Think and Grow Rich!

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For years, Think and Grow Rich has been a business-building resource for my clients. I always recommend it as a place to start a business. It was also a favorite of Bob Proctor!

I have been a big fan of the motivational speaker Bob Proctor! Amongst many others I have listened to over the past forty years, Bob's teaching was unique in that he focused on a healthy mindset.

Bob Proctor (1934–2022) was a well-known self-help guru and motivational speaker, particularly famous for his work in personal development and prosperity consciousness. His teachings drew heavily on the "Law of Attraction," and he was one of the key figures featured in the popular self-help film and book The Secret. Proctor's core ideas revolved around unlocking human potential by changing deeply ingrained mental habits, often referred to as "paradigms."

As you read this, I want you to consider your mindset: your paradigm. Maybe you will share it in the comments section.

Bob Proctor's Teachings:

1. Paradigms (not a pair of dimes . . .LOL)

Definition: Proctor defined paradigms as a collection of thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions that dictate your feelings, actions, and results! These paradigms are deeply rooted and often formed from childhood experiences, societal norms, education, and cultural influences. According to Proctor, our paradigms determine nearly every aspect of our lives, from financial success to personal relationships.

Importance: He believed that paradigms operate subconsciously and control our behavior, which is why people often struggle to break out of unproductive patterns, such as financial struggles or self-sabotage, despite knowing intellectually what they should do differently.

2. Changing Your Paradigm

Mindset Shift: Proctor's teachings about changing paradigms focus on the idea that you can alter these ingrained patterns of thinking to create new outcomes in your life. He taught that you are not confined to the paradigms you grew up with or have developed over the years. By deliberately changing them, you can reprogram your mind to achieve success, health, and happiness.

Steps to Change:

Awareness: The first step is recognizing the paradigms that are limiting you. Many people operate on autopilot, unaware of how their habitual thoughts and beliefs are controlling their results.

Decision: Proctor encouraged making a firm decision to change, emphasizing the power of conscious choice in creating a new reality. He stressed the importance of setting clear, definite goals.

Affirmations and Visualization: One of the practical tools Proctor suggested for changing paradigms is the consistent use of positive affirmations and visualization. By repeating empowering statements and vividly imagining your goals, you can replace old negative thought patterns with new, productive ones.

Auto-suggestion: Proctor was a big proponent of "auto-suggestion," or the practice of suggesting to yourself, repeatedly, the ideas and beliefs you wish to adopt. This is a way to convince your subconscious mind to accept these new beliefs and eventually act on them.

Action: Another critical aspect of paradigm change, according to Proctor, is action. He believed that changing thoughts without corresponding actions would not bring the desired results. He stressed the need for persistence and faith in the process.

3. Law of Attraction

Proctor was a strong advocate of the Law of Attraction, which suggests that like attracts like. According to this concept, you attract into your life whatever you focus on most, whether it's positive or negative.

If you think about abundance and success, you’ll attract those into your life. Conversely, focusing on lack and failure will draw more of the same.

Proctor emphasized that to successfully harness the Law of Attraction, you must believe that your goals and desires are not only possible but already yours.

4. The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Proctor believed that the subconscious mind holds the key to changing your life. Since paradigms reside in the subconscious, and the subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between reality and imagination, you can "trick" it into adopting new beliefs through consistent repetition of affirmations and visualizations.

He often referenced the work of earlier thinkers like Napoleon Hill and Wallace D. Wattles (The Science of Getting Rich), arguing that you could program your subconscious for success by feeding it empowering thoughts. But I think Napoleon Hill's work was Bob's favorite.

He created a program called the Paradigm Shift, a three day program he taught in live seminars.

5. Goal Setting and Achievement

Bob Proctor was also big on the importance of setting clear, "stretch" goals. He advocated for setting goals that were so big they seemed almost impossible, pushing individuals to think beyond their current circumstances. I would say, set a goal so big that it scares you!

He taught that in order to achieve these ambitious goals, you need to get emotionally involved with them. The emotional connection to a goal, he said, would inspire the action needed to bring it to fruition.

6. Vibration and Energy

Another prominent aspect of Proctor’s teaching was the idea that everything in the universe, including thoughts, is made of energy and operates on different vibrational frequencies. He taught that in order to attract what you want, you need to align your vibration (your emotional and mental state) with the vibration of your desires.

