back to writing WA blogs again, something I had slacked from for the past year or two, because I had been too busy writing elsewhere. I started a new website at the beginning of February and decided it was a good opportunity to track my progress and document my journey through my WA blogs.

I have never really focussed too much attention on my ranking here at Wealthy Affiliate but I log in each day and am active in the community at some point each day, usually before my morning walk. I have learnt so much from doing that over the years and really sets my days up well.

I can remember getting to #1000 in the early days and being excited at how quickly I had climbed. I think I have been in the Top 200 for a year or two now. I hadn't even realised I had made it to the Top 100 until yesterday.

The other interesting 50 fact is that on December 23rd 2023 Y started a 500 day count down to my 50th Birthday next year. This is based on 10 themes in my life and I will write 50 posts about each. The aim of this is to make it into a book and release that in celebration of my 50th Birthday. This project is progressing well.

So definitely a 50 theme surrounding me today!

As this 50th blog post goes live and I land in the Top 50, I want to say a huge thank you. It's your support that's made this journey so rewarding. I want to remind everyone, including myself, of the importance of sticking to our goals, even when the going gets tough.

There's a quote by James Clear that I find particularly fitting:

Success is the product of daily habitsโ€”not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.

It's a simple reminder that our daily efforts, no matter how small, are what lead to our biggest achievements.

Let's keep supporting each other, keep pushing through the challenges, and keep celebrating all our successes, big and small.

I'm thankful for your support and excited to see where I go from here.

Here's to more posts, more achievements, and continuing this journey.

Remember, it's the small steps, consistently taken, one day at a time.

Stay focused, keep working hard, and never give up.

Thanks for reading


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Recent Comments


TRACY~ This is excellent !
What a fun way to get that awesome 50 celebration started! Such a great idea, I hope it brings you tons of happiness to write in anticipation of this big birthday! My 50th was amazing and I wish I could do it all over again. I'll be watching for all of your awesome content !
Cheers, Stacey

Congratulations Tracy & Happy Early Birthday, welcome to the 50 club lol Iโ€™m 52 & here to let you know 50 is the new 30 ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜‚โ€ฆalso keep climbing I donโ€™t know what Top 50 exactly means just yet being that Iโ€™m still so new lol but Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s a milestone of an accomplishment, so CONGRATS again!! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Thanks, Jay. That is great to hear and I am really looking forward to being 50... but certainly making the most of my 40s in the meantime.

Ranking high at WA isn't for everyone and it hasn't been my focus or what brings in the $$$ I guess it is a recognition of my dedication to the WA platform and community.

As a newbie give all your focus on creating content for your website consistently and filter out as many distractions as you can.
Wishing you great success.

Youโ€™re very Welcome Tracy! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ & thank you for the words of wisdom in regards to moving forward in WA..I am so looking forward to achieving great success through the WA Platformโ€ฆLETโ€™S GOOOO ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Many congratulations on your 50th blogpost here Tracy and for hitting the heights of the top 50!

All the very best moving forward with your online business journey my friend! :-)

Many thanks, Nick, really appreciate your support.


You're most welcome my friend! :-)

Congratulations! Persistence pays off

Thank you Kathie.

Welcome to the Top 50, Tracy, and a pre-Happy Birthday for your 50th! I'll turn 57 in June. Come on in, the water is fine!


57 ... I can wait. ha ha.

Wow, Bux! You are younger than I am?

I was joking. Add 15 years.
Mental age, however, coming up to two and three quarters.

No way Bux! You are younger than you look!


Iโ€™ve had a hard life Jeff. To much charging about and burning up adrenaline like its going out if fashion.
Thanks for the complement, its really appreciated.

You are doing very well, Bux!


Thanks, Jeff. I am really looking forward to being 50 but it is great to hear that you recommend it๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž


It is not so bad, Tracy! Come on in--the water is fine!

Enjoy your new week!


The baby steps is what we do best.

Thanks, Stevoi, so true ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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