If you're in a low vibration state (i.e., feeling fear, doubt, or worry), you're not on the same frequency as your goals and desires, making it impossible to attract them.

Shark Tank Example - Paradigm

I was watching Shark Tank many years ago when a twelve-year-old was telling the sharks about his company, Mo's Bows. He believed people still want to wear bow ties, and not just any bow ties but very bright and colorful ones.

After his presentation Mark Cuban asked Mo how did he get to be Mo. In other words how was he so driven at a young age. His response was that his Mom and Dad always support him in whatever idea he has. They told him no matter what, if his ideas excited him, they would always support him. They told him, "You can accomplish anything you want if you work hard and always trust your dreams."

You see, they granted him a very healthy paradigm that did not allow doubt or failure. How many parents do the same thing?

Today, as a young man, he has a multi-million dollar company. That's all because he had great parents who helped create a great paradigm for Mo.

How's Your Paradigm?

Do you allow people to influence your thoughts and perceptions? Do you let people crush your dream of freedom from the nine to five "Just Over Broke?" In order to change the result you need to :

- Recognize what your limiting beliefs are.

- Make a conscious choice to change what you have believed about yourself.

- Speak positive thoughts to yourself, not limiting ones: "I can succeed here at WA because I have everything I need. I will take action every day till I reach my goal!" Believe that your goal is possible and on its way to achievement!

So, what is your Paradigm? Is it serving you well or could it use a little work?

Please share your thoughts with the WA family.

Have a great day and a productive week!

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Hello Howard,

Thanks so much, I indeed know and followed Bob Proctor and his work and teachings. Bob indeed challenged the concept that we can change our paradigm.

When I was in high school, in 1986, I am not sure where but I learned about the power of affirmations and the power of repetition to memorize and enhance creative thinking,

Hence I would record my voice with solutions and answers to exam and project questions and go to sleep listening to that.

I aced my grades in Highschool.

I am huge on the power of positive energy, and that happens to be part of my tag line of my business.

I would also encourage people to think twice about what they consume on a daily basis, like TV and movies. As this can counteract on positive energy.

I think also that the word Rich can be often only looked at in terms of money, where in fact Richness can be all facets of life including health and connections.

Having all facets of life covered is my goal that is for sure and I have come back to challenging a few of my remaining paradigms.

Wishing you a wonderful mid week :)

Kind regards

Awesome! Thanks for sharing, Erica.

Yes, you are so right. Being rich can also include other things: wisdom, knowledge, happiness, family, friends, and the love of others.

You have a Blessed week as well!

Thanks so much Howard :)

You also have a blessed week


Thank you!


Think and Grow Rich takes me back to the 1980s. I liked it so much that I bought a copy for my son years later. It helped propel me into my first mom-and-pop grocery/deli business, which I sold in 2003 or '04.

Paradigm shifts are hard. As you have suggested, and as Kyle often talks about, you must take massive action and work hard not to backslide. One's original paradigm took years to ingrain. Shifting doesn't happen overnight, and you must wholeheartedly believe in the new paradigm.

...just my thoughts. I think a lot but have done little rich growing.


Hi Dave!

Amazingly, a book released in the early nineteen hundreds is so long-lasting and still applicable. The 1980s was when I was introduced to the book too.

I agree with you! Changing a poor paradigm takes much effort, but it is essential for those building businesses, whether online or offline.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Dave!

One of my favorite books!

Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Walter!

Excellent post Excellent book,which I have and still read now and then.when I do read it my life and income improves without question.

A must have for anyone

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Dave!

I agree that it's a must-have and worth re-reading! That is what Bob Proctor did every day of his life for fifty-five years.

He read the same paragraph every day, sometimes for weeks. It truly became part of his being, and he created the Paradigm Shift program.

Yeah read that long time ago in grad school it was one of the required course for introduction to marketing. Good book. I still have it. Thanks for sharing. 😀👍🏻

Thanks for stopping by, Brenda!

Wow, a grad school requirement. That's awesome. You must have attended a great school.

Yes, I did! We also had to read and play the roles of Rich Dad, Poor Dad series. Those days were fun.

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